Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 798: Undeclared War (Part 1)

The Kingdom of Fire, Daming Mansion.

 In the night, no one knew that the ruler of the Fire Country had changed from the daimyo of the Fire Country to Uchiha Fugaku of the Uchiha clan. No one even knows that the current Fire Country, Konoha Village, has been annexed by the Wave Country and has successfully entered the cross-country sphere of influence. If the Wave Country and the rain that Yahiko is crusading are included, As for the country, the cross-country forces have already unified the three countries in the ninja world, but it is far more troublesome to solve the countries behind them than to solve the country of fire through cross-country.

 Let’s talk about the Kingdom of Water first!

The Kingdom of Water has just been unified through Terumi Mei's efforts and separated from the Mist Ninja Village during the "Blood Mist" period. It gives people a feeling of being united and united. Cross-country feels like they can defeat the Mist Ninjas led by Terumi Mei. Village, there is no way to conquer the people of the Kingdom of Water. After all, Terumi Mei's "Revolutionary Army" is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Cross Country was once a member of the "Revolutionary Army". If he joins the team that conquers the Mist Ninja Village of the Kingdom of Water, , that must have filled the hearts of the citizens of the Water Country with hatred.

 The second is the Kingdom of Thunder.

The people of the Kingdom of Thunder are generally quite tough. Even the civilians in the Kingdom of Thunder are in trouble for ordinary ninjas to solve. Therefore, it is very difficult for genin to perform tasks in the Kingdom of Thunder. Genin who can go on missions are generally elite genin-level ninjas who are extremely powerful.

Under such circumstances, if Off-Road uses force to conquer the Kingdom of Thunder, there will be too many troubles in the future. If nothing else, let’s just say that the civilians of the Kingdom of Thunder organized themselves and silently fought against the off-road forces. Off-roading would be unbearable for a long time. Unless large-scale alien gods are used off-road to completely change the consciousness of all people in the Kingdom of Thunder, in that case it is still possible to quickly conquer the Kingdom of Thunder. However, if you want to use such a large range of other gods, you have to turn into the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi like Madara Six Paths, right?

 The last difficult thing to solve is the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Wind.

Among these countries, in fact, the best solution for off-roading is the Country of Wind, because the people in the Country of Wind generally have no sense of belonging. If Off-Road can bribe the people of the Country of Wind with generous supplies, in just a few years, the people of the Country of Wind will feel the changes in their lives and be able to perfectly integrate into Off-Road's sphere of influence.

But just like Off-Road cannot go to conquer the Kingdom of Water, Off-Road has a very good relationship with most people in the Kingdom of Wind. If they go to conquer rashly, it will only have the opposite effect.

It’s a country of earth.

 After thinking about cross-country for a long time, I finally felt that the Kingdom of Earth is a more suitable country for conquest.

 Because, the Iwa Ninja Village of the Earth Kingdom and Cross Country have a hatred. The relationship between Cross Country and the Third Tsuchikage is that they are collaborators now, but they may fall out and become enemies at any time, right?

Besides, the geographical environment of the Kingdom of Earth is very good, and it happens to be bordering the Kingdom of Rain. If you lead your troops cross-country, you can help Yahiko solve the problem of the Kingdom of Rain first, and then complete the tasks of the Kingdom of Earth. strategy.

It is also because of this that when Cross Country feels that the Kingdom of Earth is a very good goal and is determined to start the journey to the Kingdom of Earth starting tomorrow, his hands suddenly come together. In this way, Cross Country uses this method to imprint his own Yin Escape. The spiritual energy is perfectly condensed together. Immediately afterwards, relying on the method of locking the breath, Cross Country surprisingly sent his breath to the Fourth Hokage, Shikaku, Choza, and Haiichi who were far away in Konoha Village, plus Uchiha Fugaku, Shisui, and Itachi in the Daming Mansion. God, and Yahiko's aura far away in the Land of Rain, are all connected together.

 When the breaths were connected, Cross Country took a gentle breath and said:

“It’s still a bit troublesome to complete spiritual communication over such a long distance. Can everyone hear me when I speak now?”

 “Huh? Is it off-road?”

 The first person to sigh was Hai Yi, who was also proficient in Yin Escape.

When he knew that cross-country was about crossing national borders and exerting the mystery of spiritual communication, Haiyi showed a shocked look at first, and then murmured: "cross-country, your Yin Escape skills are probably unrivaled in the world, at such a long distance Under such circumstances, being able to communicate spiritually without any auxiliary equipment is really... amazing! ”

 “Now is not the time to say that, Haiyi.”

As soon as Hai finished speaking, Lu Jiu smiled proudly and said, "If you want to communicate with us off-road, there must be something important. Off-road, let's talk about what you want to accomplish first."

 “Well, okay, Uncle Lujiu.”

Nodding, Cross Country said: "Now Mr. Minato basically controls the power of Konoha Village, and with the assistance of Uncle Shikaku, Uncle Haiichi, and Uncle Choza, I think the reconstruction of Konoha Village can take at most one year. Completed. In the Daimyo Mansion of the Country of Fire, I have replaced the Daimyo of the Country of Fire and become the ruler of the Country of Fire. Therefore, the current Konoha Village is like our Country of Waves. Now that we are completely in control, if we need to deal with anything, just like we did in the Country of Waves.”

“Yahiko, how are you doing in the Land of Rain?”

 “Are the remnants of the Akatsuki organization troublesome?”

Listening to Cross Country's question, Yahiko took a deep breath and said, "Xu Cross Country, the situation in the Country of Rain is very troublesome. I'm afraid I need your and Shisui's help."

 “Hmm? Do you need me?”

Shisui raised his eyebrows and asked, "Lord Yahiko, what happened?"

 “The people in the Kingdom of Rain are all”

“Everyone has been brainwashed!”

With a faint bitter smile on his lips, Yahiko sighed silently and said: "When I first returned to the Country of Rain, I felt that the situation in the Country of Rain was not good. Now I finally know why I have that kind of situation. It feels bad. It turns out that the people in the Kingdom of Rain are now very fanatical believers of the "Akatsuki" organization. This is what caught my attention. Even though most people feel that the "Akatsuki" organization is right, they are still fanatical. There can’t be that many believers, right?”

"So, after I captured a few people from the Kingdom of Rain, I started to observe their situation using secret techniques. Gradually, I discovered that there was a terrifying guy who used secret techniques to tamper with the lives of these people from the Kingdom of Rain. Think, let them be loyal to "Akatsuki" and that terrifying guy. If you want to solve this secret technique, I'm afraid only the two of you will go to the Kingdom of Rain."

“It’s also because of this that I haven’t been able to successfully take down the Kingdom of Rain for the time being, and I’ve wasted so much time. It’s really.”

 “I’m so sorry!”

 “Yahiko, you don’t need to apologize.”

After Yahiko finished speaking, the Fourth Hokage wanted to go and pat Yahiko on the shoulder to comfort his senior brother.

However, in the spiritual communication of Cross-country, the Fourth Hokage was unable to do this. Immediately, the Fourth Hokage said to Cross-country: "Off-road, since the situation at Yahiko is not good, it depends on you and Shisui. "

 “Yeah, no problem.”

He smiled casually, and wanted to know what kind of terrifying person the person who brainwashed the people of the Country of Rain was, and what his identity was.

So, when Cross Country finished saying this, the spiritual communication was broken, and Cross Country came to Zhisui and said with a smile:

 “Shisui, we have to form a team again to carry out the mission.”


 “Let’s go!”

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