Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 80: Leap of Progress (Part 2)


 “Cross-country, use all your strength, let your horse come over!”

Seeing that the cross-country was ready, the Fourth Hokage smiled slightly, but in fact he did not take the cross-country's strength to heart.

 That’s right.

No matter how powerful the Fourth Hokage was, how could he imagine that when Cross Country had previously concentrated the Rasengan, he had used the accelerated training effect of the APP to instantly complete the Wind Release and Rasen Shuriken techniques, as well as throwing Wind Release ·What about training in the art of spiral shuriken?

Moreover, after completing the training of Rasengan's two advanced ninjutsu, his cross-country chakra control ability has almost "qualitative" changed, and he has made a breakthrough in the understanding of wind attribute chakra, and his strength has gone from half-step to jounin level. After leaping to the true Jonin level, the speed of progress can be described as riding on a rocket!

So, when Cross Country noticed the indifference of the Fourth Hokage, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he took out a kunai from the ninja bag and held it tightly in his hand.

At this moment, while Cross Country is thinking about shocking the Fourth Hokage, he also hopes to see the gap between himself and a true shadow-level powerhouse!

 The next second, when Off-Road's wind perception, coupled with the perception of spiritual energy, is completely locked on the Fourth Hokage, the contest between Off-Road and the Fourth Hokage is about to break out!

 “Wind’s instant body!”


 There is no doubt that cross-country at this stage is a leap in strength, but what he is really good at is still the many secret techniques he has mastered from the Fourth Hokage's secret technique scrolls.

If you just use the secret technique of the Nara clan, it will be difficult to maintain the strength of a half-step jounin, let alone the current jounin strength, even in cross-country. Therefore, after the breakthrough in the change in the nature of wind attribute chakra, the cross-country combat method changed from the ordinary Nara clan ninjutsu to the fourth generation Hokage's combat method.

The battle with the Fourth Hokage had just begun. The chakra under his feet exploded. Without any hesitation, he struck in front of the Fourth Hokage with a flash of wind.

On the contrary, the Fourth Hokage first felt the traces of wind perception from the cross-country body, and then saw that the cross-country used his signature wind teleportation, and the pupils in his eyes tightened slightly!

“Is that my wind sense? Is it so good for off-roading?”

“And not only the perception of wind, but also the teleportation of wind?”

 “You can’t underestimate the little devil nowadays!”

The Fourth Hokage was really surprised to find that Cross Country used his own secret technique so well.

Especially the skillful movements of Cross Country and the skillful way of bursting chakra, which made the Fourth Hokage secretly astonished and secretly admired the talent of Cross Country.

It was also because Cross Country used the Fourth Hokage's secret technique so skillfully and with a vague sense of grasping the essence that the Fourth Hokage became serious in the first round of the battle with Cross Country.

 He also held his own specially made kunai in his hand. The Fourth Hokage frowned and felt it, and then he found the figure using the Wind Shun Shen off-road, and attacked him in front of him.

 However, even if the Fourth Hokage's perception can keep up, the Fourth Hokage's body cannot keep up!

 At the beginning of the fight, the Fourth Hokage underestimated cross-country.

At this time, Cross Country has seized the opportunity, how could it be so easy to give the Fourth Hokage a chance to make a comeback?

  Showing off the strength of a Jonin, even if the body that has just recovered is a little burdened, he must do his best to defeat the Fourth Hokage in cross-country!

Therefore, just when the Fourth Hokage held the special kunai and was about to block the kunai that was coming straight from the crossroads, the crossroads who suddenly appeared in front of the fourth Hokage sneered, and the kunai in his hand was actually hit by four The moment the Hokage blocked it, he condensed the Rasengan with his left hand and pushed it straight into the abdomen of the Fourth Hokage!




A blue light shone out, and even the Fourth Hokage's eyes showed a hint of surprise!

“You are so proficient in using the off-road Rasengan?”

 “If you underestimate off-roading, you will definitely suffer a loss!”

“But in cross-country, it’s impossible to defeat me like this!”

 “Wind’s instant body!”


 On the one hand, it is an amazing off-road use of the Rasengan, and on the other hand, it shows a serious attitude.

 The Fourth Hokage deserves to be the Fourth Hokage, and he deserves to be a shadow-level powerhouse in the ninja world.

Possibly, the cross-country show of Jōnin-level strength put the Fourth Hokage at a disadvantage in the encounter. However, the secret techniques used by Cross Country were all taught by the Fourth Hokage, and the Fourth Hokage could crush Cross Country in terms of strength. How could he lose to Cross Country in just one round of fighting?

 So, when the Fourth Hokage became completely serious, he successfully avoided the cross-country Rasengan by just using a teleportation technique.

 The next second, when the Fourth Hokage's teleportation technique was completed, Cross Country saw a flash of golden light, and the figure of the Fourth Hokage followed the sense of wind and quickly appeared behind Cross Country!

"So fast!"

“It’s the same as the Wind Shunken. My Wind Shunken is a buyer’s show. Minato-sensei’s Wind Shunken is the real seller’s show!”

 “Damn it!”

“Even if the wind sense can sense the presence of Minato-sensei, the body cannot keep up with Minato-sensei’s speed!”

 “There’s no other way! We can only use the shadow clone technique!”

  Secretly exclaimed, there is no other way to go off-road, the only way is to form seals with both hands, and use the shadow clone technique directly!


The sudden erection of the shadow undoubtedly assisted the cross-country defense against the Fourth Hokage's attack. The magical effect of the shadow clone technique even more amazed the Fourth Hokage.

 But don’t forget that the battle between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage only lasted for two or three rounds!

 In the two or three rounds of fighting, the Fourth Hokage initially underestimated his cross-country strength and was at a disadvantage. Who would have thought that it only took one round for the Fourth Hokage to reverse the disadvantage with an ordinary wind teleportation, and even put the cross-country into a difficult situation.

Under such circumstances, off-road could only feel bitter secretly in his heart, thinking that the gap between him and the Fourth Hokage was too big.

 Furthermore, in the following rounds of fighting, the Fourth Hokage deliberately slowed down the pace, which gradually exposed several fatal problems in cross-country!

There is no doubt that Cross Country does have Jonin-level strength, and even the Fourth Hokage would admit it.

 But whether it is the use of "jutsu" or the experience of fighting, the cross-country that has just entered the Jonin stage is far behind compared with the Jonin.

Even if he does not use Kage-level strength, but uses Elite Chunin-level strength, the Fourth Hokage can crush cross-country in some aspects with his outstanding experience. Off-road is also not a fool. Seeing the Fourth Hokage deliberately slowing down the pace, he must be following the Fourth Hokage's rhythm and silently comprehending the Fourth Hokage's teachings.

 One is a strong and experienced teacher.

 One is a talented and intelligent apprentice.

With the painstaking teachings of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country's diligence and studiousness may not have made any progress in strength, but for some reason, Cross Country felt much more relaxed when fighting against the Fourth Hokage. Even under the new round of attacks, the cross-country Wind Shuttle was able to keep up with the fourth generation Hokage's deliberately slowed down speed!

 Such progress, even off-roaders couldn't help but secretly admire when fighting against the Fourth Hokage:

 "Minato-sensei, you are really amazing!"

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