Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 708: Danzo's Eyes (Part 2)

 “White eyes!”



 It is hard to imagine that Shimura Danzo was able to skillfully use the Byakugan just after he had been transplanted from Hinata Hiashi. The veins around the eye sockets are slightly raised. At the moment when the Byakugan is used, Danzo Shimura does not have any hindrance and directly uses the ability of Hinata Hinata's Byakugan. Maybe this is related to the cells of the first Hokage, more likely it is Shimura Danzo must have started preparing for himself to be able to fuse Hinata and Hinashi's Byakugan early!

Soon, when Danzo Shimura's Byakugan opened, facing Uchiha Fugaku's attack, and suddenly used the starting style of the Hyuga clan's soft fist, the answer was slowly revealed!

 That’s right!

Shimura Danzo is able to use the Byakugan skillfully. It is not because of the cells of the first Hokage, but because Shimura Danzo has long had the idea of ​​transplanting the Byakugan!

 Even before depriving Hinata and Hinata of his Byakugan, Danzo Shimura had become familiar with the Byakugan early.

 And those familiar white eyes of his, needless to say, are naturally those of Hinata Hizashi!

By the same token, you can use the soft fist of the Hyuga clan. Shimura Danzo’s soft fist was also taught by Hyuga Hizashi. With the transplantation of cells from the first Hokage, the body contained terrifying physical energy. Now facing the invasion of Uchiha Fugaku, Shimura Danzo exploded the chakra in his body. At the moment when Uchiha Fugaku invaded, it was Dodged Uchiha Fugaku's attack. Moreover, it was precisely when the figure of Uchiha Fugaku and the figure of Danzo from the **** village passed by.


 A soft fist landed **** Uchiha Fugaku's body.

It was just a round of confrontation. Shimura Danzo, who mastered the Byakugan and used the soft fist, gave a severe lesson to Uchiha Fugaku, who had awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan.

But just when Shimura Danzo thought that Uchiha Fugaku was traumatized and that failure was imminent, Uchiha Fugaku, who suddenly suffered a serious injury, smiled slightly. Instead, Shimura Danzo felt a strange energy, which was shrouded in around oneself.

 “Is it Izanagi?”

 There is no doubt that it is Izanagi!

But it is not the Izanagi used by Uchiha Fugaku, but the Izanagi used by the Uchiha clan.

During the Warring States Period, Izanagi was widely used, otherwise how could the Uchiha clan be the strongest family. With Izanagi's ability, the Uchiha clan defeated countless families. Now, even if the Uchiha clan does not have the glory it once had, when countless Uchiha clan ninjas gather together, they are still a very terrifying force.

 Because you don’t know which ninja of the Uchiha clan will suddenly use Izanagi to change the situation of the ninja world.

Similarly, you don’t know which ninja of the Uchiha clan can suddenly use Izanami to imprison a strong enemy.

At this moment, using the Sharingan of a member of the Uchiha Clan's guard team under his command, Izanagi was successfully cast. The injuries on Uchiha Fugaku's body completely disappeared. Instead, a bone-deep wound appeared on Shimura Danzo's body. scars.

  But under normal circumstances, this scar would be enough to cause Shimura Danzo to be seriously injured.

 However, Shimura Danzo's current situation is no longer normal.

Therefore, when the scar appeared on Shimura Danzo's chest, steam slowly emerged from the wound. Under the shocked eyes of Kaiichi, Choza, Shikaku, and Uchiha Fugaku, the scar on Shimura Danzo's body The injury was restored to its original state in an instant!

 That is the power transplanted from the first generation Hokage cells!

This is also a power that Shimura Danzo was unable to master in the original Naruto novel, which is the terrifying healing ability of the first Hokage!

Didn’t Master Ban say that?

  When the first Hokage was fighting, he could heal his injuries on his own without forming seals. Is this the most terrifying medical ninjutsu in the ninja world?

   Tsunade Hime’s creation of the regeneration series of ninjutsu must have been developed based on the abilities of her grandfather, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama. Unfortunately, Tsunade Hime has never reached the height of the First Hokage. Only Madara, who transplanted the power of the First Hokage in the original Hokage, once again showed the terror of that power in front of all the ninjas in the ninja world.

Now, it is not Madara, but Shimura Danzo, showing this terrifying power towards Shikaku, Haiichi, Dingza, and Uchiha Fugaku.

 For a time, when Shikaku, Haiichi, Choza, and Uchiha Fugaku faced Shimura Danzo, they suddenly discovered that the abilities Shimura Danzo mastered were very terrifying abilities. Needless to say, the cells of the first Hokage only gave Shimura Danzo the ability to heal himself, but it made Uchiha Fugaku, Shikaku, Haiichi, and Choza feel very troublesome.

 In addition to the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan and the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

When Shimura Danzo invaded again, Uchiha Fugaku, his enemy, suddenly found that he had a feeling that he had no way to start. And this feeling was also filled in the hearts of Shikaku, Haiichi, Dingza and others, so when he watched Shimura Danzo invade, Uchiha Fugaku, who had the Mangekyo Sharingan, actually did not only avoid it, There is no possibility of attack at all!

 Is it really true that the Mangekyō Sharingan is weak?

 No, it’s not.

But it's Uchiha Fugaku who completely failed to show off the power of his Mangekyō Sharingan!

Having been in a high position for a long time, Uchiha Fugaku's strength has been declining. Even with the Mangekyou Sharingan, Uchiha Fugaku's combat power cannot match that of Itachi God and Shisui, just because he is the leader of the Uchiha clan. He is always protected by members of the Uchiha clan's security force, and he has no chance to practice or participate in battles on weekdays. How can Fugaku Uchiha be the opponent of Shimura Danzo now?

But just when Shimura Danzo's soft fist attacked again, Uchiha Fugaku felt that he was about to be injured again, and was about to let his Uchiha clan guard ninja use Izanagi again.



A figure suddenly appeared in front of Shimura Danzo, and with just one punch, he knocked Shimura Danzo to the ground!

who is it?

Shimura Danzo, who possesses the first-generation Hokage cells, Byakugan, and Sharingan, is a true Kage-level powerhouse. Now, he was knocked down to the ground by a fierce punch. With the recovery ability of the first Hokage's cells, he couldn't stand up for a long time. Could it be that the Itachi God of the Uchiha clan, Shisui, came to cooperate? , are you ready to deal with Danzo Shimura first?


Of course it’s negative!

 Because, the current Itachi God, Shisui, is outside resisting the fierce power of "fierce", Kakashi, Hyuga Hizashi and others. Therefore, the person who came to give Shimura Danzo a hard punch must not be Itachi God, Shisui.

Who was the person who punched Danzo Shimura?

that person.

 In fact, he is the shadow mage of the ninja world and the Nara clan's off-roader!

Knowing what was likely to happen in Konoha Village, the cross-country at this time was just as he thought. He quickly eliminated the Third Hokage and soon arrived inside the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, when he just returned to the Uchiha clan, Cross Country discovered a very strange chakra aura.

It's just that he didn't even expect that the strange chakra aura was spreading along Danzo Shimura in front of him!

  “I just finished dealing with the Third Hokage, and I found a guy who must be dealt with.”

 “Danzo, I have a question for you.”

 “That’s the problem”

 “How does it feel to be a monster, okay?”

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