Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 689: Immortal transformation (middle)


“Is it the ghost light and water moon in the original Naruto novel?”

 There is no doubt that Orochimaru's curse seal is still in the experimental stage, and the kid from the Oniden clan in front of Cross Country is the Oniden Suigetsu in the original Naruto novel, and is one of Orochimaru's experimental subjects.

 Perhaps, Orochimaru's experimental product is not just Kiden Suigetsu.

It’s just that the cursed seal experimental product in front of Cross Country is only the legacy of the Ghost Lantern clan, the Ghost Lantern Suigetsu in the original Naruto novel.

Listening to Orochimaru's exclamation, knowing that the legacy of the Oniden clan in front of him was the Oniden Suigetsu in the original Naruto novel, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly lamented that none of the elites in the original Naruto story could be missing. I originally thought that all the Gui Deng clan had been wiped out, and Gui Deng Shuiyue would disappear into the long river of history.

 I never thought that Orochimaru still saved Kito Suigetsu, but now Kito Suigetsu is not in very good condition.

Almost at the moment when Kiden Suigetsu lost control due to the curse seal, Cross Country used Kagura's Heart Eye and began to observe the situation inside Kiden Suigetsu's body.

specific sitiuation.


 That’s right, it’s very interesting.

When Yue Yue used Kagura's inner eye to begin to peer into Kiden Suigetsu's body, he could clearly see that a mysterious and terrifying energy followed the curse mark on Kiden Suigetsu's neck and gradually entered Kiden Suigetsu's body. In his body, Gui Deng Shuiyue's body began to be transformed.

That mysterious and terrifying energy, needless to say, must be natural energy.

Based on what he knew from the original Naruto novel, Cross Country stared at the black runes that began to spread all over Suigetsu's body, and secretly thought in his heart: "Orochimaru in the original Naruto novel created two types of curse seals. The pillars, the Heaven's Curse Seal used by Anko and others, and the Earth's Curse Seal used by the five sound ninjas."

"If I guess correctly, the Earth Curse Seal was created mainly because not everyone can use the Heaven Curse Seal. Planting the Curse Seal is a very dangerous method. Zhongwu can absorb natural energy and form a curse seal. Transformation into a sage, but when transforming into a sage, one has to face the situation of mental loss. In the original book of Naruto, when the two pillars used the curse seal, there were many dangers, so Orochimaru reduced the curse seal, and ordinary experimenters were able to use it. What Orochimaru uses is a reduced version of the Earth Curse Seal."

"However, at this stage, Kito Suigetsu is probably using the Curse Seal of Heaven! After all, Orochimaru wants to perfectly copy Jugo's power, and it is impossible to make a reduced version during the initial experiment. Moreover, the current Heaven I'm afraid the curse seals are not divided into the form of curse seal one and curse seal two like in the original book of Naruto."

  “That is to say.”

"It's possible that the ghost in front of me died because of the curse seal?"

“Unless Gui Deng Shui Yue can have the same tough physique as Zhongwu, and gradually become familiar with that terrifying and amazing natural energy!”

 Sighing silently, in the cross-country thinking, even though Kiden Suigetsu's talent in the original Naruto novel is amazing, it is still impossible to perfectly master the power of the curse seal.

Just as Cross Country thought, under the impact of natural energy, Gui Deng Shuiyue's body soon began to change.

 At the beginning, it was just a black rune on the neck, with the tendency to spread all over the body. However, as time went by, just a few seconds later, Cross Country found that Gui Deng Shuiyue's skin color began to change. The natural energy that filled Gui Deng Shuiyue's body suddenly began to change.

 It was impressively attached to every cell in Gui Deng Shuiyue’s body!

Seeing that Oni Deng Suigetsu began to look less human and less like ghosts, and his face began to become ferocious, Orochimaru's snake eyes shone with a strange light. Obviously he didn't want his experiment to fail, or that It was like losing a perfect experiment like Gui Deng Shui Yue in front of him. Instead, he went off-road. When he saw the physical changes of Suigetsu, he was silently shocked by Suigetsu's physical talent. It was indeed beyond the reach of ordinary ninjas.

 Because, ordinary ninjas would probably die directly under the suppression of such terrifying natural energy.

On the contrary, the ghostly light Suigetsu in front of the cross-country was actually able to complete the transformation of the second curse seal, which is the immortal transformation mastered by Juugo in the original Naruto novel. It is already very powerful.


 The human body still has a limit, and Gui Deng Shui Yue is just a child.

 As his body expanded, Gui Deng Shuiyue's body began to liquefy.

That is the blood inheritance limit of the Ghost Lantern Clan!

It is also the innate ability of the Ghost Lantern clan!


 The art of hydration!

 The body suddenly turned into liquid, and then slowly reassembled with the fluctuation of natural energy. The body collapsed again and again, and was reorganized again and again. The natural energy in the little Gui Deng Suiyue's body would soon break through the blood inheritance limit of Gui Deng Suiyue's Gui Deng clan, and the water transformation technique that could create another kind of immortality.

And every time the body breaks apart and uses the hydration technique unconsciously to reassemble the body, even though Gui Deng Shuiyue's body strength increases little by little, it's like practicing the Yang Escape Secret Technique cross-country. . However, now that Onito Suigetsu's limit has been reached, he has already given Orochimaru a lot of surprises, so...

In Orochimaru's mind, even if Kito Suigetsu dies, the experiment will still be valuable.

But just when Orochimaru began to feel that Kito Suigetsu in front of him was bound to die, suddenly a cross-country figure appeared in front of Kito Suigetsu.

 Due to the impact of natural energy, Gui Deng Shuiyue's mental state was very bad.

When he saw the off-road approaching, Gui Deng Shuiyue's first thought was to attack the off-road. Unfortunately, he was just a kid, how could he hurt the off-road?

 The next second.

Orochimaru saw that Cross Country had grabbed Kito Suigetsu's body fiercely, and immediately used the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand to begin to absorb the natural energy in Kito Suigetsu's body!

 Obviously, even if Orochimaru cannot see the flow of natural energy, as a shadow-level powerhouse and a top scientist in the Naruto world, how could Orochimaru not understand that off-roading is depriving Onito Suigetsu of his power?

Especially when Off-Road used mental energy to control the natural energy in Suigetsu's body and slowly transported the natural energy back to his own body, Orochimaru could clearly see that Off-Road's fair complexion was changing little by little. Hei, on the contrary, is the ghost in front of the cross country. His facial features are actually from the state of Curse Seal 2, to the state of Curse Seal 1, and then gradually return to the normal form!

At this time, the action of off-roading to absorb natural energy surprisingly saved the ghost lamp Suigetsu, not to mention the genius of the ghost lamp clan in the original Naruto novel.

 Follow up!


 A majestic momentum spread into Orochimaru's perception along the cross-country direction.

At this moment, the shadow mage in the ninja world, Nara Cross Country, actually successfully completed the immortal transformation by relying on the natural energy filled in the body of Kito Suigetsu!

"That is."

 “Is that Chonggo’s state?”

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