Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 626: I am Mizukage (Part 2)

 “Master Ban, I seem to understand.”

"Why did you leave only Lin in the Mist Ninja Village? It turns out that Lin actually holds a secret weapon to restrain me!"

It was just a brief panic. Cross Country, who had successfully practiced the secret art of Yin Escape, regained his composure.

Because, when Cross Country used his own power to invade Lin's spiritual energy and began to sense the surrounding situation, Cross Country knew the reason why he was lost. Speaking of it, it's actually very simple. Lin just used her own spiritual energy to make a cage. She wanted to use Cross Country to borrow the Yin Escape brand to seal the Erwei You Brigade. The ability of the Devil Sea God of the Sea was to seal Cross Country's consciousness and let him Forever imprisoned in Lin's spiritual energy.

Even if he could escape from the trap in the future, his body would have been destroyed by Lin, or rather Madara.

 What kind of secret technique is it mainly used to restrain off-road ability?

 There is no doubt that it is the ability to restrain the off-road devouring other people's mental energy and become stronger step by step.

In the tragedy that stained the Daming Mansion, Madara must have obtained certain information. That information was either exposed by Orochimaru or Jiraiya. Knowing how the shadow-level warriors he created died tragically at the hands of cross-country, in order to retain the shadow-level warriors he created, Madara must find the ability to restrain those shadow-level warriors from off-road. of.

  It happened to be a cage of spiritual energy, which gave Ban Ye hope.

 So, after silently planning for Cross Country to peek into Lin's memory, Banye was suddenly planning to use Lin's spiritual energy to imprison Cross Country's consciousness, so that Cross Country's consciousness would be forever lost in Lin's spiritual energy.

However, Master Ban’s plan was good, but unfortunately he still failed to understand how terrifying the cross-country escape skills were.

 The moment he regained his composure, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 Follow up!

Just using the part of the spiritual energy that Lin had imprisoned, Cross Country once again used his Yin Escape Brand ability, the ability to devour other people's spiritual energy!

 The name is, "Beiming"!


 Once again using "Bei Ming", Cross Country relied on his own Yin Escape skills, combined with the extremely pure spiritual energy stored in the six-stage condensed Yin Escape brand, and it suddenly began to eat away at Lin's spiritual energy used to make the spiritual energy cage. If it weren't for the cross-country Yin Escape brand to be cultivated to the sixth stage of condensation, it would be impossible for the cross-country to complete the devouring of "Beiming".

 Because, Lin's spiritual energy cage is equivalent to cutting off the connection between cross-country's spiritual energy and the Yin Escape brand in his body.

Under such circumstances, the cross-country Yin Escape secret skill is equivalent to being weakened.

If it weren't for the condensed spiritual energy of the six sections of the Yin Escape Brand, which could crush Lin's spiritual energy in terms of quality, how could Cross Country successfully use the "Beiming" ability of the Yin Escape Brand?

It is estimated that off-road has just used the "Beiming" ability of Yin Escape Brand, and he will be suppressed by Lin!

it's good now.

 Six sections of condensed Yin Escape Brand store extremely high-quality spiritual energy.

So, relying on the "Beiming" ability of the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country was able to crack Lin's mental energy cage bit by bit, and even used the spiritual energy in Lin's Yin Escape Brand to replenish part of his own consumption. Moreover, soon 90% of the spiritual energy in Lin's Yin Escape Brand was devoured by Cross Country.

 The remaining 10% of mental energy can only maintain Lin's life at most.

At this moment, she had suddenly lost the power of a shadow-level powerhouse.

 After all, her mental energy is already very weak, and it is impossible to form seals to control the chakra in her body.

After Cross Country used his own counterattack to forcefully solve the trouble caused by Lin, he sighed deeply and thought about getting out of Lin's body as soon as possible. As for reading Lin's memory, Cross Country is not going to do it anymore. Who knows if Lin's memory contains Madara's hidden trump card, which can be used to kill Cross Country instantly?

  Only with the help of a helper and under absolutely foolproof circumstances, off-road can read Lin's memory again.

But who would have thought that just when the cross-country was about to leave, a different kind of spiritual energy suddenly appeared in Zi Lin's Yin Escape Brand!

 The aura of spiritual energy is impressive.

 Surprisingly, it was the Fourth Mizukage who lost his position!

 “Lost position?”

 “Are you a shadow mage?”

"How will you be here?"

Suddenly, he discovered that the weak spiritual energy of the fourth Mizukage Shicang was reflected in Lin's Yin Escape brand. Cross Country was confused at first, but soon after he understood the reason why the fourth Mizukage Shicang's spiritual energy was trapped here, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. After a moment, he said: "If I guess correctly, some people feel that you are of no use anymore, so they are ready to borrow your power to improve the strength of another potential subordinate? The reason why Lin can use your secret technique perfectly, The reason is that she sealed your spiritual energy in her own Yin Escape brand?"

“And Shicang, as a Mizukage, your attainments in spiritual energy are naturally beyond the reach of ordinary ninjas.”

“So you hid part of your remaining mental energy and barely survived, right?”

Hearing what Cross Country said, the weak Fourth Mizukage Shicang smiled helplessly and said: "You are right, Shadow Mage. It can be said that most of your guesses are correct."

"But one thing is that you were wrong. It was not Lin who kept me alive."

 “It’s the monster in that guy’s hands!”

 “The heretic golem!”

 As expected, Zabuza, a guy who doesn’t even have the courage to fight, is really a heretic demon.

 Could it be that Madara, using Nagato's Rinnegan Eyes, is already able to perfectly control the heretic demons in battle?

 Is he planning to use the heretic demon image for other purposes?

Secretly thinking to himself, Cross Country reluctantly used his own mental energy to lock on the weak mental energy of the fourth generation Mizukage Shi Cang, and asked: "Shi Cang, is there anything I can do to help you? Help you resurrect, I There is nothing you can do, after all, you have too little mental energy left. Even if I use the Yin Escape Secret Technique to help you, I can only preserve this part of your mental energy to survive. "

"So, if you have a last wish, I am willing to help you fulfill it."

 "Shikang, tell me! As Mizukage, what you are about to issue may be the last order!"

As soon as Off-road finished speaking, the fourth generation Mizukage Shikang laughed miserably.

 However, Mizukage's ability to become Mizukage depends on more than just Madara!

Because of this, when the remaining mental energy of the fourth generation Mizukage lost his position gradually turned a red color, suddenly the sound of the fourth generation Mizukage losing his position echoed in the ears of the cross country!

“You are right, Shadow Mage, I am Water Shadow!”

"Since I am the Mizukage, the last thing I have to do is to clear the last obstacle to the Mist Ninja Village!"

“I hope that after my death, our ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village can restore the brightness of the Mist Ninja Village!”

“I hope that after I die, the last thing I can do for the Mist Ninja Village is to get rid of this guy who leads the Mist Ninja Village into darkness!”

"Give me."


For a moment, listening to the fourth Mizukage's words, he vaguely understood what the fourth Mizukage wanted to do. He thought to himself that the fourth Mizukage was really crazy, and he had to stop the fourth Mizukage from dying. The madness before.


 It’s still too late!

 Because, when the fourth Mizukage's spiritual energy turned red, he cast a secret technique!



A terrifying explosion sounded, and when the cross-country will returned to his body, Lin in front of him undoubtedly disappeared in the explosion.

Furthermore, even the three-tailed Isozo clone in Lin's body disappeared with the explosion of the fourth generation Mizukage's lost warehouse!

 “Lost position, as a water shadow, you”

 “It only makes trouble!”

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