Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 563: Three generations still young (Part 1)


 The cross-country sharp spear suddenly cut off Orochimaru's arm, which made Orochimaru feel a little desperate.

,If God Itachi awakens the Mangekyō Sharingan in the future, he will also be able to restrain Orochimaru. Therefore, when they were both members of the "Akatsuki" organization in the original book of Naruto, God Itachi could brutally torture Orochimaru and force him to do so. Orochimaru defected directly to the "Akatsuki" organization.

So, when Cross Country cast the Yin Escape Secret Technique in front of Orochimaru, or used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to severely imprison Orochimaru's spiritual energy, Orochimaru felt very desperate.

 However, despair requires greater strength.

As long as he survives this time, Orochimaru is thinking about whether to study the Uzumaki clan's secret escape technique in depth.

 But just when Orochimaru was thinking that this time he would definitely fall into the hands of the Third Hokage, Danzo Shimura, a sudden change occurred!

As Xue Xue's fingers slowly landed on Orochimaru's eyebrows, Orochimaru felt a surging and comfortable energy slowly pouring into his eyebrows. Gradually, Orochimaru could clearly feel that a weakness in his body seemed to have completely disappeared.

It turns out that the off-road finger pointed at the center of Orochimaru's eyebrows, and it turned out that he used the "phaseless" ability of the Yin escape brand to once again cure Orochimaru's hidden dangers in mental energy. Moreover, when Cross Country slowly controlled his spiritual energy and wandered around in Orochimaru's alternative Yin Escape brand, Orochimaru's own spiritual energy actually slowly formed a protective film and slowly wrapped it around him. Orochimaru's alternative Yin Escape brand formed a layer of protection.

 The protective film was completely formed, and Orochimaru was stunned.

Hearing what Cross Country said with a smile, Orochimaru also raised a faint smile on his lips, and said firmly:

“Off-road, it turns out you helped me, thank you very much.”

 “No need to thank you, it’s just cooperation!”

Cross Country smiled and said: "I am a reputable person, not to mention it is not that easy to find a like-minded partner. Orochimaru, although our styles of doing things are still somewhat different, most of our ideas are the same . Besides, after working together for so long and knowing so many of your secrets, wouldn’t it be a bit of a pity if I went to help the Third Hokage? I don’t want there to be any loopholes in my training, so I need to have a clear conscience.”

“As for what I just did, let’s just say you owe me a favor!”

"Also, you don't have to be afraid of me. The layer of protection in your mental energy uses your mental energy. I didn't do anything. What's more, let me tell you a reality that makes you desperate. I want to defeat you. , There is absolutely no need to do so many unnecessary things, because I will be able to master the power of Erwei Mata immediately!"

 “Thanks to Gaara and Naruto!”

As he spoke, Cross Country raised his palm, and a blue flame suddenly appeared in it.

That is the fire of the underworld of Erwei Youlu.

Looking at the netherworld fire in the cross-country palm, Orochimaru's snake pupils shrank violently, and then a relaxed smile appeared on his face, and he asked: "Have you really mastered the power of the tailed beast perfectly? Off-road, do you know that it is very difficult to perfectly master the power of a tailed beast? Moreover, even if you master the power of a tailed beast perfectly, the hidden dangers left behind are beyond your imagination."

“Huh? Same thing, that monk seems to have done it!”

The monk is Fenfu, the original one-tailed Shukaku Jinchuuriki.

 Thinking that Fenfuku seemed to have said the same thing as Orochimaru, lying about the cross-country that he perfectly mastered the power of the Two-tailed Mata Brigade, he couldn't help but frown slightly, wondering if he really had to give up swallowing the power of the Two-tailed Mata Brigade.

 Unfortunately, the situation is very complicated and more intelligence is needed for off-roading.

 Because of this, his cooperation with Orochimaru is essential.

Immediately afterwards, after temporarily eliminating the hidden danger of Orochimaru's spiritual energy, Cross Country chatted with Orochimaru for a few more words, and saw Orochimaru slowly disappearing into the depths of the Death Forest, apparently continuing on the road to defection. . Instead, he was off-roading, watching Orochimaru's leaving figure, and suddenly used Kagura's inner eye to sense someone chasing him from behind.

 Take a closer look, what do you see off-road?

Off-road suddenly saw the Third Hokage alone, and his figure was already reflected in his eyes.

 “The Third Hokage, you are here.”

“Huh? Off-road? Are you here to chase Orochimaru?”

 “That’s right.”

 Picked up Orochimaru's broken arm on the ground. It was obviously something for cross-country travel.

Throwing his arm to the Third Hokage, Cross Country took a deep breath and said: "The Sannin is worthy of being a Sannin. I failed to stop Orochimaru, but I cut off one of his arms. Without the ability to form seals, Orochimaru must have No matter how many forbidden techniques Maru masters, if he can't form seals, he won't be able to use them in the future."

 “But Lord Third Hokage, why did you force Orochimaru to defect?”

“You should know that it is impossible for Raikage to have peace talks with our village without sufficient interests.”

“The presence of Orochimaru is a deterrent, so why do you want to force Orochimaru away?”

 “Oh, cross-country, I didn’t want to force Orochimaru away!”

Sighing deeply, the Third Hokage was already in the mood, and said with a sigh: "I asked Danzo, and he said that the main researcher of cloning technology is Orochimaru, and Orochimaru has been using ninjas in the village recently. I have to give an explanation to the ninjas in the village for doing the experiment!"

With that said, the Third Hokage glanced into the distance again, frowned slightly, and said: "Off-road, if we pursue now, we may catch up with Orochimaru. The two of us join forces, Orochimaru, who has lost an arm, will definitely not be able to resist. !”

 “Let’s go, follow me and chase Orochimaru!”

 “Yes, the Third Hokage!”

Hearing the words of the Third Hokage, Cross Country sneered secretly in his heart, and responded directly on his lips.

But just when he was following in the footsteps of the Third Hokage off-road, and was about to pretend casually, and go to chase Orochimaru, there was a sudden "bang"!

Suddenly, a figure sneaked up from the right side of the cross-country, causing a solemn look in the eyes of the cross-country.

 Immediately, using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country first prepared to use the Shadow Shield for defense. Who would have thought that the figure that attacked just used his fists to break through the shadow shield cast by the cross-country. Moreover, when Cross Country clearly saw the face of the person who attacked him, Cross Country showed a look of astonishment, and then gritted his teeth and said:

 “Damn it!”

 “You are actually planning to kill me!”

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