Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 516: Kazekage Conspiracy

 “Master Mage.”


 Listening to Cross Country's words, Yashamaru froze on the spot.

When Yashamaru came to his senses, he looked at Gaara with cautious eyes, and then asked: "Master Mage, can Gaara not hear what we are saying?"


A confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Cross Country silently circulated the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, looking very proud of himself.

There is no doubt that this is the alternative Yin Escape secret technique mastered by Cross-country Master Yin Escape Secret Technique, called spiritual space. Within the scope of the spiritual space, off-roading is equivalent to using the spiritual energy in one's own Yin Escape imprint to condense a small realm. As long as it is within the scope of the field, it is very easy for Off-Road to block some people's listening ability. What's more, Gaara is just a child and has not even practiced chakra training?

 Ninjas usually practice chakra at the age of four.

 Before the age of four, the body is not yet formed. People with outstanding mental talents, such as cross-country, can naturally practice chakra. Unfortunately, even if Gaara is extremely talented, he does not have the outstanding mental talent of Cross Country, so when Cross Country turned to Yashamaru in the blink of an eye, he had already used his mental space to block Gaara's hearing, or in other words, directly communicated with Yashamaru. There was spiritual communication.

 After getting a positive reply from Cross Country, Yashamaru undoubtedly became much more relaxed.

 In the face of off-roading, there is no need to hide the little tricks of the Fourth Kazekage. Immediately, after hesitating for a few seconds, Yashamaru said truthfully: "Mr. Master, weren't you very dissatisfied when Lord Kazekage sent ANBU to monitor Gaara? So, Lord Kazekage sent ANBU to monitor Gaara. The task was entrusted to me. After all, I am Gaara's uncle and I bear the responsibility of protecting him. It is normal for the Kazekage-sama to have such an arrangement. "

 Speaking, Yashamaru smiled bitterly again. It was obvious that he had the task of monitoring Gaara, and Yashamaru felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

 As for off-roading.

  He knew what the Fourth Kazekage was thinking, and he hoped that Gaara, who had become a war weapon, could completely obey his orders instead of those of Chiyo or Ebizo.

 Furthermore, the civil strife in Suna Ninja Village has nothing to do with off-roading. Thinking that Gaara is being monitored by Yashamaru is something that happened in the original plot. Then, Cross Country lifted the shield of the mental space, his eyes fell on Gaara again, and said with a smile: "Gaara, have you started practicing recently?"


Nodding, Gaara replied with a sweet voice: "Brother Mage, Yashamaru taught me Taijutsu, do you want to take a look?"

 “Come on, let me see it!”


Like a toy for a child to show off in front of others, Gaara began to demonstrate the Taijutsu taught by Yashamaru for the cross-country. However, it is completely impossible for a child to master profound physical skills. Even the future taijutsu master Akai was a "waste" in taijutsu when he was young, not to mention Gaara, who was not very good at taijutsu in the original plot?

 In the end, Yashamaru's teaching of Gaara's Taijutsu can only have one result, and that is the effect of strengthening the body.

 In order to make Gaara a qualified Jinchuuriki, the Fourth Kazekage really took a lot of trouble 1

  followed by.

Just when Gaara's Taijutsu had just been demonstrated, and he was thinking that Cross Country could praise him a few words, an old voice suddenly appeared in Cross Country, Yashamaru, and behind Gaara, it was this paradise. The true master of the current one-tailed Shukaku Jinchuuriki is blessed!

Although he was not able to see Gaara use Taijutsu with his own eyes like Cross Country and Yashamaru.

 But who is sharing the blessing?

 With his own perception ability, he saw through Gaara's taijutsu skills early on.

 Feeling that such a young child must undergo very strict training under the arrangements of the Fourth Kazekage, Fenfu frowned and looked at Yashamaru with unkind eyes, making Yashamaru very embarrassed.

Coincidentally, just when Fenfu was about to reprimand Yashamaru, the Fourth Kazekage took several ANBU from Suna Ninja Village and hurried to the cross-country where Fenfu lived in seclusion.

Stepping into this place, he first glanced at Fenfu warily, and then the Fourth Fengying smiled and greeted Cross Country: "Master Shadow, how are you?"

 “Well, I’m fine.”

 The relationship between cross-country and the Fourth Kazekage is very bad, and the reason comes from the Fourth Kazekage's wooing.

 Living in seclusion in the Sand Ninja Village, Cross Country just hopes to practice well and get what he wants from Fenfu. Who would have thought that the Fourth Kazekage would always come to harass Cross Country while he was living in seclusion in Sand Ninja Village, just to win over Cross Country and join him in seizing power.

 Think about it, when the Fourth Hokage wanted to seize power, he almost broke up with his mentor.

Suna Ninja Village is not the Ninja Village where Cross Country is located, so how can he be willing to cooperate with the Fourth Kazekage?

 Coupled with the character of the fourth generation Kazekage, in the eyes of Cross Country, he is a ruthless person. After a year of contact, Cross Country became more and more unwilling to deal with the Fourth Kazekage. Therefore, with just a word in reply, Cross Country was ready to take Gaara to visit other places, not wanting to stay in front of the Fourth Kazekage.

On the contrary, during the cross-country trip, after Gaara left, Yashamaru actually stayed in front of the Fourth Kazekage.

Seeing the figures of Yuexiu and others gradually disappearing, the fourth generation Kazekage's face turned "cold" as expected. He snorted coldly and said angrily: "If it weren't for my plan, I would have tolerated you. The so-called shadow mage? Huh, Yashamaru, how are you doing with Gaara? "

 “It’s done!”

 Obviously, off-roaders can ignore the Fourth Kazekage, but Yashamaru cannot.

In front of the Fourth Kazekage, there was a hint of fear. Yashamaru nodded and murmured: "Master Kazekage, the person Gaara trusts the most now is me, so your plan It can go on smoothly no matter what, but it seems that the Shadow Mage and Lord Fenfu don't want to see me approach Gaara. You said the two of them."

 “Is it possible to hinder the development of the plan?”

 “Just them?”

With a faint sneer on his lips, the Fourth Kazekage said: "Fengfu is an old guy who is about to die, there is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, the shadow mage is somewhat able to hinder our plan. However, Since all the ninjas in Konoha are from our side, even if the shadow mage is unwilling to help me, he must be hiding aside, right?"

“After all, if the Shadow Mage is really powerful, is it necessary for him to take refuge in our Sand Ninja Village?”

 Speaking, the fourth generation Feng Ying had a plan in mind, and then ordered the ANBU to guard the surroundings, and secretly told Yashamaru a few words.

 However, neither the Fourth Kazekage nor Yashamaru could imagine that their so-called conspiracy was not a secret at all.

It seems that not far away, I took Gaara to play and cultivate feelings on the cross-country road. I was silently using Kagura's inner eye, and through lip reading, I learned what the Fourth Kazekage's conspiracy was!

“People from Konoha actually want to help the Kazekage seize power?”

 “Hmm? An acquaintance is actually here?”


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