Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 49: important information

In cross-country, and even in the eyes of most Naruto fans, the A-level ninjutsu Rasengan is far more practical than the S-level ninjutsu Raikiri.

  After all, in the original plot, Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist, relied on the Rasengan and the advanced ninjutsu of the Rasengan along the way!

However, when Cross Country used the secret technique of the Nara clan and cooperated with Kakashi to annihilate those Mist Ninjas, watching Kakashi cleanly use Raikiri to kill several Mist Ninjas instantly, even Cross Country couldn't help but envy Kakashi. That S-level ninjutsu comes.

Especially in the case of being an ANBU, Cross Country feels that Raikiri is more suitable for the identity of Anbu, while the Rasengan falls behind compared to Raikiri.

 First of all, the Rasengan is a single-target killing ninjutsu. It is estimated that when the Fourth Hokage used the Rasengan, he could not continuously take the lives of several ninjas while maintaining the Rasengan. It seems that before, when Cross Country eliminated the first Mist Ninja Jonin, he had just killed him, and Cross Country could no longer maintain his Rasengan.

 If you want to kill the second Mist Ninja, you must condense the Rasengan for the second time.

On the contrary, Kakashi’s Raikiri can kill the enemy in front of him in an instant, and he can also perform continuous killings while maintaining the Raikiri. From this, we can see that the benefits of the Raikiri are still there.

  Second point, Rasengan's various increases for the user are also not as good as those of Raiqi.

For example, Kakashi!

When using Raikiri, the thunder-attribute chakra can activate Kakashi's body cells, causing Kakashi's speed to instantly increase. With his super high speed, Kakashi faces enemies like targets and can kill them in seconds.

 What if this situation applies to off-road vehicles?

Far from the same speed as the Fourth Hokage, if you use the Rasengan off-road, you must have a certain degree of confidence before using it. Otherwise, even the unexpected spiral throwing technique may be defended or evaded by the enemy ninja, and cannot successfully hit the enemy. This is also one of the weaknesses of the Rasengan.

 As for the last point, it is the lethality capability.

 In the original plot, many people who were exposed to the Rasengan did not die immediately. Just like the previous Mist Ninja Jonin, if he hadn't mastered the power of the Rasengan off-road, or used the Rasengan in a sneak attack, then the Mist Ninja Jonin would most likely have used his own chakra to resist. With the power of the Rasengan, there is no way for Cross Country to complete the Shadow Raid and kill with one hit.

 On the contrary, it is Raikiri, which is better than Rasengan.

Under the ultra-high-speed rush, as long as Raikiri penetrates the heart of the enemy, except for the special ninjas such as Kakuzu and Hidan, all ordinary ninjas have no chance of survival.

Of course.

 Having said so many shortcomings about the Rasengan, I am just a little envious of Kakashi's Raikiri in cross-country.

In the absence of chakra attribute testing and the absence of Sharingan, Muji, and the Rasengan that can be used without attribute chakra, is still much stronger than Raikiri in some aspects. What's more, with the help of the APP, Cross Country believes that even if the Rasengan is in the hands of the Fourth Hokage and cannot shine as brightly as in the original plot, it can still become a surpassing S-class ninjutsu Raikiri in his hands, even crushing many S-level ninjutsu, a super powerful ninjutsu with secret techniques.

 Then, watching all the Mist Ninjas around him die, in order to avoid the Mist Ninjas still ambushing around, Cross Country still carefully hid in the distance, for fear that the Mist Ninjas would kill a "returning spear".

 The more careful and prudent he is when going off-road, the higher his evaluation in Kakashi's mind.

Comparing the mistakes made by Akai, and looking at the performance of Cross Country for the first time when joining ANBU, even Kakashi somewhat understood why the Fourth Hokage was so optimistic about Cross Country.

  Immediately afterwards, I ordered Dieyiwashi to use the perception ninjutsu to sense the surrounding situation.

When Kakashi learned from Deiwahi that there were no fog ninjas around, Kakashi, who had also fought hard before, finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to the cross-country hidden in the distance:

“Shadow, don’t worry! The danger is over!”

 “Just lift it!”

Taking a deep breath, the cross-country hidden in the distance slowly appeared, and asked Kakashi with a wry smile: "Captain, what happened to you just now? It's just a few fog ninjas, I shouldn't make you so embarrassed, right? ?”

 “’s all my fault.”

As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, Akai, who had been silent before, walked over and faced Off-Road apologetically. Kakashi bowed and said: "Captain, Shadow, I know I was wrong just now, but..."

 Speaking, Kakashi clearly saw a color called "firmness" in Akai's eyes.

Then, without giving Cross Country and Kakashi a chance to speak, Akai continued: "However, even if I know that I am wrong, please forgive me for not agreeing with the killing of refugees for no reason. After I go back today, I will go The Fourth Hokage reported this matter, just like Captain, Kage, you said before, I may...maybe really not suitable to be an ANBU."

Having said that, Akai faced Cross Country, and Kakashi gave a thumbs up. Although he didn't see Akai's sparkling teeth, Cross Country still understood what Akai meant, that is, he might not be an ANBU in Cross Country in the future. , Kakashi's side, but in his heart, Cross Country, Kakashi and others are still his companions.

Off-road knows that Akai is a person who accepts death. After Akai finished speaking, he just nodded silently.

Then, he suddenly thought of something important. When Shiranui Genma and others were recovering from their injuries, they quietly walked up to Kakashi and said, "Captain, just now The Mist Ninja Chuunin who went to ambush me had a very strange scroll in his ninja tool bag."

"The ninjas of the Mist Ninja can sneak into our Country of Fire and know our whereabouts. I'm afraid they still have spies in the village. Therefore, I feel that we should search the ninja tool bags of the other Mist Ninjas. , see if I can get some information from their ninja bag, because it is more dangerous to look through other people's ninja bag, so let me do this job!"

"Ah, very good."

After listening to the words of the cross country, Kakashi nodded, then slowly closed the red Sharingan, and said weakly: "Kage, the method taught by the teacher is quite effective. Unfortunately, after the battle just now, I It is inevitable that I will be weak for a while, so while I rest, you can temporarily lead our ANBU team back to the village."

"Temporarily replace me as captain, you also have the right to order me."

“Ying, you didn’t disappoint me just now, I hope you won’t disappoint the teacher either!”

"no problem!"

 Being able to take over such great power from Kakashi after the first mission shows that the off-road performance has not only won the approval of Kakashi, but also the approval of all members of the ANBU team. Therefore, Cross Country did not show any pretense and directly took over the important task of temporary captain and began to use the hand of shadow to search the ninja tool bags of those fog ninjas.

Immediately afterwards, after resting for a period of time, when Kakashi's physical strength recovered, Cross Country led the ANBU team that had completed the mission and began a quick return to Konoha Village. However, when he placed the strange scrolls obtained from the Mist Ninja in his ninja tool bag, he obviously didn't realize how important those seemingly strange scrolls were!

 Because inside those strange-looking scrolls, there is important information about the survival of several ninja villages!

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