Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 439: Fighting Thunder Shadow (Part 1)

As soon as the thunder shadow fell, Xiqiu's eyes narrowed slightly.

 Because, what Raikage said was not wrong at all.

The plan he and Orochimaru made was based on the overall situation. As long as their plan succeeds, not only will Ding Zao's problems be solved, but the elite troops of the Kumo ninja will be severely damaged. Taking this to severely damage the Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Rabbi, the overall strength of the Cloud Ninja Village must be affected.

 At that time, the war between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder will enter a stable period.

As long as the Third Hokage is not an idiot and does not make major mistakes, the three wars can end with the signing of an alliance between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, just like the plot of the original novel.

However, the plan formulated by Cross Country and Orochimaru is good, but any strategy must have a certain degree of danger.

Your own safety while off-roading is the dangerous aspect of the plan made by the two!

 Sneaking into the Yun Ninja camp alone, Kirabi thought that Jin Chan's plan to escape was very successful, and it indeed allowed Raikage to focus on off-roading. However, Raikage, Kirabi and others were all paying attention to Cross Country. On the one hand, they gave Orochimaru time to make a surprise attack, but on the other hand, they put Cross Country into a crisis.

 The Raikage is indeed the Raikage!

In just a short moment, I discovered the flaw in the plan, and my eyes were directly fixed on the cross-country.

So what if your Konoha Village can win?

 Killing the Shadow Mage is equivalent to breaking an arm of your Konoha Village!

As far as Kumo ninjas are concerned, no matter how many ordinary ninjas die, how can they be compared to the death of a shadow mage in your Konoha village?

 So, Shadow Mage, just stay here!

With a look of violence in his eyes, Raikage's mind flashed with the scene of Orochimaru massacring his subordinate Kumo nin. He took a deep breath to calm down his irritable mood. Immediately, leading several Cloud Ninja ANBU to surround Cross Country, Raikage was preparing to confront Cross Country and said to Kirabi next to him:

"Bi, you go and entangle Orochimaru, you just need to delay their progress!"

“Shadow Mage, leave it to me!”

"yes, Sir!"

  Listening to Raikage's order, Kirabi, who knew he was at fault, even abandoned his extravagant rap style, turned around and disappeared in front of the off-road.

  Instead, it was off-roading. He wanted to stop Kirabi from leaving.

 However, with the Thunder Shadow in front of him, it would be a joke to prevent Kirabi from leaving!

 So, just when Kirabi turned around and left, Cross Country was preparing for his breakout. Although the chakra in the body is circulated using the secret wind escape technique taught by the Fourth Hokage, it still causes certain damage to the meridians. But at the critical moment, Cross Country could no longer care about so much. Then the Fourth Hokage's "Acceleration" secret technique was used. Cross Country used the "Eye of the Wind" to see that the strength of a Cloud Ninja Anbu was slightly weaker, and he was preparing to take action from there. The Nagumo ninja broke out in the direction of the ANBU.

Who would have thought that when the secret technique of "acceleration" for off-roading is just used, there will be a sudden "snap" sound!

 A brilliant golden light suddenly flashed in front of the cross-country!

 all all the way to me?


 “What a terrifying speed!”

If off-road hadn't known that the enemy in front of him was the Raikage, he would have felt like he was fighting against the Fourth Hokage.

 That’s right, that’s the speed of Raikage!

 No less than the speed of the Fourth Hokage!

 In the ninja world, there are only a handful of ninjas who can match the speed of the Fourth Hokage. The Raikage in front of Cross Country happens to be one of the strongest men who can compare with the Fourth Hokage in speed without using the Flying Thunder God Technique. As a result, the speed that cross-country relies on can no longer be used as a trump card in front of Raikage.

Moreover, Raikage’s strength is not just about speed!

 In terms of speed, Raikage is comparable to the Fourth Hokage, but in terms of strength...

The Raikage is comparable to Tsunade Hime!

 One second ago, the Raikage burst out with chakra, using his speed to rival the Fourth Hokage, giving Cross Country a disastrous start.

 One second later!


 The Iron Fist attacked, although Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and the Shadow Shield in the Shadow Escape Secret Technique for defense. However, when the Raikage's fist touched the cross-country Shadow Shield, the Shadow Shield, which could block even Kakuzu's resentful attacks several times, turned into a fragile piece of paper in front of the Raikage. Even with all his strength, he failed to withstand it and fell in front of the Raikage.

 The shield of shadow is broken, or shattered.

 There is no doubt that, except for the shadow armor on his body, Cross Country has no defense in front of the Raikage.

Looking at the Shadow Shield just now, even the power of the Raikage's punch has not been weakened by half. Cross Country knows that his Shadow Armor is in front of the Raikage, and the defensive effect is basically the same.

 So, when the secret defensive technique of Shadow Release lost its effect in front of the Raikage, Cross Country made a prompt decision and directly used the Fourth Hokage's Wind Blinking Body.

 But just after using the Wind Shuttle, Cross Country suddenly appeared in front of a Cloud Ninja ANBU...


 The figure of the Raikage, replacing the Cloud Ninja ANBU, appeared in front of Cross Country!

“I heard that your Shadow Master is a disciple of the Fourth Hokage?”


“If you look at it from the perspective of measuring the new generation, you Shadow Mage is indeed the best among the new generation. You can completely crush the so-called geniuses in our village.”

 “It’s a pity that in front of me, the Shadow Mage…”

 “You are as weak as a child!”


I never expected that Raikage would be able to understand his own combat intentions.

Facing the Iron Fist of Raikage once again, there is no way to avoid it off-road. Because, if the Wind Blinking Body is used again in cross-country, the problem of meridians will become an unsolvable problem.

 Obviously, if Cross Country was not injured at this time and fought against Raikage at his peak, the outcome between him and Raikage would still be 50-50.

Unfortunately, Cross Country was injured, and problems with his meridians limited his quasi-shadow level strength.

 So, the Raikage's iron fist attacks, and the only way to go off-road is to fight head-on with the fist!


 Bengquan VS Iron Fist!

 There is no doubt that Raikage’s Iron Fist will win!

The moment he flew backwards, Cross Country only felt a slight sting from his right hand that used Beng Fist. This was a sign that his bones were faintly damaged under the thunder shadow's iron fist.

However, when Raikage looked at the cross-country with a sneer, preparing to take advantage of the cross-country to fly backwards, suddenly appear again, and directly kill the cross-country in an instant, there was a sudden "whoosh"!

 A wisp of black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the Kumo ninja ANBU behind the Raikage!

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow was tightly wrapped around the body of the cloud ninja ANBU, and it quickly retracted, and there was a "click"!

 A Kumo ninja ANBU…

 Died tragically at the hands of the Shadow Mage!

 "Raikage, your trustworthy subordinate..."

 “One less!”

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