Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 37: Plover appears


Recalling the words of Off-Road, under Kakashi’s slightly tightened pupils, he suddenly found that the shadow of Off-Road had really disappeared!

Then, under the strong restraint, Kakashi reluctantly looked at his feet with his peripheral vision, and soon noticed the shadow disappearing off-road. It turned out that not far behind him, a shadow imitation technique was used!

At this moment, the reason why Kakashi was unable to control the movement of his body was already obvious!

 That was when Kakashi was fighting with the shadow clone of Cross Country. Cross Country, who continued to recover his physical strength, controlled the shadow clone of the main body and came behind Kakashi.

 Shortly afterwards, when Kakashi was over-consumed and there was not much chakra left in his body, the trump card he had prepared long ago suddenly appeared!

 So, when the smile that heralded victory raised at the corner of Off-Road's mouth was reflected in Kakashi's slightly contracted dark pupils, even the proud Kakashi couldn't help but admire Off-Road.

After all, at the tender age of four, being able to defeat Kakashi, who holds the title of Jonin, is not something that everyone can do!

 At this time, it was cross-country. After defeating Kakashi, there was only a little joy of victory in his heart. The rest of his heart was filled with dignity and caution.


"It was just a test. Kakashi didn't even show his full strength. Even if he wins, it doesn't mean anything."

“If it were a real life-and-death struggle, based on Kakashi’s strength, I would have died several times, right?”

 The solemnity and caution in his eyes gradually replaced the joy of victory in Cross Country's eyes. Apparently even Cross Country himself knew how big the gap between him and the Jonin was.

 Previously, why was his confrontation with Kakashi on the cross-country secret road just a test?

 The reason is that, let alone using the Sharingan that he just obtained from Obito, Kakashi couldn't even use his own signature ninjutsu in cross-country!

 Suppose Kakashi used all his strength at the moment of the cross-country confrontation.


  Not to mention using multiple shadow clone techniques in cross-country, and using shadow clone techniques to consume Kakashi, it is not certain whether Kakashi can give him a chance to make moves!

Kakashi’s own S-level ninjutsu, Raikiri, is it an undoubted killer move, right?

After obtaining the Sharingan from Obito, Kakashi's S-level ninjutsu Raikiri became even more powerful. With the Sharingan, he could lock the opponent's position and kill the Jonin in the blink of an eye. What's more, a being like Cross Country whose strength is far inferior to that of a Jonin?

Moreover, just talking about the scene where the shadow clone was used in cross-country and the shadow clone consumed Kakashi, Kakashi is also suspected of letting go!

In a real life-and-death battle, with the help of shadow clones, how can shadow clones delay the steps of a Jonin like Kakashi?

Kakashi can definitely use the multiple shadow clone technique in cross-country. After the shadow clone technique, he can directly escape from the encirclement with a blink technique, and then start to form seals, and use a thunder cutter directly in the direction of the cross-country, and he can win the final victory. . Therefore, the more I felt like Kakashi was letting off steam during cross-country, the more uncomfortable I felt.

Especially after knowing that this victory was achieved by pure luck, Cross Country encouraged himself secretly, thinking that when he enters the battlefield in the future, he must practice hard and strive to defeat the real Kakashi as soon as possible.

 But now!

The image of Kakashi’s stinky fart filled my mind, so I was ready to teach Kakashi a lesson when he was defeated!

 “Kakashi, can you admit defeat now?”

"As long as you admit that I am qualified to accept Teacher Minato's teachings, then it's okay to let you go!"

 “But before that, you must apologize!”

 “Remember! Be sincere when you apologize, otherwise I won’t accept it!”

 “Apologise? Dreaming!”

Hearing the mocking words from the cross-country side, Kakashi sneered and said, "Nara cross-country, do you really think you won?"

“Didn’t your seniors from the Nara clan teach you that shadow imitation is omnipotent?”



   Kakashi's voice came, but he wasn't nervous about going cross-country.

However, when Kakashi regained the ability to move his hands despite the confinement ability of the shadow imitation technique, and began to form seals, the pupils of the cross country immediately tightened!

 “Is that the strength of a jounin?”

“You are not even afraid of the confinement of the Shadow Imitation Technique. How can you form a seal with the Shadow Imitation Technique?”

"Sure enough, I still underestimate the Jonin! No, I still underestimate Kakashi!"

Hand inwardly, Cross Country felt the bottomless chakra in his body, and couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

In the previous battle, Cross Country didn't even leave half of the chakra for himself. If the shadow clone failed to successfully imprison Kakashi, then Cross Country would definitely lose.

Who would have thought that even if the cross-country strategy was successful, Kakashi would still have a way to counterattack.

Especially looking at Kakashi’s seals, which were ugly, Mao, and Shen’s seals in sequence, there was a hint of panic in Xue Yue’s eyes!

 Because of the speed of Kakashi's seal formation, it is a very famous A-level ninjutsu in the original plot!

 A simplified version of Rachel!




Sure enough, when Kakashi's seal was completed, Shijie saw Kakashi's right hand shaped like a tiger's claw, and a dazzling silver lightning shined directly in the palm of his hand!

The sound of thunder and lightning colliding with each other is like the chirping of a thousand birds!

What is it if it’s not Kakashi’s Chidori?

However, in fact, I don’t even know about cross-country. Kakashi’s Chidori should not have come out at this point in time.

As an Anbu, you must complete ninjutsu in secret. The noise caused by using Chidori is too big. If Kakashi uses Chidori, let alone the target of the mission, it is estimated that everyone for miles around knows about Kakashi. Cassie's whereabouts.

At this time, the reason why Kakashi used Chidori was because of off-roading!

 In the previous battle, Kakashi consumed too much chakra and no longer had the ability to use Raikiri. But genius is always a genius. Under the provocation of cross-country, Kakashi completed the simplified version of Reiki's creation in an instant!

The A-level ninjutsu Chidori was used. Under the dazzling lightning, Kakashi relied on the thunder and lightning wandering around his body to shatter the off-road shadow imitation technique with a "bang"!

The dark shadow instantly returned to his feet, and cold sweat covered his forehead.

Especially when paying attention to Kakashi's Chidori, Cross Country felt the shadow of death for the first time, hanging over his head!

 “Oops! Are you going to die?”

 “With my speed, there is no chance of survival under Kakashi’s Chidori!”

 “No! How can you give up so easily?”

“If I faced a desperate situation on the battlefield, would I sit there and wait to die?”

His eyes were slightly dull, and under the heavy pressure of Chidori, he obviously had the idea of ​​giving up a little bit.

 But the thought of giving up was just a fleeting thought!

Soon, Cross Country's eyes became bright again. Under the pressure of Kakashi's Chidori, Cross Country had completed a spiritual sublimation!

  Unfortunately, spiritual sublimation has no effect against the A-level ninjutsu Chidori!

Except for having the courage to fight through all odds, there is still no way to resist Kakashi's Chidori in cross-country!

The next second, when Kakashi's right hand shone with the light of the Chidori, chakra erupted under his feet, and he began to advance rapidly, Yukio bit his lower lip tightly, tasting the sweet taste of blood. But there was still no way. Under the sudden advance of Chidori, Cross Country could only widen his eyes and look at the Chidori controlled by Kakashi, getting closer and closer to his chest!

However, just when Kakashi's Chidori was about to rush into the cross-country chest in the next moment and kill off the cross-country life in a boring competition, a loud shout suddenly came from the distance, and in an instant It has become a life-saving straw for off-roaders in the moment of life and death!




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