Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 300: Three punches in seconds

 “Damn it, it’s ANBU again!”

“Do you really think that the Nara clan is a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch?”

 “Get it for me!”

Nara Mikawa is the jounin of the branch of the Nara clan.

I have said before that the Nara clan is divided into two clans, but there are not as strict rules as the Hyuga clan is divided into two clans.

Especially for branch family members like Nara Mikawa, who can obtain the status of Jonin through their own efforts, they have a very high status within the Nara clan.

However, unlike the other jounin from the Nara clan, they like to roam the battlefield and prove their worth.

Nara Mikawa's ideal is to protect the safety of the clan leader.

 After all, if it were not for the clan leader Nara Shikaku, Nara Mikawa might not be as strong as he is today.

Therefore, protecting the safety of the clan leader and his family is the most important thing for Nara Mikawa. Who wants to practice before going cross-country? He also specifically asked Nara Mikawa to hope that no one would disturb his practice. The three subordinates of Shimura Danzo ANBU suddenly appeared in the courtyard of the off-road room, causing Nara Mikawa's face to turn livid.

Soon, Nara Mikawa, who was easily angered, became extremely angry and directly ordered the capture of the three Anbu under Shimura Danzo's command, so as to save the Nara clan.

 Obviously, Nara Mikawa was extremely angry before ordering the capture of the Anbu under Shimura Danzo.

  In any case, the identities of the ANBU of Konoha Village are relatively special. For example, as the leader of the Nara clan, Shikaku may have the right to order the capture of the ANBU under Shimura Danzo.

An ordinary Nara clan jounin like Nara Mikawa does not have the right, let alone the corresponding identity, to order the capture of ANBU with a special identity.

However, the arrow is on the string, but it will not fire.

Since Nara Mikawa has ordered the capture of the ANBU under Shimura Danzō, how can the rest of the Nara clan's guards disobey the order?

 But what happened next really made Nara Mikawa blush.

An order has just been issued to gather all the Nara clan's guard forces and capture the three Anbu under Shimura Danzo's command. Who would have thought that the three Anbu sent by Shimura Danzo, all with Jonin level strength, actually fought fiercely in the courtyard outside the off-road room for a long time, and they were still teasing the Nara clan's guards with ease.

How did Nara Mikawa feel when he saw three Jonin-level ANBU teasing the Nara clan's guards?

That was the feeling of Chi Guoguo being slapped in the face!

They were all preparing to capture the three ANBU at all costs. How could Nara Mikawa think that he could not do anything to the three ANBU under Shimura Danzo's command by gathering the strength of the Nara clan's bodyguards?

 Clenched his teeth, and in extremely angry condition, Nara Mikawa was clearly not prepared to hold back.

Therefore, when three Nara clan guards surrounded a Jonin-level ANBU, Nara Mikawa held the kunai tightly, took a deep breath, directly exploded the chakra under his feet, and sprinted to that place. In front of a besieged Jonin-level ANBU!

 “Lie down!”


 Shouted angrily, Nara Mikawa really didn't hold back at all.

If the kunai in his hand really hit the jounin-level ANBU in front of him, it is estimated that the jounin-level ANBU would not lie down, but would die directly in front of Nara Mikawa.

However, when the kunai Nara Mikawa held tightly in his hand was only half a point away from stabbing the Jonin-level ANBU, what did Nara Mikawa see?

 He actually saw a mocking look in the eyes of the ANBU in front of him!

 Next second!


 White smoke filled the air, and Nara Mikawa finally understood why the jounin-level ANBU looked at him with such mocking eyes!

 The reason is the substitution technique!

 At the moment when Nara Mikawa attacked, the Jonin-level ANBU used the Substitute Technique!

Moreover, not only did he use the Substitute Technique to avoid Nara Mikawa's attack, but the Jonin-level ANBU suddenly appeared behind Nara Mikawa after using the Substitute Technique and kicked Nara Mikawa to the ground with one kick. .


  What a shame!

With the help of several companions, even the ninjas who were both jounin-level failed to subdue even one of the three ANBU!

Nara Mikawa's face turned red, especially when he saw the deep contempt in the eyes of the three Anbu under Shimura Danzo. Nara Mikawa only felt a hot flame ignited in his chest, and what he was thinking in his head Everything was done to humiliate the three Anbu under Shimura Danzo.

However, the development of the matter is that Nara Mikawa really humiliated the ANBU under Ichimura Shimura Danzo?


 Absolutely not!

From the moment Nara Mikawa fell to the ground, the remaining guards of the Nara clan fell to the ground one after another.

Three jounin-level ANBU sent by Shimura Danzo actually overpowered all the Nara clan guards in just a few minutes of fighting!

 The shocking fact was placed in front of him. Nara Mikawa was shocked and felt a sense of disbelief.

However, at this time, it is not that the guards of the Nara clan are all fighting scum, but that the guards of the Nara clan cannot focus on protecting cross-country, even if cross-country is the genius of the Nara clan.

The truly elite guards are actually guarding Shikaku, guarding the pregnant Nara Yoshino, and guarding the other elders of the Nara clan.

Under such circumstances, it would be good to have one jounin-level guard and a few chuunin-level guards for the cross-country trip.

It is also because of this that the three Jonin-level Anbu under Danzo Shimura were able to eliminate Nara Mikawa and others in just a few minutes. In addition to the humiliation of the Nara clan, they also severely humiliated the Nara clan. Mikawa and others!

And Nara Mikawa stood up and found that his companions around him were either lying on the ground or seriously injured and wailing. A feeling of powerlessness suddenly arose in Nara Mikawa's heart!

 “Is this the strength of ANBU?”

 “Is this the difference between me and ANBU?”

“No wonder the ANBU regard our Nara clan as soft persimmons. It’s not that the ANBU are arrogant, but that we are too incompetent!”

“If I had the strength to capture these three Anbu alive, the ending might have been changed!”

“Unfortunately, with the help of my companions, I couldn’t subdue those three ANBU.”

 “Now…now we can only ask for help!”

Huttered to himself, Nara Mikawa held the flare in his arms, his eyes turning red for a moment.

An unprecedented sense of humiliation instantly filled Nara Mikawa's mind.

 But there was no other way. Faced with the strength of the Anbu, Nara Mikawa had no choice but to ask for help.

 However, just when Nara Mikawa was holding the flare in his arms tightly and asking for help, he suddenly heard a "swish" sound!

 A thin figure suddenly rushed behind Nara Mikawa and rushed directly in front of a jounin-level ANBU!

  It is in front of the ANBU who brought down Nara Mikawa before!

 “Are you a cross-country master?”

 "Off-road-sama, be careful, that ANBU is a jounin!"

Seeing the figure suddenly appear from behind, appearing in front of the Anbu who had defeated him before, Nara Mikawa was in a hurry, how could he not know that the figure was off-road?

Although Nara Mikawa knows that off-roading is the genius of the Nara family.

 But in front of the Jonin-level Anbu, Nara Mikawa still felt that there was no chance of winning in cross-country.

So, when Cross Country appeared in front of the Jonin-level ANBU, Nara Mikawa subconsciously prepared to rescue Cross Country!

 But what even Nara Mikawa didn't expect was that just when Cross Country appeared in front of the jounin-level ANBU, Cross Country's clenched fist suddenly hit the chest of the jounin-level ANBU!


 After a muffled sound, what did Nara Mikawa see?

Even though he didn’t want to believe it, Nara Mikawa still saw it. He got close to the jounin-level ANBU and only used one punch!

 With one punch, he killed the jounin-level ANBU instantly!

 With one punch, he successfully knocked down the ANBU that he could not defeat to the ground!

Moreover, to say that Cross Country defeated the first Jonin-level ANBU with one punch, Nara Mikawa still felt that Cross Country was lucky.

So after "bang", "bang", and two more muffled sounds, even Nara Mikawa couldn't believe what was happening in front of him!

 Three punches, only three punches were used!

  Quickly approached the ANBU under Shimura Danzō. Cross Country actually used three punches to put the three jounin-level ANBU on the ground, making the three jounin-level ANBU unable to get up for a long time!

For a moment, Nara Mikawa could not speak for a long time as he stared at the three jounin-level ANBU who fell to the ground. He only felt that the scene in front of him was too shocking.

 While Nara Mikawa was deeply shocked, he solved the cross-country of three Jonin-level Anbu, and a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he turned to face Nara Mikawa, and after leaving only one sentence, he returned to his room.

 Looking back at Nara Mikawa!

Listening to the indifferent words spoken by Cross Country, I can only feel the shadow left behind by Cross Country. I can only use one word to describe it!

That word is...


“Mr. Mikawa, please help me bring a message to Danzo-sama, just tell him...”

“Danzo-sama, if you don’t come to redeem me in person, you will see three corpses tomorrow!”

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