Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 286: The first experience of cannon fodder (Part 1)


 “Can I become a ninja?”

The girl Satsuma was not at all wary, and she directly invited Cross Country to Yun Ninja Village, which made Cross Country stunned for a moment.

 Fortunately, the off-road adaptability is very strong.

So, when the girl Satsuma finished speaking, the cross-country casual guy was excited, excited, and nodded longingly.

 On the contrary, in my heart, I felt a cold sweat for myself during the cross-country trip!


"Now that my spiritual energy has completed a "qualitative" change, I can't use chakra for the time being, but it doesn't mean that the chakra in my body has disappeared!"

“It’s okay to use spiritual energy to cover up my chakra fluctuations and deceive this little girl. Who can I hide from in the Cloud Ninja Village?”

“Let alone heading to the Land of Thunder, if there are sentient cloud ninjas, I’m going to be ready for a hard fight!”

“But, what does this little girl mean by inviting me to join the Cloud Ninja Village? Is she really happy to see you, or is she?”

 “Or is she testing me?”

I was thinking about the girl Satsuma in my heart. Through the invitation of the girl Satsuma, the first feeling I got was that the girl Satsuma was also acting!

  Playing the role of a naive, innocent girl!

 Because of this, Cross Country answered the girl Satsuma, and his first preparation was to expose his identity and fight the girl Satsuma. Who would have thought that after receiving Cross Country's answer, the girl Satsuma nodded with satisfaction. After observing the surrounding situation, the girl Satsuma asked: "Hey, you haven't said your name yet."

 “My name is Moi.”

"Moy? Have you been living in the Country of Rain for a long time? You found this hidden place very well. You really have the potential to become a ninja!"

“Hmm! The Kingdom of Rain is in chaos. If you can’t find a good place to sleep, you will die at night!”

"Ha! Now that I'm with you, you don't have to worry. Get some rest! Tomorrow we have to prepare for our journey back to the Kingdom of Thunder!"


Still replying to the girl Satsuma's words dully, facing the girl Satsuma's questions one after another, Cross Country suddenly admired the pharmacist Kabuto in the original plot!

Look at Yakushi Kabuto, he is simply the best actor among movie kings!

You know how to act at a young age, and you can become a spy under Danzo Shimura. It's really not easy!

The current cross-country, let alone being a spy in other ninja villages, just dealing with the girl Satsuma in front of me, I feel extremely exhausted.

Especially after Girls Satsuma said she wanted to rest, she went straight to rest. She had no intention of guarding against off-roading, which made off-roading feel that Girls Satsuma was not as simple as it seemed.

When the girl Satsuma went to rest and seemed to fall asleep soon, he was lying not far away from the girl Satsuma. While on guard, he quickly pretended to be asleep.

But just as he fell asleep on the surface of the cross-country, the girl Satsuma made some noises, and when the cross-country didn't pay attention to it, the girl Satsuma suddenly stood up and held a kunai. Her figure flashed to the side of the cross-country, and then Then he pressed the cold kunai against Cross Country's neck.

 Just move it slightly and it will make a "hiss" sound!

The kunai in the hands of the girl Satsuma must be able to slit the throat of the cross-country, and kill the cross-country in half a step of the quasi-shadow level.

However, with the kunai pressed against the cross-country's neck, the girl Satsuma made gestures for a long time but did not make a move. The cross-country was secretly relieved.

 “Fortunately, I am an expert and bold person!”

“Otherwise, if I take action directly, I will have no chance to access the Secret of the Six Paths!”

"However, this cloud ninja named Satsuma is really not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

“I know if there is something wrong with me in further testing, are all the genin in the Cloud Ninja Village that high quality?”

"If I were a genin of Konoha Village, maybe after the initial test, there would be no problem, I would be less alert!"

In my mind, I compare the girl Satsuma with the ordinary Konoha genin. I feel that the girl Satsuma is scary off-road, and maybe I can compare it with Kakashi in the genin period.


If it were Kakashi during the Anbu period, regardless of whether the cross-country trip saved his life, as long as Kakashi felt there was something wrong, killing him would be inevitable.

   Despite his off-road appearance, he is an orphan from the Kingdom of Thunder and a commoner.

But during the war, as long as he did not disclose the information that he had killed civilians and dealt with it relatively cleanly after the killing, who is an ANBU ninja who doesn't have a few civilian lives on his hands?

 Fortunately, the girl Satsuma is just a further test of off-roading, and does not have the ruthless methods of Kakashi during the ANBU period.

 Otherwise, as Cross Country thought, he would really miss the Secret of Six Paths at this time. Only by killing the girl Satsuma could he possibly get some clues!

And when the girl Satsuma used her kunai to mark the throat of the cross-country for a long time, and found that there was no problem with the cross-country, she was always on guard. The girl Satsuma finally returned to the place where she rested before, and rested for a few hours. .

But the next morning, after the girl Satsuma woke up early to go off-road, the alertness in her heart still did not disappear.

In front of the off-road person who pretended to be honest, honest and dull, the girl Satsuma simply treated him as a servant, directing the off-road person and being busy all morning, just to consume the off-road person's energy.

Who knows, even without the support of chakra, the physical strength of cross-country is still beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

 So, in one morning, the cross-country tour seemed to be drenched in sweat and lacking in physical strength.

 In fact, the cross-country team still maintains its peak combat power, just doing some warm-up exercises under the command of the girl Satsuma.

However, under the vigilance of the girl Satsuma, even off-road thought that the girl in front of him would have to torment him for a few days. Only after his wariness was completely eliminated could he take him back to the Land of Thunder for a test. What the cross-country team never expected was that in the afternoon, the girl Satsuma actually revealed the secret of the Six Paths!

 “Moy, are you tired? Take a rest when you are tired!”

 “I’m not tired, Miss Satsuma, I haven’t finished what you asked me to do yet.”

“I think you’re tired, so come over and sit down and let’s talk about ninjas!”

 “Ninja? Okay!”

Hearing that the girl Satsuma was going to talk about ninjas, Cross Country, who pretended to be an innocent boy, did not hesitate at all and casually wiped the sweat from his forehead. As soon as he sat next to the girl Satsuma, he heard the girl Satsuma suddenly ask:

 “Moy, have you heard of the Immortal of Six Paths?”

 “Never heard of it!”

“Then let me tell you the story of the Immortal of Six Paths!”

 Speaking, the girl Satsuma began to tell the story of the Six Paths Sage to Cross Country, which was nothing more than the legend of the Six Paths Sage circulated in the ninja world.

However, even if you know so much about the Sage of Six Paths in the original plot, you still have to pretend to be hearing it for the first time, which is really a relish.

On the contrary, it was the girl Satsuma who had just finished telling the story about the Sage of Six Paths when a mysterious smile appeared on her lips.

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation, the girl Satsuma took the hand of the cross-country and said directly to the cross-country:

“Moy, actually there is something I haven’t told you, and that is the purpose of my trip to the Kingdom of Rain.”

“During a mission, I accidentally obtained a treasure map, which pointed to the treasure of the Immortal of Six Paths.”

“So, before I take you back to the Kingdom of Thunder, I am going to take you with me to find the treasure of the Six Paths Immortal.”

“While searching for the treasure, there may be danger. Are you willing to follow me?”

After the girl Satsuma said that, she kept observing the cross-country expression.

 What about off-roading?

Finding that the girl Satsuma seemed to be unsuspecting and was about to take him to find the treasure of the Sage of Six Paths, he secretly sneered in his heart.

 There is no need to say more about what happens next.

Off-road rejected the girl Satsuma's proposal at the first time, which meant that he would first return to the Kingdom of Thunder and become a ninja before following the girl Satsuma to find the treasure of the Six Paths Sage.

 As for why off-roaders answered this way, the answer is obvious.

If you directly let the girl Satsuma take you to find the treasure of the Six Paths Sage, wouldn't that be the same as telling the girl Satsuma that you have a problem?

 On the contrary, playing hard to get can make the girl Satsuma lose some of her guard.

 And the girl Satsuma was just like Cross Country thought, she got a hard-to-get answer from Cross Country, and agreed to take Cross Country back to the Kingdom of Thunder.

However, when Cross Country followed the girl Satsuma on the journey back to the Kingdom of Thunder, and discerned the direction that the girl Satsuma was leading, how could he not know that the girl Satsuma was heading towards the border of the Land of Rain and the Country of Fire?

  That is to say, the direction that the girl Satsuma is heading with the cross-country at this time is most likely the direction where the Six Paths Secret Hidden is.

However, when the cross country was still thinking dangerously, the girl Satsuma must test herself a few more times before arriving at the real Six Paths Secret Hidden. She drove calmly for three days, and suddenly the girl Satsuma came with her Off-road entered a secret cave and smiled directly at off-road:

“Moy, I’m a little afraid of the dark, can you go ahead?”

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