Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 28: Weight-bearing effect

 “Shadow Mimicry!”



During the half-month hard training, Cross Country not only made achievements in the cultivation of hidden weapons, but also in the accumulation of chakra and the cultivation of the Nara clan's secret techniques. Cross Country did not miss any of them!

Using the technique of multiple shadow clones, more than ten shadow clones were separated to practice hidden weapons. Off-road still had plenty of chakra to fight with Akai, which shows the progress of off-road in terms of chakra amount.

At this time, his hands quickly formed seals, and the shadow under his feet rushed towards Akai. This was the improvement in the secret skills of the Nara clan!

If the average Nara clan member takes 3 seconds to cast the shadow imitation technique, then Nara Shikaku's casting speed is 1.5 seconds, which can create a record in the history of the Nara clan.

In the original plot, perhaps Nara Shikamaru, one of the twelve strongest men in Konoha and more talented than Nara Shikaku, can cast the shadow imitation technique faster than Nara Shikaku. But before Nara Shikamaru was born, the cross-country at this time had surpassed his uncle Shikaku. When he cast the shadow imitation technique, it only took a short 1.3 seconds!

 Don’t underestimate the speed increase of 0.2 seconds!

 In a ninja battle, an inconspicuous 0.2 seconds can often determine the outcome of a ninja battle, or even the life or death of a ninja battle!

 At the moment when Cross Country performed the technique, even Akai never expected that Cross Country's shadow imitation technique could be used so well and so quickly!

Seeing the shadows at the feet of the cross-country coming quickly, Akai couldn't help but secretly thought that the cross-country was really great, and he was worthy of being the number one among the new generation of elites in Konoha Village.

Because when he and Kakashi were studying in the ninja school together, Akai also fought against members of the Nara clan. Therefore, at this time, the cross-country had surpassed the Nara clan members Akai knew in terms of speed and power, which had already made Akai secretly vigilant.

However, when Akai kicked out a Konoha whirlwind and was about to change his moves in the air, the pupils in Cross Country's eyes suddenly contracted slightly when he used the shadow imitation technique!

 “Something’s wrong!”

“Akai has noticed my shadow imitation technique a long time ago, but why is it so slow when changing moves?”

"Is it that Akai is far less powerful than in the original work, or am I asking too much for Akai who has just been promoted to chunin? This level is not the strength that a chunin should have at all!"

 “Well, let’s let it go first and let’s take a look before we talk!”

Secretly commenting on Akai's physical skills, Cross Country deliberately slowed down the extension of the shadow under his feet when casting the shadow imitation technique. Only then did Akai escape the secret technique of Cross Country and landed smoothly on the ground. superior.

 “Konoha Gale Wind!”


As soon as his feet landed, under the slightly solemn gaze of the cross-country, Akai really did not give up the attack, as if he didn't notice that the cross-country had released water before, and was directly kicked by a Konoha gale.

The Konoha Gale is different from the upper roundhouse kick of the Konoha Tornado. It is a lower roundhouse kick.

It is also the basis of Konoha Gouken's fluid technique. When Akai uses it, there is no problem with strength and speed.

 But when Akai's Konoha gale hit, off-roading always felt a little weird.

Frowned and thought for a while, as a layman in physical arts, Cross Country couldn't think of a reason. Immediately afterwards, chakra exploded under his feet, and he successfully avoided Akai's Konoha Gale. He took a few steps back, held a shuriken in his hand, and threw it directly in Akai's direction!

 “Let’s end the boring discussion!”

 “Akai, you really disappoint me!”

However, as the cross-country battle with Akai began, he gradually discovered that Akai's physical skills were not as good as he had imagined, and that he even needed to let himself off in order for Akai to remain undefeated, so he gave up the idea of ​​fighting Akai.

The next second, after Cross Country's shuriken was thrown, half a month of hard work in hidden weapon training really did not disappoint Cross Country.

Three shurikens were thrown in succession, and each one was a miss.

According to the flight path that had been set long ago, Cross Country first used two shurikens to confuse Akai, and then the third shuriken successfully nailed Akai's shadow, successfully completing the use of the shadow shuriken. , ended this encounter that made cross-country feel disappointed.

 “Off-road, you are really good!”

 “I want to challenge you again!”

 Akai failed and the cross-country team was very disappointed.

On the contrary, Akai always looks excited and passionate. He has no intention of being discouraged in the face of failure and will continue to compete with cross-country.

And off-road saw Akai's physical skills, which are far less unsolvable than in the original plot. It must be that the "Emperor Kai" in his heart needs time to develop. Therefore, when Akai threatened to have a new round of competition, Cross Country looked like he had black lines all over his head. He was ready to reject Akai politely, thinking that it would be good to practice together, and there was no need to engage in such boring things as competition. .

 After all, cross-country already knows what level Akai is, so there is no point in winning Akai a few more times!

But who would have thought that just when Cross Country was about to politely reject Akai, Akai's next move suddenly left Cross Country stunned!

 “Akai, you.”

 “Bang! Bang!”

  Unlocking the tight sleeves and trousers of the training uniform, he took out something like a bandage from inside.

When Akai threw the bandage casually on the ground, a burst of dust stirred up from the ground immediately made Cross Country stunned!

 Then, Cross Country realized that it was not that Akai's physical skills were insufficient, but that he had not used all his strength to fight before!

 When fighting off-road, Akai was actually carrying a heavy load, so when he used physical skills, it gave off-road a very weird feeling!

Stepping forward, he lifted Akai's weight, and Xue Qi's expression turned solemn.

 The weight on both hands and feet feels like 20KG at least when carrying it off-road.

At that moment, it was really hard to imagine that Akai was fighting him with a full 20KG of weight before!

 For off-roading, let alone a 20KG load, even a 10KG load would be enough to make you out of breath. Therefore, after understanding the root cause of Akai's weak strength, Cross Country couldn't help but feel ashamed. Especially when looking at A Kai's innocent eyes, Cross Country was secretly ashamed and quickly apologized to A Kai:

"I'm sorry, Akai, I naively thought you were weak just now. Who would have thought. Who would have thought that you would actually be sparring with me while carrying a heavy burden."

“It’s okay, off-road, aren’t you doing other exercises as well?”

Giving a thumbs up to Cross Country, Akai showed his shiny white teeth and said nonchalantly: "What's more, Cross Country, you are so much smaller than me, and being able to defeat me even though I'm carrying a heavy load also proves that you are The genius of the village. Now that my burden has been lifted, do you want to recover and compete with me again?"

“There’s no need to spar, Akai, can I try your weight?”

 “No problem! Try it!”

Getting a positive answer from Akai, Xue Xue was curious and without any hesitation, he directly tied the weights on his legs. It was really difficult to walk again.

But just when Cross Country felt Akai's weight-bearing, he couldn't help but smile a few times, thinking that Akai's weight-bearing practice was really abnormal, who would have thought that the APP suddenly gave a prompt again, and suddenly the eyes of Cross Country were filled with surprises again Come with your eyes!


“Player, you have used a special item: weight, and obtained a special BUFF: 10% acceleration of physical training!”

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