Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 265: Lotus flower first appears

 “Tune the tiger away from the mountain?”

"Xonan is still in the Akatsuki organization's base, and the traitor Ida is just a bait?"

“The bait that Nagato set to lure Yahiko away?”

Yahiko's voice was carried by the wind, and Xue Yu's eyes suddenly became solemn.

There is no doubt that the "Akatsuki" organization is filled with as many traitors as demigods and halfzos, which is something that even Cross Country, Yahiko, Nagato, and even Konan can't imagine.

Who can imagine that the rebel organization "Akatsuki" in the Kingdom of Rain was infiltrated by Demigod Hanzo early on?

Who could have imagined that Hanzo, a demigod, had planted the hidden danger of a traitor in the Akatsuki organization early on, but still needed the help of Danzo Shimura to be able to destroy the Akatsuki organization?

However, just when Cross Country was silently thinking that the half-hidden leader of Yuren Village was a very remarkable figure, and had already had the means to guard against the "Akatsuki" organization, Cross Country suddenly let out a light sigh.

 “Huh? There seems to be something wrong!”

“A demi-god and a cunning guy like Hanzo can bury so many traitors in the Akatsuki organization. Is it necessary to seek help from Danzo in order to be sure to destroy the Akatsuki organization?”

“If Hanzo, the demigod, can really plant so many traitors in the Akatsuki organization and dismantle the Akatsuki organization from within, then his cooperation with Danzo is a conspiracy!”

“But whether judging from the original plot or the information I have obtained at this stage, Demigod Hanzo did not anticipate the terrorist force of the Akatsuki organization before.”

"What's more, if Demigod Hanzo is so sure of capturing Konan, why would Madara send Kakuzu to show up to scare him off?"

“Then combining so many clues, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn!”

“That’s the number of traitors in the Akatsuki organization. There are not as many as Yahiko imagined!”

“There is probably only one traitor hiding inside the Akatsuki organization!”

 “This is Ida who pretended to be dead in front of me!”

  Analyzing silently, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Xue Xue's eyes.

Then, the Hayafengliu palm blade was used, and Cross Country stared at Ida who was "dead" there, and then directly used the palm, preparing to harvest Ida's life and turn him from fake death to real death.

 However, what even Off-road didn't expect was that Ida was aware of it when he used the blast blade.


 Suddenly stood up, and soon Ida avoided the cross-country blast of the blade, and even retreated a full ten meters away.

While maintaining a safe distance from the off-road, the cold and murderous aura was introduced into the off-road's wind perception in the direction of the well.

What kind of terrifying murderous intent is that?

 What kind of terrifying momentum is that?

The current cross-country is no longer what it was back then. He has already fought against many shadow-level experts!

Whether it is the clone of the Fourth Mizukage, Orochimaru, or Kakuzu whom he defeated in cross-country before, they are all famous Kage-level powerhouses in the ninja world!

 But among those shadow-level experts, they have never felt such a depressing momentum in cross-country.

 So, just from Ida’s momentum, Off-Road can guess that the opponent is a shadow-level powerhouse!

 Follow up!

 Hands were formed in seals, and Cross Country directly used the Shadow Clone Technique when he was not sure of defeating Ida.

But just when the cross-country seal used the shadow clone technique and the shadow clone under his feet had just taken shape, Ida appeared in front of the cross-country in a flash, raised his leg and kicked directly on the shadow clone of the cross-country!


With just one kick, the traitor named Ida actually shattered Cross Country’s shadow clone!

In the past, Jiao could use the secret technique of Earth Resentment to directly crush the shadow clone of Cross Country. This was something that could be expected of Cross Country.

But who could imagine that Ida, a traitor of the "Akatsuki" organization, who usually doesn't even have a reputation, can actually use taijutsu to smash the shadow clone of the cross country?

Suddenly, I discovered that Ida was probably a real veteran shadow-level expert. It was naturally impossible to say that he was not a little bit scared when he went off-road.

 It’s just that compared to fear, off-roading is more about excitement!

 Hunting against Kakuzu before, he could make so much progress.

 Now that he has met a veteran shadow-level powerhouse, how can cross-country let go of the opportunity to grow?

 Next second!


The Fourth Hokage used the secret "acceleration" technique, and with strange steps, he came directly in front of Ida.

 That is the soft fist of the Hyuga clan!

   To be precise, it should be the pace of the Hyuga clan’s soft fist!

Hands move at a very weird rhythm. When using the "acceleration" secret technique on cross-country, it seems that the distance traveled by each step is very short. But even when Cross Country was walking that weird short distance, Cross Country only took a few steps to appear in front of Ida, which is enough to illustrate the mystery of the Hyuga clan's soft fist!

What's more, it's thanks to Uzumaki Kushina that Cross Country can master the Hyuga clan's soft fist so well!

As the wife of the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina has a very good vision even when she is pregnant.

 Perhaps, when competing with Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina was just "playing" with Cross Country. However, with sufficient vision, Uzumaki Kushina unconsciously began to give instructions on cross-country's physical skills, and gradually allowed cross-country to understand some of the secrets of soft boxing, which was enough to make cross-country feel that he had benefited a lot.

Especially when Cross Country competed with Kakuzu, he initially understood the combination of hardness and softness of Soft Fist and Hard Fist, which brought Cross Country's physical skills to a whole new level!

 The Swift Wind Palm Blade is still in use.

Off-road turned his hands into palms and quickly used soft fists to restrain Ida in front of him. Maybe he failed to defeat Ida, but he still made Ida feel the pressure.

Moreover, between the offense and defense of cross-country and well fields.

When Cross Country uses Soft Fist to force Ida to step forward, and blocks Cross Country's wrists closely to avoid being exposed to the terrifying power of the Gale Flow Palm Blade that far exceeds that of Soft Fist, Cross Country suddenly steps on the steps of Soft Fist and jumps on tiptoes. rise!

 It’s the Konoha Whirlwind!

 “Konoha Cyclone!”


 From soft boxing to hard boxing, it only takes one second to go off-road!

On the other hand, Ida, who had adapted to the soft fist used in cross-country, was suddenly faced with the fierce Konoha whirlwind. He didn't have time to react, forcing Ida to take a few steps back!

With just a few short steps, Ida was immediately involved in cross-country planning!

Immediately afterwards, I only heard three sounds of "swish", "swish" and "swish"!

Just as Ida retreated under the pressure of the cross-country, the light on the palm of the cross-country suddenly disappeared!

The dark shadow that emerged from the cross-country palm was not the shadow hand of the Nara clan's secret technique, so what was it?

 The sudden appearance of the Shadow Hand quickly rushed to the direction of Ida under the control of the cross-country. However, Ida retreated under the pressure of the cross-country, so naturally he could not escape the shackles of the Shadow Hand!

 The next second, the three shadow hands controlled by Off-Road were tightly wrapped around Ida's body!

 Shadow hand restraint technique, successful!

When Ida was restrained by the hand of the shadow and unable to move his body at all, Cross Country stepped forward and grabbed the hand of the shadow that tightly restrained Ida, and then the two figures disappeared at the same time!

 Because at that time, when Cross Country grabbed the hand of the shadow that restrained Ida, the Fourth Hokage's teleportation technique was used!


 A second ago, Heida was still on the ground without using the Wind Shuttle Cross Country.

But the next second, when the cross-country wind teleportation was finished, the cross-country pulled the shadow hand that restrained Ida, and the two figures appeared in the sky!

Moreover, when you are at high altitude, you still don’t forget the control of the shadow hand when traveling off-road.

It’s just that, being at high altitude and facing Ida, who was probably a shadow-level powerhouse, Cross Country didn’t use the secret technique of the blast flow that he created!

At high altitude, controlling the hand of shadow, Ida's body rotated at high speed and fell to the ground. He didn't use the secret technique of blast flow to kill Ida's off-road, but he used a secret of Konoha's Gouken fluid technique!

The secret of Taijutsu of Konoha Gouken style is Renge!

  In the original plot, when Xiao Li fought against Gaara, Lotus appeared for the first time!

 “The Secret of Konoha Taijutsu!”


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