Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 25: Apprenticeship

 “The Fourth Hokage?”

 “Namikaze Minato!”

Originally, he had the idea of ​​​​taking refuge and practiced well at Shikaku's house. Cross Country really didn't expect that the Fourth Hokage would come to visit him personally for his sake.

Moreover, even if he is used to seeing famous characters in the original plot, and has even fought against the Itachi God, under the leadership of his servant, when Cross Country saw the Fourth Hokage for the first time, he was inevitably a little excited!

 After all, that was the legendary Fourth Hokage!

He is the representative figure of Konoha Village during the three wars!

However, when Cross Country just saw the Fourth Hokage, he saluted him respectfully, and then stayed behind Shikaku, silently sizing up this legendary figure. He looked at the signature golden hair of the Fourth Hokage with the words "Fourth Generation Eye" Wearing a white cloak with the words "Hokage" written on it, Cross Country suddenly discovered that the Fourth Hokage was far from being as serious as he had imagined, and was even a bit naughty in his kindness.

Not only did he not have the slightest air of Hokage when talking to Shikaku, but he also occasionally told some cold jokes in front of Shikaku, which made Cross Country's first impression of the Fourth Hokage very good.

It’s hard to imagine that the kind-hearted guy in front of me, with some dry humor, is actually the famous Konoha Golden Flash in the ninja world!

It is even more unimaginable that for this kind man, a potential rule has been established in the ninja world, that is, any ninja who encounters the golden light of Konoha can immediately abandon the mission and escape without any punishment. .

However, when Shikaku was watching Shikaku chatting and laughing with the Fourth Hokage, Shikoku did not notice that when the Fourth Hokage was talking to Shikaku, he also secretly looked at Shikaku, whose reputation spread throughout the Leaf Village.

Furthermore, after chatting with Shikaku, the Fourth Hokage set his sights on Cross Country and asked with a smile: "Xiao Cross, you look so embarrassed, have you encountered a lot of trouble?"


  The Fourth Hokage suddenly asked, and even off-road didn't realize that the other person was talking to him.

  He nodded subconsciously, answering what the Fourth Hokage said.

At this time, neither Shikaku nor the Fourth Hokage blamed Cross Country for his impoliteness, just to give the Fourth Hokage a good impression. Shikaku quickly explained with a smile: "Minato, don't blame Cross Country, it's probably who talked to you for the first time. , they all look like cross-country! To be honest, I didn't take good care of him. I should have taken over cross-country this morning, so that he wouldn't have time to practice, and he would have to face the challenges of the new generations of each family all day long. ”

 Speaking, Shikaku turned his attention to Off-Road, and asked with a smile: "Off-road, after a hard day's work, how do you feel? Tell me!"

“I don’t have any other feelings, I just feel that the title of genius is really hard to bear.”

  I replied weakly, and both Shikaku and the Fourth Hokage couldn't help but smile.

Especially the Fourth Hokage, who was once a disciple of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas. He also had the reputation of being a genius, and he understood the feeling of off-roading.

Then, he shook his head with a smile. Because the Fourth Hokage had a lot of important things to deal with, he did not hesitate anymore, but directly said to Shikaku: "Shikaku, to be honest, the purpose of my coming this time is For cross-country. You must also know how likely it is that a genius will fall during the war. Cross-country is the genius of our village. I definitely don’t want to see him get hurt, so the real purpose of my coming here is to recruit disciples. of!"

 “Accept a disciple?”

Hearing the words of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country showed a look of astonishment. Obviously, he did not expect that the purpose of the Fourth Hokage's coming was to recruit a disciple!

On the contrary, Shikaku knew that the Fourth Hokage's purpose was to recruit disciples as early as the arrival of the Fourth Hokage.

First of all, the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans are the families that have protected the Hokage for generations. In order to stabilize the Hokage's position, it is very normal for the fourth generation Hokage to have good relations with the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans. If they can win over the geniuses of the three clans, It would undoubtedly be beneficial to the Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka clans, and the Fourth Hokage to have the new generation of "Ino Shika Butterfly" trio apprentice under him.

Secondly, after hearing that Cross Country had severely slapped the wealthy Uchiha clan in the face, Shikaku knew that some high-level officials in Konoha Village must take action.

The conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Leaf Village has long been no secret.

As early as the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama's period, the matter of suppressing the Uchiha clan was proposed early on. It seems that the Konoha Village Guard seems to be a promotion for the Uchiha clan, but in fact it is completely the plan of the Second Hokage to keep the Uchiha clan away from the center of power and isolate the Uchiha clan. Now, in order to compete with the Uchiha clan, the Fourth Hokage cannot do it himself and must find a spokesperson.

The cross country who angered the Uchiha clan is undoubtedly a good candidate.

 So on the other hand, the Fourth Hokage wants to become a disciple of Cross Country, and the underlying meaning is that he wants to find a "gun" to use against the Uchiha clan's "gun"!

 As for the end, the Fourth Hokage inevitably had some love for talent and wanted to cultivate the new generation of geniuses in Konoha Village.

At this time, Cross Country was known as the first person in the new generation of Konoha Village. The Fourth Hokage combined the previous two important factors to come to the Nara clan in person to become a disciple.

It's just that when Shikaku and the Fourth Hokage both had the intention of asking Off-Road to become his disciple, it was Off-Road that he had some reluctance to become his disciple.

 Let’s not talk about becoming a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, but he has to prematurely participate in the dispute over the rights of Konoha Village.

As far as the benefits of becoming a disciple of the Fourth Hokage are concerned, I haven’t seen any of them off-road!

"Please! The Nine-Tails War is about to break out, and the Fourth Hokage is about to sacrifice for the village. What can he teach me in just a few months?"

“It’s better to ask the Fourth Hokage to accept me as his disciple than to ask the Third Hokage to accept me as his disciple! After all, I’m also a fellow Sannin, so there can’t be too much difference in seniority!”

 Hands filled his head, but it was a pity that it was impossible to express the thoughts in Xue Yu's heart.

However, under Shikaku and the Fourth Hokage's "love as a concubine", the cross-country apprenticeship of the Fourth Hokage was hastily decided. As for the apprenticeship etiquette, he had to wait until the Fourth Hokage completed the strategy of the Mist Ninja Village. Say it again. To put it simply, it is that Cross Country's apprenticeship with the Fourth Hokage has become settled, but after becoming a disciple, Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage only have the status of master and apprentice, and Cross Country cannot obtain the teachings of the Fourth Hokage.

  With a grimace, he agreed to become a disciple. There was almost no difference between becoming a disciple and not becoming a disciple. Then he and Shikaku went to see off the Fourth Hokage.

Who would have thought that just when Off-Road and Shikaku sent the Fourth Hokage to the door, Off-Road finally received his first surprise from the Fourth Hokage!

“Sorry, off-road, I’ve been very busy recently and don’t have time to guide you in your practice.”

"However, I heard that you are very talented in "spells", so I will leave the scroll I wrote personally with you!"

“Practice according to the method recorded on the scroll. After three months, I will test you!”

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