Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 230: invite

 “Yes! Lord Orochimaru!”

 Looking at Orochimaru's figure in front of him, it was naturally impossible to say that he didn't have any regrets during the cross-country trip.

That qualified experimental product is not only the object that Orochimaru needs to study, but also a very important research object for off-roading!

As long as he can conduct more experiments on the experimental subject in front of him, Cross Country firmly believes that his research can go further, and he will soon develop the new property of "annihilation" using wind attribute chakra to complete the activation of human cells. experiment, and then slowly turned into a brand new secret technique.

 But unfortunately, the experimental target that Orochimaru likes cannot be snatched off-road.

However, the loss of an important research object may make cross-country a little regretful, but in previous experiments, cross-country has still gained a lot. After all, when Cross Country was slaughtering those experimental subjects, he was also conducting his own research. If there was no harvest, it would be impossible.

 So, he silently disappeared from behind Orochimaru, and then returned behind Shimura Danzo.

On the other hand, it was Danzo Shimura. On the one hand, he was surprised that the off-road vehicle could successfully pass the test. On the other hand, he was secretly excited that there was a qualified product among the experimental products.

 After that, what Shimura Danzo needed to discuss with Orochimaru must be about further experiments.

  As for cross-country, he has already passed the test and there is no need to stay here.

Soon, Danzo Shimura told him to return home and practice in peace, as he would soon have an important task for him to carry out. Cross-country has gained a certain amount here, and he is definitely not willing to stay here any longer. The pungent smell of blood made Cross-country feel disgusted, and he quickly left the laboratory here and left smoothly. The forest of death.

The time for the cross-country return to the streets of Konoha happened to be the time when the ninja school was over.

As early as Danzo Shimura, Cross Country knew that the ANBU disguised as him returned to the Nara clan under his arrangement.

 It is also because of this that Cross Country's appearance on the street has not aroused the suspicion of the Anbu of the Fourth Hokage.

But walking on the streets of Konoha, Off-road was still thinking about the qualified experimental subject. The sudden changes in his palms made him analyze secretly:

“If I remember correctly, something green, like some kind of plant rhizome, appeared in the hands of the qualified experimenter?”

 “What the **** is that?”

“Is it some kind of blood inheritance limit, or some kind of special ability?”


“In the original plot, Danzo’s arm seems to be combined with the cells of the first Hokage, right?”

“There is also Yamato who was named Tenzo during the ANBU period and later became Naruto Uzumaki and the mentor of the two pillars of Uchiha. Isn’t he the master of wood escape after the first Hokage?”

 “His birth, isn’t it.”

 “Isn’t it because of Orochimaru’s experiment?”

Suddenly analyzing this, a look of astonishment flashed across Xue Qi's eyes.

 Because at that moment, Cross Country suddenly understood what experiments the previous experiments were conducting!

At this moment, the experiment Orochimaru and Danzo Shimura are plotting is undoubtedly the experiment of cloning the cells of the first Hokage and carrying out Wood Release replication.

If Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo can succeed, then they are likely to create a successful Wood Release master like in the original plot. It's just a pity that according to the observations before Cross-country, the qualified experimental subject must be a failure. The reason is naturally that Cross-country is not familiar with him at all.

 Judging from the memory of the original plot, only one of the experimental products of the Mudun controller finally passed the test, and that was Tenzo during the ANBU period, and Yamato in the later stages of the original plot.

Since the qualified experimental subject did not give off-road a familiar feeling, then he was not the so-called Tenzo or the so-called Yamato.

 From this aspect, it is speculated that Cross Country naturally knows that the joy of Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru is destined to fail.

However, Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo's joy was in vain, and there is no need to worry about cross-country.

  But when it came to screening out those failed experiments and the qualified ones, Cross Country had some ideas!

"It seems that the reason why I was able to successfully activate the cells of the qualified experimental subject using the new "annihilation" characteristic of the wind attribute chakra before is because the first-generation cells in the experimental subject slowly awakened!"

“The first-generation cells slowly awakened, and the physical fitness of the seemingly qualified experimental subject basically matched my physical fitness!”

“And there must be a lot of such so-called qualified experimental products in the subsequent experiments of Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo!”

"In that case, then use these so-called qualified experimental subjects to conduct my experiments, my new secret technique."

 “It’s really possible that it will come out in advance!”

Huttered to himself, a faint smile appeared on Xueqiu's face.

 Obviously, off-roading is the real winner if you can reap rewards from the experiments of Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo.

 Unfortunately, the joy of Cross Country didn't last long. Walking on the streets of Konoha, Cross Country soon met a guy he didn't want to see, and that was Cross Country's Kakashi-senpai!

 “Off-road, what are you doing today?”

"Minato-sensei asked me to call you over. I have been looking for you for a long time. Come with me quickly!"

If it were normal times, when Cross Country heard the call of the Fourth Hokage, he would definitely follow Kakashi directly.

However, the situation of the cross-country has become different now, especially some ANBU controlled by Shimura Danzo, who are following the cross-country at this time. Therefore, after listening to Kakashi's words, Cross Country looked indifferent, shook his head, and replied: "Sorry, Kakashi-senpai, I have to go home to practice, and I can't go to Minato-sensei. "

“Kakashi-senpai, please remember to talk to Minato-sensei when you go back and tell him that I am practicing under the guidance of Orochimaru-sama and Danzo-sama!”


Without giving Kakashi a chance to get angry, the cross-country figure disappeared in a hurry, leaving only the angry Kakashi staying there alone.

 Such a scene, in the eyes of the Anbu sent by Shimura Danzo, is a very normal thing.

 Even if Shimura Danzo received a report from his ANBU, he would be very satisfied with the cross-country performance.

 But, is Cross Country’s apparent break with the Fourth Hokage really a complete break?


 At this time, Kakashi is still not the Kakashi in the original plot. The way of seeing things is naturally different from that of people like Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage. Therefore, when he discovered that Cross Country seemed to be breaking up with the Fourth Hokage, Kakashi angrily went to the Fourth Hokage's home and reported the matter to the Fourth Hokage.

On the contrary, the Fourth Hokage, after listening to Kakashi's story, silently let Kakashi go back.

However, when only the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina were left in the room, the Fourth Hokage who was talking to Uzumaki Kushina smiled bitterly and said to his beloved wife Uzumaki Kushina: " Kushina, the situation in the village is getting more and more complicated. Maybe I made a wrong idea when I chose to fight for something."

“Lord Orochimaru has returned to the village. He is very close to Danzo-sama. I must have discovered something during the cross-country trip. I don’t hesitate to risk my life and go to find out some useful information!”

 “Speaking of off-roading, that’s a good kid.”

“I’m really afraid of having to think so much at such a young age.”

“Minato, there’s nothing to be afraid of, just keep going forward.”

Listening to what the Fourth Hokage said, Uzumaki Kushina's face exuded the glory of motherhood, and she smiled and comforted: "With me, our children supporting you, and cross-country, Kakashi, and Lin are by your side to assist you. I believe you will definitely become the greatest Hokage in history! Since there are some things we can’t choose now, let’s just choose to move forward!”

“As long as we move forward, I believe the road ahead will be bright.”

“Minato, let me accompany you to the end of this road!”

 “Thank you, Kushina!”

With Uzumaki Kushina's comfort, all the bitter smiles disappeared, and the Fourth Hokage turned back into the majestic Fourth Hokage.

 Furthermore, the Fourth Hokage obviously didn't take it to heart about Cross Country's break with him, but firmly believed that Cross Country would never betray him.

 So, sometimes many things on the surface are far from being as simple as they seem.

Even the next day, when Cross Country was preparing to report to Shimura Danzo, Orochimaru's figure suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country, which further proved that there are some things that need to be understood silently!

“Off-road, the qualified experiment is dead.”

 “Are you interested in conducting the next phase of experiments with me?”

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