Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 220: Alternative harvest

 “Based on feeling?”

 After Off-Road answered, the fourth-generation Mizukage clone in front of him, who was controlled by Madara, was obviously stunned for a moment.

But when the Fourth Mizukage clone was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became clear, what even Cross Country didn't realize was that the next words spoken by Madara, who controlled the Fourth Mizukage clone, became his future. A different kind of harvest from this confrontation!

 “It feels like a good idea.”

"Nara Cross-country, if you can stick to the idea of ​​"going by feeling", maybe you can really go further on the road of ninja."

 “As for going further, it depends on how you feel.”

As soon as the Fourth Mizukage clone finished speaking, Cross Country could not help but frown slightly and thought to himself:

"What's the meaning?"

 “The Fourth Mizukage used his clone, no.”

“Is Madara using the Fourth Mizukage’s clone to guide me? Does he want to lead me down the wrong path by saying this, or does he have ulterior motives?”

Obviously, when Master Madara controlled the clone of the Fourth Mizukage and said those words, which made Cross Country feel enlightened, based on the identity of the Fourth Mizukage and more importantly, Master Madara's identity, Cross Country could not help but use it again. The dark thoughts were used to try to figure out what Madara said when he controlled the Fourth Mizukage's clone.

 That’s right.

  If the words that were used for guidance and enlightenment were spoken by the Fourth Hokage, then the relationship between the Fourth Hokage and Cross Country would gradually develop a rift. However, just because the Fourth Hokage is the master of Cross Country, it is impossible for Cross Country to suspect that the Fourth Hokage wants to lead him down the wrong path.

 However, both the Fourth Mizukage and Madara's identity are a bit too sensitive.

Therefore, at this time, even if Off-road uses dark thoughts to figure out the fourth generation Mizukage clone in front of him, and hides the words of advice from BOSS Madara behind the scenes, it is very common sense.

In this way, if Madara uses the fourth generation Mizukage clone to give guidance on off-roading, whether it is correct or wrong depends on his own perception.

And when Cross Country gradually understood, it felt that when Madara used the fourth generation Mizukage to say those words, even the fog on the road to the Kage level powerhouse seemed to have dissipated a lot, and in Cross Country's own feeling , is what Madara said using the Fourth Mizukage's clone correct or wrong?

 The answer is so unexpected!

Combining with Cross Country's own thoughts, he discovered that what Madara said using the Fourth Mizukage's clone was completely correct!

Moreover, among those correct remarks, there was not even the slightest bit of wrong guidance!

 At this stage, as an elite jounin, how far is the gap between him and a shadow-level powerhouse?

 It’s a secret technique, but I still don’t have enough ninjutsu, so is there a “qualitative” gap in strength between cross-country and shadow-level experts?

 No, that’s not the case at all!

In fact, while hiding his own strength in the Ninja School, Cross Country has been conducting research work, and after mastering secret techniques such as Air Blade, Whirlwind Slash, Palm Blade Senbon, and Shadow Shield, the gap between Cross Country and shadow-level powerhouses has increased. It’s just one step away!

Moreover, that one-step difference doesn’t count the other gains of off-roading.

  If you include the new characteristic of "annihilation" of wind attribute chakra and the mastery of the space-time Rasengan, then the gap between cross-country and shadow-level experts is only half a step!

Maybe all it takes is one more epiphany, and you can use an elite jounin-level ninja to go cross-country and directly become a shadow-level powerhouse!

 But, after taking that half-step cross-country, can he be considered a true shadow-level powerhouse?

  Can't be counted as such, because among the real shadow-level powerhouses, there are also differences in strength.

For example, after crossing the half-step in cross-country, the shadow-level master achieved can be said to be half-step shadow level, or quasi-shadow level!

After becoming a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse, Cross Country only needs to slowly accumulate combat experience, enrich his combat awareness, and adjust his mentality. After overcoming three difficulties, he can achieve the reputation of a true shadow-level powerhouse. !

  He directly became a true shadow-level powerhouse and became the one who stands proudly at the pinnacle of the ninja world!

However, regardless of whether a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse or a true shadow-level powerhouse is different, the only difference is combat experience, combat awareness, and a good mentality. However, it is precisely the three aspects of combat experience, combat awareness, and a good mentality that form the gap between a quasi-shadow level and a true shadow-level powerhouse!

Even in the original plot, there are many guys who look like shadow-level powerhouses, but it is because they did not meet the standards in these three aspects. In the end, they can only stay at the quasi-shadow level, and never become a true shadow-level powerhouse throughout their lives.

It seems that in the original plot, Hidan of the immortal duo in the "Akatsuki" organization, and Deidara of the artistic duo have stayed in the ranks of quasi-kage level for life, because they have not transformed into a real kage level. The strong man eventually became Nara Shikamaru and the experience baby of the second pillar of Uchiha, respectively?

 Within the three gaps between the quasi-shadow level and the true shadow level, there is no way to take advantage of combat experience and combat awareness.

 Only through hard battles and transformations of life and death can a ninja gain rich combat experience.

 Then, as combat experience gradually increases, a ninja's combat awareness slowly catches up.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy means you will be victorious in every battle.

With sufficient combat experience and combat awareness, a ninja can first rely on combat experience to analyze other people's intelligence during a confrontation with the enemy. If he encounters some unexpected situations, he can also rely on combat To make up for it with experience is to walk on the path of knowing yourself and the enemy, and winning every battle.

On the contrary, it is a good mentality. There is really no way to cultivate it. You can only rely on personal insights.

In the original plot, was Deidara really unable to make a comeback during the confrontation with the two Uchiha pillars?

It is estimated that as long as Deidara can control his emotions a little, slowly fight against the Uchiha Second Pillar, and does not use the more radical self-destruction method to end the battle, the person who loses in the end may be the Uchiha Second Pillar, right?

ˆ Let’s talk about Red Sand Scorpion, who is also a member of the "Akatsuki" organization and part of the artistic duo.

In the original plot, Haruno Sakura and Chiyo from Sand Ninja Village teamed up, and there was indeed a small explosion during the battle against the Red Sand Scorpion. However, if the mentality of the Red Sand Scorpion did not suddenly change, and it still maintained the mentality at the beginning of the fight, would it be possible for Haruno Sakura and Chiyo to kill the Red Sand Scorpion?

 Absolutely not!

 So, in the growth of a ninja, mentality is very important.

 It is also because of this that there is a gap in mentality between quasi-shadow level and true shadow level experts.

 It's a pity that there is no way to cultivate the mentality. We can only rely on one's perception and enlightenment.

At this time, the fourth-generation Mizukage clone controlled by Madara pointed out that if Off-Road had been walking based on his feelings, then he was on the right path. This was the understanding that came out of Off-Road's mind!

 “By feeling? That’s right, just by feeling!”

"A person's mentality may change with some special events in the outside world. Just like when I fought against the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara, my mentality was affected by Madara's psychological warfare! "

“But later, I was able to see through all Madara’s plans because I was following my feelings and using my own practical feelings to defeat the relatively illusory mentality!”

 “Then in terms of the sublimation of mentality, feeling will occupy a very important position!”

“But why does Madara control the clone of the Fourth Mizukage to point me out?”

"If I really make the leap to become a quasi-kage-level powerhouse, and break through the gaps in experience, consciousness, and mentality, and become a true shadow-level powerhouse, wouldn't that pose a threat to Madara's plan? ?”


“Master Ban needs to use me in some plans? So, before using me, will you give me some sweet dates?”

Huttered to himself, when Cross Country looked at the fourth-generation Mizukage clone in front of him who had not disappeared, the precaution in his heart inevitably became stronger.

On the contrary, the fourth-generation Mizukage clone under Madara's control was still staring at Off-Road with indifferent eyes, as if he didn't see the precautions in Off-Road's eyes!

Especially next, when Yue Yue was afraid that Madara might have some other plan and be deceived, his eyes were flashing with cold light, and he would use the method he used to deal with those "experimental subjects" before to dismember the fourth generation of water that had not disappeared in front of him. When the shadow clone was created, Master Madara suddenly controlled the fourth generation water shadow clone and said a sentence, which made the eyes of the cross country shrink slightly!

 “Nara Cross Country, let’s make a deal!”

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