Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 15: Conspiracy emerges


 Hinata Akiji?

Where did this guy come from?

As a senior Naruto fan, he always remembers all plot characters with some talent. Otherwise, how could he recognize Uchiha Fugaku at a glance?

Therefore, even Shikaku and Ding Zao exclaimed, reminding the young man named Hyuga Mingji in front of the cross country that he was the pride of the new generation of the Hyuga clan. The cross country could not help but secretly look at the Hinata Mingji in the field, and felt in his heart Said: "It seems that there is no person like Hinata Mingji in the original work! Could it be that he was a genius who fell in the process of growing up before growing up?"

Huttered in secret, Cross Country's heart trembled, and then he looked at Uchiha Fugaku who was sneering, his eyes were somewhat strange.

 Many geniuses are valuable only when they grow up.

In the world of ninjas, especially during cruel wars, it is very common to kill genius in the cradle. What's more, the Uchiha clan came with hostility. Cross Country couldn't help but guess that Uchiha Fugaku's real purpose was to use "discussion" to kill geniuses like Hyuga Mingji and prevent the rise of the Hyuga clan.

Perhaps, the idea of ​​going off-road is a bit dark, but Uchiha Fugaku is definitely a person worthy of vigilance.

Then, even if Shikaku didn't say anything, Shikoku watched Hinata Mingji in the field making a soft fist start, preparing to fight Uchiha Sanono, and began to secretly guard against the Uchiha clan's small moves.

Especially when Hinata Mingji made the first move and hit Uchiha Sano with a soft punch, watching the cross-country battle between the two, I couldn't help but think:

“How amazing! Compared with the new generations of the Hinata and Uchiha clans, the new generations of the Nara clan are simply useless!”

"The fight between them can be called a fight between ninjas, not children playing house!"

 At this time, it is not an exaggeration of cross-country, but the strength of Hyuga Akiji and Uchiha Sanono is very good.

Only eight years old, Hinata Aiji not only awakened the Byakugan, but also mastered the soft fist very well. In just a few rounds, he suppressed Sanou Uchiha's offensive.

 Uchiha Sano seemed to be at a disadvantage, but after taking out a kunai from his ninja bag, Uchiha Sano seemed to be a different person, suppressing Hinata Mingci.

 Sure enough, having a weapon in hand is better than using bare hands.

Watching the fight between Hinata Mingji and Uchiha Sanou, Cross Country felt that he had accumulated a lot of combat experience, and Shikaku couldn't help but secretly nodded when he saw that Cross Country was intently watching the fight between the two in the field. Immediately, he shifted his gaze and fell on Hyuga Mingci. He heard Shikaku say slowly: "What your uncle Dingzao said just now is right. Mingci is the hope of this generation of Hyuga clan, but it is a pity that he was born into a separate family. The Uchiha clan's Sano seems to have the advantage, but he is completely relying on the sharpness of the kunai to suppress Mingji. "

“In cross-country, the winner can be decided in at most two rounds. Watch Mingci’s moves carefully, he is going to counterattack!”


He nodded vigorously. At first, Cross Country did not pay much attention to the fight between the two, but as time went by, just watching the fight between the two in the field, Cross Country actually felt a little bit like he was getting stronger!

 Because, ninja battles rely not only on personal strength, but also on the accumulation of actual combat and experience, which is also a very important link.

 In the original book, Naruto Uzumaki fought against ninjas for the first time and was so frightened that he couldn't even show half of his strength. On the contrary, the second Uchiha pillar, when performing missions with Uzumaki Naruto, because he had accumulated some combat experience as early as the ninja school period, his outstanding performance was simply behind Uzumaki Naruto.

At that time, it was not that the Uchiha Second Pillar was too strong, but that Uzumaki Naruto was inexperienced. He was half defeated before he even took action.

The situation in front of Cross-Country is the same. Hyuga Mingji and Uchiha Sano, to put it bluntly, it is a 50-50 situation. However, Hinata Mingji has more combat experience. When the Rou Fist was launched, he planned step by step and quickly grasped the rhythm of Uchiha Sano, followed immediately by the plan!

 “Soft Boxing Technique! Sixty-four Palms of Bagua!”




With a loud shout, the essence of the Hyuga clan's soft fist suddenly emerged. The spectators in the field, including Shikaku and Dingza, were in an uproar. Obviously, these people had never thought that Hinata would master the soft fist technique at the age of eight next year. The essence of it can even be used by the sixty-four palms of Bagua.

 However, relying on the Jonin's vision, Shikaku, Dingza and others were only slightly shocked, and then sighed deeply.

 Because Hinata Mingji's Sixty-four Palms of the Eight Trigrams can only be mastered at most. Let alone attacks like heavy rain, there are some problems with the consistency of the attacks.

However, in the competition between the juniors, Hinata Mingci has already mastered the victory by using the Sixty-Four Bagua Palms.

The next second, Uchiha Sano, who had previously been able to suppress Hyuga Mingji, was completely unable to fight back under the Sixty-Four Bagua. He retreated step by step and was about to lose.

However, just when Uchiha Sano was about to lose, he had been paying attention to Uchiha Fugaku's cross-country, and a glint suddenly flashed in his eyes!

"not good!"

Hyuga Mingci originally used Bagua Sixty-Four Palms, and even Hizashi believed that his nephew would definitely win.

Who would have thought that Uchiha Fugaku was already prepared? Before he ordered Uchiha Sano and Uchiha Yuno to challenge, he wore armor full of barbs next to his body!

 So, Hyuga Mingji's Sixty-Four Bagua Palms only used ten palms, and his fingers were stained with bright red blood, and his hands were almost useless!

What’s even more despicable is that while Hinata Mingji’s hands were injured, a ferocious flash suddenly flashed in Uchiha Sano’s eyes. He held the kunai in his backhand and stabbed Hinata Mingji straight in the abdomen!

Uchiha Sanono's meaning is very clear, it is clear that he wants to abolish Hinata Akiji!

What's more, Uchiha Fugaku's calculation was very good. He first made Uchiha Sano look like he was about to lose, and then counterattacked at the critical moment. Therefore, when Uchiha Sanono's kunai stabbed Hinata Mingci, not to mention Hizashi, not even Shikaku, Choza and other jonins could stop Uchiha Sanono from committing the murder!

But under Uchiha Fugaku's proud gaze, when Uchiha Sano was about to destroy Hinata Akira, there was a sudden "bang"!

Under Uchiha Sanono's shocked eyes, he suddenly realized that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stab the kunai in his hand!

Hizashi was naturally ecstatic when he saw this!

With his peripheral vision, he caught a glimpse of a change in the shadow under Uchiha Sanono's feet. Hizashi sneered secretly and jumped to the center of Hinata Mingji and Uchiha Sanono. He grabbed Uchiha Sanono's kunai's wrist with all his strength. He yelled angrily: "Brother Fugaku, what do you mean? It's just a discussion. Are you planning to destroy Mingci?"

 “Abolish Mingci? I don’t have that intention.”

"Shikaku, what do you mean? It's just a discussion between two juniors, and you suddenly take action."

 “Wait! It’s not Shikaku, who are you!”

Seeing the change in the shadow under Uchiha Sanou's feet, most people immediately thought it was Shikaku who took action, even Uchiha Fugaku was no exception.

Who wants to look away? There is a sneer on Lu Jiu's face, but he didn't even seal it!

On the contrary, it was the kid behind Shikaku who, when Uchiha Fugaku and others looked away, slowly said in a lazy voice: "Sir Fugaku, it was Sanonen-senpai who just won, is that okay?"

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