Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 104: defect?



With a dull sound, all six Mist Ninja Jonin died, leaving the sharp blade team in Cross Country to face only one enemy, Loquat Juzo!

Comprehensive advantages!

  After the death of the six Mist Ninja Jonin, Cross Country's Blade Team had indeed reversed their disadvantage and faced a comprehensive advantage.

After all, although Off-Road and Uchiha Shisui are still within the scope of the blood mist, Loquat Juzo is also imprisoned by the arrival of the shadow world and cannot fight as usual!

What's more, what if it's under the blood mist secret technique of Loquat Juzo?

Relying on the shadow communication technique, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui completely ignored the effect of the blood mist. Possibly, all it takes is Uchiha Shisui to use the teleportation technique again, and Loquat Juzo, a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas, will be defeated by the combined efforts of Cross Country and Shisui Shisui, allowing the Blade Team to completely win this battle. !

However, before Loquat Shizang died, Xue Xue's eyes were still so solemn.

  He knows that every member of the Seven Mist Ninjas is not easy to deal with, so it is very important to face up to the opponent's strength.

 Just like the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost that I defeated before going off-road!

 Is the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost weak?

 Definitely not weak!

If it weren’t for the sudden burst of cross-country driving, and the mental energy would be “quality” in half a step!

If you are not familiar with the plot of the original work and know the many secret skills of the holder of the big knife and rubber muscle.

Then the person who died tragically in the end must be off-roading!

No matter what, those "what ifs" are all indispensable. Without one cross-country, they will be defeated at the hands of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, resulting in the cross-country's death under the strong strength of the seven members of the Mist Ninja!

Of course, to get rid of the Loquat Juzo in front of you, off-roading also doesn’t feel that troublesome.

Let’s not talk about how much strength Loquat Juzo can use under the confinement of the shadow world. Let's just say that by combining cross-country and Shunshen Shisui, if you want to defeat an elite jounin like Loquat Juzo, you will have 50%, or even 60%, to kill the decapitating sword in front of you without reducing the number of members of the sharp blade team. The holder of!

It’s just that the 50% or even 60% certainty is based on a premise, that is, the cross-country combat is still possible!

Because of this, Cross Country's eyes became more solemn at this time, especially when he felt his remaining chakra, Cross Country couldn't help but use his brain, and secretly analyzed:

“The first disadvantage of using Shadow World Advent for the first time seems to have emerged.”

“Because I have never used Shadow World Descend before, I was a little excited to learn how to use Shadow World Descend. I seemed to have consumed too much chakra just now to expand the range of Shadow World Descend!”

"Obviously, I only need to consume a part of the chakra to expand the range of the Shadow Realm to cover a hundred meters around me. But because I was so excited, I fully expanded the range of the Shadow Realm Descendant to more than 200 meters. Even if the Shadow Realm Descendant consumes There is less chakra, but I still have to face the problem of chakra shortage!"

“At most...if you maintain the shadow communication skill and wind perception, you can fight for up to three minutes!”

 “No, this issue must be discussed with Shisui!”

 “Otherwise, the situation I finally created may completely collapse!”

 After a secret analysis, Cross Country maintained the use of Shadow Realm Advent, so he used the method of mental communication to say to Uchiha Shisui: "Shun, I can only hold on for three minutes at most. Are you okay?"

 “Three minutes? That’s enough!”

With the cooperation of the off-road Shadow World Advent, Uchiha Shisui instantly killed six Mist Ninja Jonin. He was obviously full of confidence at this time.

Especially when looking at Loquat Juuzou, who was also imprisoned by the arrival of the shadow world, Uchiha Shisui raised a smile slightly, and used mental communication to reply to the cross-country road: "Kage, as long as you can maintain the use of this secret technique , it doesn’t take three minutes to imprison Loquat Juuzang, only about half a minute, and I can solve the battle!”

"Well, the battle is not over yet, so I won't be nagging you."


 “Just wait for the good show to happen!”


After Uchiha Shisui finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared.

 Obviously, after communicating with off-road, Shunshen Shisui is still full of confidence.

Because if Uchiha Shisui is unable to kill Loquat Juuzou under the constraints of the arrival of the shadow world, then he really feels that he has no shame to see the cross-country again, and he doesn't even have the shame to be called the captain of the Blade Team!

 And when Cross Country saw that Shunshen Shisui was so confident, he naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, although cross-country still maintains an explosion and a half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy, even cross-country himself does not know how long this explosion can last. Therefore, as long as Loquat Juuzang's blood mist technique does not disappear, Cross Country will be under great pressure.

 So, hearing Shunshen Shisui say that the battle can be solved in half a minute and maintaining the cross-country descent of the Shadow Realm must be a lot of relief.

But in the next second, the scene that made Xue Yu's heart "thump", and almost "jumped" from his chest to his throat, followed Shunshen Shisui's twinkling figure, and reflected in Xue Yu's dark eyes!

Because just when Shunshen Shisui vowed to use the instantaneous technique and suddenly appeared in front of Loquat Juuzang, Shunshen Shisui was holding a small sword and was about to cut Loquat Juuzang's throat, but he was actually counterattacked by Loquat Juuzang!


 That’s the Broken Blade!

 That’s a beheading sword!

Almost as soon as Shunshen Shisui appeared, he thought that Loquat Juzo was imprisoned and would be unable to fight back. Loquat Juzo held a decapitating sword and struck with a slash, forcing Shunshen Shisui back in front of him!

 So, not to mention Shunshen Shisui who was stunned, even Cross Country was stunned and froze on the spot.

 At that time, there was only one question in Cross Country’s head.

 That is why Juuzang Loquat is still able to move his body when he is bound by the arrival of the shadow world!

On the contrary, it was Loquat Juuzang who seemed to be completely unconcerned about the previous counterattack. He still stared at the cross-country and Shisui figure with disdain. Moreover, just when Cross Country and Shunshen Shisui were confused as to why Loquat Juzo could still fight back despite being imprisoned, Loquat Juzo's faint voice echoed in Cross Country and Shunshen Shisui's ears!

“That brat ANBU, it turns out you are from the Nara clan of Konoha Village.”

"You are really talented at being able to improve the Nara clan's secret techniques at such a young age. No wonder our village values ​​your blade team so much and says that we must take the heads of four of you brats back for business. I might have been a little curious before, but now After seeing how you use your secret technique, I understand a little bit."

“It turns out that what the village really wants is for me to come and kill the new generation of geniuses like you!”

“What a pity! The geniuses of the new generation will always be the geniuses of the new generation!”

“Presumably Nara Shikaku, one of your Konoha Village Ino Shika Butterfly trio, has mastered your secret technique. He must have a good understanding of the characteristics of the secret technique before using it to fight against the enemy, right?”

"Kid, haven't you noticed? As the range of your secret techniques expands, the binding ability of your Nara clan's secret techniques becomes weaker and weaker. Just like those trashes just now, they obviously have the ability to fight back, but they are dead In the hands of another kid, they found that they couldn't move their feet and were too nervous, so they didn't realize that the upper body could still move. "

 “And me? Loquat Juzo! Obviously I can’t be as stupid as them!”

"not to mention"

 Speaking, Loquat Juuzang slowly raised the beheading sword and placed it flat in front of himself, with a murderous intent suddenly flashing in his eyes!

“Little devil, the secret technique you use has more than one shortcoming! Let me tell you how many weaknesses your secret technique has!”

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