Naruto: Rebuilding Uzumaki Clan

Chapter 407 - Divine battle (three)

Chapter 407 – Divine battle! ! (three)

At the side of Zhu Weihong, in the shadow of a big tree, five faint blue fireballs shot out. The stupefied figure of Zhu Weihong jumped into the air, turning around an action that he didn’t believe he could make! Dangerous and dangerous while avoiding five fireballs, Zhu Weihong, who was scared and covered in hairs, looked up, but found the phantom of Yama that slowly emerged from the shadows!

Obviously, the illusion of Yan Luo that was just defeated by Zhu Weihong was an “illusion”, where the deity has been hidden, and Zhu Weihong’s perception of the vegetation has not been discovered, it is indeed the incarnation of rules!

In fact, the illusion of Yama just now is not a pure illusion, and it is more practical to explain it with a mirror image clone. Although Zhu Weihong’s intention was to paralyze Zhu Weihong, the attacks were real. If Zhu Weihong was accidentally wiped by an attack, Zhu Weihong would definitely regret it for life!

The five fireballs were in mid-air like a fish with soul, floating in their respective trajectories. The moment they flew past Zhu Weihong, they turned around and swam back in front of Zhu Weihong.With a brush of Zhu Weihong’s arm, a three-foot long root exuding dark purple brilliance emerged from his palm. It’s like in Xiuxian’s novels, taken out of the storage space, abruptly without warning.

The divine duel is extremely dangerous, the “divine” is illusory but real, and can be attached to almost any substance, some of which are like omnipotent BUFF. Attached to the divine object, the attack will be attached to the divine attack.

At this time, the long stick attached to the divinity formed countless phantoms under Zhu Weihong’s dancing, blasting out in all directions. It collided with five fireballs and burst into sparks.

In the next moment, the place where Zhu Weihong was located, seemed to be ignited by this explosion of countless sparks, and a pillar of flame would burst out every time a spark hits the ground.

It took just a few breaths to completely cover the area where Zhu Weihong was standing. The faint blue flame burned the air, causing water wave-like distortions in this area.(Read more @”I’m going, even the traps are out. Isn’t it rigid? Brother, are you really just thinking about it!” From the beginning, Zhu Weihong perceives that the phantom of Yama in front of him is just a ray of god of the real “king of Yama”. Consciousness, that is to say, a program that only has part of the will, otherwise it is impossible to be controlled by Nagato’s reincarnation eye.

But now it’s only been fighting for a while, and a trap will be arranged! Divine moraine is divine moraine, and it really is not something mortal can figure out, even if it’s just a ray of divine consciousness, it’s wise. “It seems to be a quick decision!”

Thinking of this, for the first time, Zhu Weihong solemnly knotted the seal “Wooden Dun · Tree Bound Eternal Burial”. With the completion of Zhu Weihong’s knot seal, countless vine-shaped tree saplings entangled the ground and entangled themselves firmly, and then took a few breaths Seeing it grows into a big tree that can be hugged by fifteen or six people.

Divine flames are indeed sacred cows, but it is impossible to burn into ashes a large tree that can only be embraced by fifteen or six people in a few breaths. Zhu Weihong wants the roots of the large tree and the flame to surround the surrounding trees At the moment where the roots meet, “Mu Dun” launches Zhu Weihong to escape from the trap.Yan Luo’s illusion seemed to have sensed Zhu Weihong’s way of escaping, and the divine flame pillar instantly integrated and turned into a huge ring of fire. It spread out, and the surrounding ordinary trees were all burned just as soon as they touched. Even the roots of the trees under the ground were completely burnt.

Zhu Weihong wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but the will in the dark was suppressed, and Zhu Weihong stopped immediately. Because as long as you take another step, you will definitely be obliterated by that will, and the divinity in your body will be extracted by that will and handed over to Yama Illusion.

“It’s really cruel! Is the will of the Hokage world!’Dadao ruthlessly uses everything as a dog’! I really don’t want to mix in this world!” Zhu Weihong felt the pressure that filled the world and couldn’t help but slander. .

Zhu Weihong continued to slander, but Yan Luo Mirage did not give the slightest chance to stop.

The eldest brother who was three inches above the ground didn’t know where the power source came from, so he swished over, and the speed was even faster than a normal sports car.As soon as Zhu Weihong turned around, Mu Dun mobilized dozens of vines to break through the ground. The thick-armed vines are intertwined in the air to form a huge vine net. The dark purple brilliance instantly spreads upward from the roots of the vines, rendering the entire net into a dark purple, towards the phantom of Yama.

The illusion of Yama can indeed pass through any physical matter, but it does not include the matter attached to the gods. Seeing the shrouded vine net, Yan Luo phantom raised his hands at least dozens of flame shadows flickering out.

One by one, these cargo fireballs are like fixed guided missiles, and they brazenly hit the purple rattan net. These shadows have indeed exerted the power of guided missiles, as long as they are attached to the shadows, they will be swallowed up by a large vine net.

Then Yan Luo Mirage waved with one hand, and dozens of lights and shadows flew out again. This time the light and shadow were dark red, as if the color of blood dried and solidified, with a nauseating smell of blood. The dark red light and shadow seem to have no shape like a shadow, but they are so sharp that they can easily cut away a few vines that can still play a blocking role.

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