(I worked hard on typing until 12:30, and finally finished this chapter. Please give me a big reward to encourage me.……)


"I don’t care who you are, I don’t need a reason to kill you!"

Seeing that Jiraiya still has no intention of repenting at all, he actually dared to ask him back. This is simply adding fuel to the fire and seeking death!

So Naruto no longer wants to continue talking nonsense with Jiraiya. He There is only one thought left in my mind, that is, to cut Jiraiya into pieces with a thousand swords to relieve the hatred in my heart!


In an instant, Naruto jumped up with the Tian Cong Yun Sword in hand, flew into the air, and appeared behind Jiraiya in an instant at almost supersonic speed!

"Depend on! What the hell kind of speed is this!"Jiraiya couldn't help but cursed secretly when he saw this sword, and used the Substitute Technique again to escape.

After all, he had just seen the power of this sword. Cutting his hair was as easy as cutting vegetables. How could this make him It's so frustrating to dare to resist...

But this sword... Why does it feel familiar?……


Just when Jiraiya was still dazed, Naruto's next sword was already close in front of him!

"Hey Hey hey!!...You kid, just stop it, that's enough. If you continue like this, don't blame me for being rude!"Jiraiya dodged, narrowly dodged the sword, and immediately turned around and shouted!

However, on the other side, Naruto still held the Amancongyun Sword tightly, with no intention of giving up, and stared coldly into Jiraiya's eyes. , shouted angrily:"Humph, stop thinking so much! I will definitely fight to the death with you today!"

After saying that, Naruto stretched out his right hand and flew the Tian Cong Yun Sword directly towards Jiraiya, using the sword control technique to control it remotely!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!——"

Immediately afterwards, nine extremely gorgeous tails bloomed instantly like lotus flowers!

"Damn it, am I dazzled? There are actually nine tails! Monster!…!…"Just as Jiraiya was struggling to avoid the pursuit of the Amancong Cloud Sword, he suddenly saw this incredible scene and was almost cut in half by the flying sword!

"Extreme Formation·Burning Sky will be destroyed!"


Just as Naruto finished speaking, Tian Congyun Sword gave up its pursuit of Jiraiya and rose directly to an altitude of 500 meters!


Naruto's nine huge tails were swinging wildly! In an instant, a huge yellow sand storm occurred in the surrounding land with a diameter of about 500 meters! It is not an exaggeration to say that the scene is the end of the world!

Immediately afterwards, the nine tails seemed to have magical powers, growing infinitely! And all the hairs stood up, shining with a cold light, instantly surrounding all the space 500 meters around Jiraiya! A large white hemispherical formation was formed!

Countless golden sword energy mixed with white barbs (the hair on the tail!) immediately filled the entire space! Leave Jilai with nowhere to hide!

"Oops!"Jiraiya's pupils shrank! He didn't expect Naruto's attack to be so fast, but in the blink of an eye, those sword energies were already close in front of him! If he didn't run for his life, he would probably be cut into pieces!!!

"Damn it!! What's going on! Could it be that I haven't woken up yet?……"Even the well-informed Jiraiya was a little shocked after seeing this extremely terrifying scene!

He had never heard of this weird and huge-range attack method!

And Jiraiya knew very well that Naruto's move could not be escaped with the Substitute Technique! After all, the scope is too vast!

"Ninja techniques, Jizo needles!"

It was completely helpless for Jiraiya to use this move again, because Naruto's sword energy was too fast, leaving him no time to form the seal!

But this time Jiraiya increased his attack on Jizo The chakra output of the needle greatly enhanced its defensive capabilities, but this was still not enough in front of Naruto's Burning Sky Judgment Formation!

In a short time, Jiraiya's hair had been struck by countless sword energy. The grinding is almost done, and the meat is about to be cut, just when the thousands of troops are about to attack!

"Psychic! The art of restraint by the toad's mouth!

Boom! ——I saw countless pale red flesh walls quickly emerging from Jiraiya's feet! Huge pieces of sarcoma rushed out! But in an instant, Naruto's Burning Sky Judgment Formation had completely covered him!

"How can this be!……"Naruto stared at all this blankly, even forgetting to take back the Tianyun Congjian.……


You must know that this technique is the stomach wall of the Myoboku Mountain Iwasu Toad. It has a very wide range of functions. Although it is defined as a binding technique, its defensive ability is even more terrifying. In the original work, even Uchiha Itachi's Amaterasu Fire can only It can only destroy a little bit, which is enough to show how powerful its defense is!

Therefore, it is not surprising that this move can break Naruto's Burning Sky Judgment Formation. After all, the range of this formation is too wide, and the attack intensity is greatly dispersed. Although it looks extremely gorgeous, it is not so indestructible.

"……What a disgusting thing, it actually made me stay in the intestines of a toad! It’s simply a crime plus another level!"

Naruto didn't expect that Jiraiya's move not only broke his Burning Sky Judgment Formation, but also trapped him, so he was extremely angry!

At the same time, Jiraiya slowly walked out, He glanced sideways at Naruto and said arrogantly:"Hmph, now you finally know how powerful I am! But it's a pity that you are already in my stomach. If you don't want to be digested and turned into poop, you should just let it go, so that I can let you go. After all, there is no deep hatred between us, and there is no need to fight to the death. Bar……"

"You know, the biggest mistake you made was being so arrogant in front of me!"Naruto's voice was as cold as ice, and the murderous aura in his body seemed to turn into a sharp sword, shooting directly at Jiraiya!

"Holy shit! The murderous aura is getting stronger and stronger……"After Jiraiya felt Naruto's strong murderous aura, he also knew that it was impossible to be good now...

Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and immediately recalled the Tiancongyun sword to float on his chest, and the whole body was filled with real energy. The Yuan Power keeps rolling, and the mental power condenses quickly! boom!——

"The third form of Tianling Sword Technique! Galaxy light dust!

What happened next was like a miracle!

The blade of the Tiancongyun Sword immediately emitted a huge golden light, gradually growing in size, almost filling the entire Yansu Toad's stomach wall!

Uh-huh! ——But in an instant, all the golden light suddenly turned into wisps of tiny sword energy! But every tiny wisp of sword energy didn't stab the surroundings immediately, but spun quickly!

Due to the ultra-high-speed rotation, the golden light of each ray of sword energy was so dazzling that Jiraiya couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands!

"not good! I was almost confused by this picture, so dangerous!"After Jiraiya blocked his eyes, he immediately realized that this move cannot be as simple as being gorgeous, and the power must be even more terrifying!


Within a moment, the stomach wall of the Iwasu Toad, which no one had ever been able to escape, was instantly worn through by Naruto's thousands of starlight sword energy...

Yes, it was worn through...

Originally, Naruto wanted to kill Hongchen with his sword. Yes, but since Jiraiya is to be cut into pieces, it is more painful to use"grinding", and the process is extremely clear, so Xinghe Light Dust is undoubtedly the best choice.

However, when everything was settled, Naruto found no trace of Jiraiya.……

"Damn it, just like Orochimaru, there are really many ways to escape.……"


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