Naruto never expected that!!! ——After he used the Void Break, Orochimaru's body was still flexible, completely unaffected, and he quickly dodged Naruto's angry blow!

You know, Orochimaru is the only one present at this time! And Naruto is now at the Golden Core stage, and he just spent a lot of mental energy to control Orochimaru, so according to Naruto's estimation, this technique can completely control Orochimaru for about 5 seconds!

But the result was completely beyond Naruto's imagination!……

"how so!!!……"Naruto's voice had never sounded so out of control, and he couldn't believe his eyes!

Because this move of void breaking can hit the enemy 100%! There is absolutely no possibility of the attack failing!!!

Moreover, this technique can also perfectly isolate all mental perceptions of the enemy. It is absolutely impossible for Orochimaru to dodge as flexibly as he does now!!...

Then, the only explanation is... Orochimaru must have some incredible magic weapon!

After coming to this conclusion, Naruto frowned tightly, staring at Orochimaru's flashing figure with his blood-red pupils, thinking quickly about how to deal with it.

And Orochimaru is indeed a long-established shadow-level powerhouse. Facing this airtight and overwhelming nine tails, he is completely at ease and shows no signs of fatigue.

Right now! ——Orochimaru accelerated, dodged Naruto's tail again, and immediately stretched out his hands in Naruto's direction,

"Latent Shadow Snake Hands!"

"! brush~!"

I saw dozens of violently venomous snakes as thick as arms suddenly flying out of Orochimaru's sleeves. Each snake opened its fangs and exploded in Naruto's direction!

Seeing so many disgusting poisonous snakes, Naruto quickly recalled 5 tails to block him, leaving only 4 tails to continue chasing Orochimaru.

In fact, Naruto's move was completely unnecessary. You must know that although these venomous snakes appear to be fierce, their power is not at level A. They cannot even break Naruto's body-protecting Qi, so they cannot pose any threat to Naruto..

However, the appearance of these snakes was so ugly that Naruto subconsciously retracted his tail to resist. After all, Naruto, as a member of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan, hated slippery and cold creatures like snakes.

At the same time, Orochimaru felt much more relaxed due to the lack of Naruto's five tails chasing him. Then he quickly completed a very complicated seal again:"Forbidden Technique! Ten Thousand Snakes Basin!"

In the next second! ——A scene that made Naruto even more disgusting happened!...

I saw Orochimaru's mouth open to an incredible arc in an instant, and thousands of venomous snakes spit out from his mouth quickly. In a few breaths, a huge wave of venomous snakes formed! Although on average, each snake is not very long, what is surprising is that they also hold a long sword that looks extremely sharp in their mouths! Piles piled up! Like a high city wall! It attacked Naruto overwhelmingly!

For Naruto, who has a severe mysophobia, this scene is almost going to make his scalp go numb... and right now! The area of nearly 100 meters around Naruto turned into a huge snake nest at the same time, with countless venomous snakes of various sizes emerging from the soil! My whole body was covered in extremely disgusting mucus!

However, when the technique reaches this point, it is not finished yet!!

I saw those poisonous snakes crawling out of the soil, all opening their mouths at the same time, spitting out countless disgusting poisonous insects in an instant! Each one was as big as a fist and was climbing up quickly along Naruto's feet!

This technique is an upgraded version of the 'Array of Ten Thousand Snakes'. Orochimaru's newly developed super S-level forbidden technique can cover the enemy in all directions in an instant, leaving the enemy with no time to dodge.

Not only that, every snake is highly venomous. It can be said to seal its throat at the sight of blood, and its speed is extremely fast! And the sharp swords in their mouths! Even the toughest enemy can be minced into pieces!

Coupled with the assistance of a large number of poisonous insects, even if the enemy gets a little bit, he is almost certain to die!


Fortunately, Naruto was already at the golden elixir stage at this time, and those insect snakes could not break Naruto's body-protecting Qi at all. However, he looked at the 'long sword' in the mouths of thousands of poisonous snakes in front of him, and frowned tightly. Frown!

Because, Naruto actually felt a faint threat from those long swords...

However, at this time, he could not allow him to continue thinking about it. Seeing that the range was so vast and the disgusting venomous snakes, Naruto immediately used his precious one Teleport! In one breath, he disappeared……

"Orochimaru!...I must kill you!...How dare you use such a disgusting technique to deal with me!"

Although he could hear Naruto's cold voice at this time, Orochimaru didn't notice where Naruto was!……

"This is!!...Time and space ninjutsu!……"Orochimaru was horrified when he saw how easily Naruto could escape from his vast snake array, because he didn't even see Naruto's afterimage!...

Just when Orochimaru was shocked, Naruto had appeared behind him, instantly controlling his eight tails to tightly twist Orochimaru's body, and then used the remaining tail to move towards Orochimaru's body. The head explodes!……


At this time, Naruto was completely furious!...

You know, although the venom of those snakes just had no effect on him, it was completely unbearable for Naruto, who has severe mysophobia! In addition, as a nine-tailed sky fox, he also hates disgusting creatures like snakes!

Therefore, Orochimaru's move completely touched Naruto's bottom line!


However, just when Naruto's tail was only one millimeter away from Orochimaru, Orochimaru's body suddenly softened and slowly turned into a puddle of soil!

"Hehe hehe... Naruto-kun, your strength is really beyond my expectation. How about you come to my Otogakure Village and I can make you an equal to me?……"At this time, Orochimaru's disgusting voice sounded again, and with a touch of bewitching, he extended a tempting olive branch towards Naruto, hoping to win over Naruto.

"snort! Stop being delusional! Do you think you can still resolve it peacefully after irritating me? Do I look like such a talkative person? Keep up the good work! I don't believe you can dodge the next blow!"Naruto immediately locked Orochimaru's body with his mental power, his voice was extremely cold.

"Extremely secretive technique! Infinite reincarnation!"


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