The old man was very happy.

The other person opened the Samsara Eye Chakra mode by chance at the age of 19, but Hyuga Neji didn't think he could open it at the age of 9.

This period was ten years earlier, not to mention the difference in bloodline and inheritance. Even the first generation of the ninja god, Hokage Senju Hashirama, was still a well-deserved cannon fodder on the battlefield at the age of 9.

Watching the birds flying out of the woods in the distance, flying higher and higher, Hyuga Neji sighed inexplicably in his heart.

Some things can only be said that the time is not right.

It seems that there is nothing to think about. Time is too tight and I can't stop it. So let it be.

Hey, some people wonder why Hyuga Neji didn't use his mouth to persuade Uchiha Shisui to change his mind. Why not?

You put on a superior status, and after a few words, he was persuaded by Shisui, wasn't he?

And Uchiha Itachi's mind was also changed by his elder brother Shisui, wasn't it?

Mouth persuasion is so good!

And he made Uchiha Shisui gay - from the standpoint, with Uchiha Shisui, the strongest ninja of the Uchiha clan, sitting in the seat, even if he didn't use the skill of Mangekyō Sharingan Kotoamatsukami, Uchiha Shisui's strength could beat Uchiha Itachi with his belt!

Wouldn't that avoid the tragedy of the night of genocide?

Hey, blind student, we found the point!

Really smart!

Xikasi - but!

I don't know if this is because there are too many jokes in the original work, saying that many villains were persuaded by Uzumaki Naruto's mouth-to-mouth, giving people an illusion that Uzumaki Naruto's most powerful thing is his mouth-to-mouth!

However, Uzumaki Naruto is actually often the first to take action!

In general, the villain starts to talk, and Uzumaki Naruto directly takes action, explodes, and completely defeats the villain, and then he uses a few words of mouth-to-mouth!

Therefore, the premise for mouth-to-mouth to work is that you have to completely defeat it with your own strength!

Whoever has the bigger fist has the right to speak more!

And even if in an ideal state, Uchiha Shisui is really a wise man who can listen to you finish your words without fighting, that is not feasible.

The key is that Shisui is also a very complicated person who is difficult to deal with.

He is different from Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi is cruel to others, cruel to others!

He is cruel to himself because he loves stupid Ou Doudou.

Uchiha Shisui is different. He is really ruthless to himself.

Even if he was attacked by Shimura Danzo and one of his eyes was pulled out, Uchiha Shisui's strength can be used to secretly attack the civilians of Konoha Village, right?

He will definitely make Konoha Village restless!

Especially with his lofty war prestige, with a wave of his arm, the combat power of the entire Uchiha clan will be directly increased by a red buff and a blue buff, and the title of the first ninja clan in Konoha Village will be instantly regained!

Facing the Mangekyō is no different from facing a tailed beast.

Moreover, this human-shaped tailed beast has the instant body technique second only to the fourth generation Hokage. It is a dream to catch him and perform the sealing technique.

In the end, as long as the interests of other ninja clans are not too damaged, they will definitely adopt a policy of appeasement!

Unfortunately, under this situation where the strength is still not completely inferior, Uchiha Shisui chose to commit suicide.

Ding Ding!

No matter!

Lie flat!

Good guy, he lay directly in the coffin!

In fact, Hyuga Neji also thought about whether to contact Uchiha Shisui, mainly because of the character filter in the original work. Uchiha Shisui gives people a good feeling.

It is better to make it clear to him that the relationship between the village and the clan cannot be blindly followed by the village.

Because the village is pushed forward by the top leaders, they do not necessarily represent the wishes of all villagers. Do you really hate Uchiha so much that you even want the Uchiha clan to be exterminated?

Obviously not, because in all the wars, the Uchiha clan has also made great contributions. Although the Uchiha clan has some arrogant personalities and the clan members are annoying in their dealings with people, there is no doubt that if they are comrades on the battlefield, they must be strong and reliable comrades.

Many ordinary Uchiha clan members are also entrusted to the younger generation by their companions when they are on a partner mission with their teammates.


But Hyuga Neji thought about it and gave up.

Because Uchiha Shisui is not only a

The Uchiha clan member with the will of the Hyuga clan, or the teenager who killed countless people on the western battlefield.

Don't be fooled by his round nose and baby face!

This matter is easy to handle. All Hyuga Neiji needs to do is to give Uchiha Shisui a friendship punch and let him see what the love of the Hyuga clan is. Then Uchiha Shisui will bow down and listen to Hyuga Neiji's next words, which are indeed true and insightful.

After the death of the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, the golden flash, Konoha Village is not without war.

In the east of the Land of Fire, near the ocean, there are ninjas from the Hidden Mist Village of the Land of Water from time to time, who harass the border area one after another, and want to plunder and destroy.

The army sent by the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen to the border of the ocean to defend the border line is headed by Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui earned his name "Instant Body Shisui" in the war. Although he is very young, he is already the most powerful person in the entire Uchiha clan.

If this kind of person had not been loyal to the Third Hokage, he would have caused the Konoha F4 to be uneasy, and then they might have set a trap for Shisui to die.

Whether in Konoha Village or in the Uchiha clan, there is Uchiha Shisui who holds a high position. Hyuga Neji is not sure that he can kill him or defeat him in the present years.

The strength is still too different.

The strong are people with their own ninja way, so if they are not defeated, there is no way to instill their will into their minds.

Weak ants cannot make a shocking sound to the world.

Even if the wise kings and overlords among the ants say something, it cannot reach the ears of the towering giants, even though those words are full of correct wisdom and correct words.

"Little Sasuke, little Sasuke, you still look like a soft little boy now, but it's a pity that you will become a completely different person next year, completely blinded by darkness."

"However, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand and accept that kind of situation..."

"ε=(´ο`*))) Alas - Mikoto is a good woman... What a pity..."

After taking a nap for half an hour, Hyuga Neji and the other four began to train in the afternoon with full energy.

Confucius said: "If you don't sleep at noon, you will collapse in the afternoon!"

Mencius said: "Confucius is right!"

Everyone, remember to take a lunch break~

"No matter how big the flood is, I just stand still."

"I am not the savior. Even the Six Paths Sage has many regrets-"

"Continue the water treading training!"

After the second qualitative change of chakra, the purity of Hyuga Neji's Byakugan has been greatly improved, and it is not a one-time thing. With the daily increase of chakra, the pupil power in the eyes is resonating and growing. Now the Byakugan function has reached the same level as those Hyuga head families who have not applied the caged bird seal.

And among these Hyuga main families, there is also a very high purity of the awakened Byakugan of the bloodline limit, similar to the contemporary main family Hyuga Hiashi, much stronger than Hyuga Yue, who is also a main family but only an elder.

In terms of long-sightedness, Hyuga Neji is already able to detect things within a 2-kilometer radius around him, and there is no limit of 359 degrees.

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