The story is about the past, but the present is not the same.

And Hyuga Neji remembered that in the original work, he seemed to have only three chakra attributes: fire, earth, and water.

But it might be because of his time travel, or it might be the mutation brought by the star core in the dimensional space of his dantian. Anyway, Hyuga Neji currently has all seven attributes: fire, earth, water, wind, thunder, yin, and yang. His main goal is to develop in a comprehensive and balanced way, with all the elements blossoming.

The specialty of the Hyuga clan is the Byakugan and the soft fist method.

But the strange thing is that the Hyuga clan doesn't know how to use any ninjutsu at all - they are unwilling to use it.

Especially those ninjutsu that consume chakra, which are useless at all. At most, there are some clone techniques and substitute techniques. The fancy chakra ninjutsu of the Five Escapes is rarely used.

Maybe it's because of the thousand-year inheritance, and the soft fist method and the white eyes can basically cover all close combat, medium-range and long-range attack and defense, and consume little chakra, so basically the Hyuga clan only uses the family ninjutsu.

But that kind of situation does not exist here with Hyuga Neji!

Hyuga Neji himself said that the white-eyed ninja of Hyuga can also use chakra, and different types of chakra can be used!

With his fingers slightly curled up, he can easily use the super strong control to transform the chakra in his body into fire attribute, without releasing any powerful ninjutsu. After all, it takes many days to refine it in vain before it can be restored.

Now, it was just a little bit of chakra, and then a handful of flames ignited in Hyuga Neji's hand out of thin air, and he stretched his hand directly to the charcoal stove and the grill, and ignited the igniters in the charcoal stove and the grill.

This is a special mixture of cotton straw, rosin beeswax and many other igniters that can be ignited at a touch.

Soon, a small amount of white smoke rose, and the igniter was lit, firmly and slowly releasing a small flame to ignite the charcoal around him that actually served as fuel.

A few minutes later, when Hyuga Hinata brought the washed pots and pans, Hyuga Neji had already prepared the fire source for cooking, and was cutting the meat and ham he wanted to make for the main dish today on the chopping board.

There are also some prepared vegetables, such as green peppers, lettuce, cabbage, radish, winter melon, bean sprouts, etc.

Hyuga Neji first prepared an authentic Chinese home-style egg fried rice today.

Super luxurious! Add meat! Add ham! Add eggs! Add, add, add, add all kinds of things plus! Super plus version!

I remember in my previous life, when Hyuga Neji got off work, he wanted to have a midnight snack of fried rice with eggs. He always wanted to add several eggs, several hams, sausages, spicy strips, etc., but because he was short of money, he always had to bite the bullet and ask the boss to add only one more egg and ham, and he didn't dare to add other things.

No money!


Now, don't mention money, it's just a number~ (rolling eyes nonchalantly~)

On the plate next to it, there is also a frozen marinated barbecue on the plate, with ice cubes around it, and it emits bursts of white cold mist.

This is some barbecue to be made.

On the grass in the wild woods, the breeze is blowing outside, and the sunlight above is blocked by the layers of leaves between the big trees.


The breath is full of the smell of juice on the grass, it is simply too beautiful.

It's a great way to cool down and feel comfortable. Would you be embarrassed if you don't have a barbecue?

The ice bucket on the side is full of ice cubes, and there are many kinds of drinks and juices purchased from the commercial street.

Of course, there is no alcohol!

Alcohol is not a good thing. Why do children drink so much alcohol?

Apart from simply showing off and showing off their maturity, there is nothing good to drink.

Beer boxes and horse urine, except for famous brands, the white wine you can buy is just some blended wine that is spicy and hurts the throat and stomach.

So today's lunch is a barbecue, and then of course there are grilled mushrooms and vegetables, green peppers, radishes, winter melons, etc.

And as another main dish, the fish that Tiantian and Uzumaki Naruto will bring back later, grill them too, and pour the soup on them when the skin is just baked and crispy to make an authentic Ganzhou grilled fish!

Add spicy! Add spicy! Add more spicy!

Put a lot of chili!

The final staple food is the super plus plus version of Chinese fried rice.

Hehe, without the staple food, Hyuga Neji, Tiantian, Uzumaki Naruto and the other three are fine, but Hyuga Hinata is not...

Are you hungry?

Hyuga Neji can guarantee that today, he will make his friends eat comfortably, guaranteed!

He casually took out twenty hard-cooked eggs, tapped them gently against the edge of a large pot, and threw twenty beautiful rooster eggs into the pot. Then, Hyuga Neji skillfully used a pair of chopsticks to stir them quickly.

Fried rice cannot be without eggs, right?

Sprinkle a handful of salt into the egg liquid and add a large bowl of water to make the eggs softer and fluffy.

Heat the oil in a pan, and when the oil temperature is about right, pour the eggs in.


Instantly, the aroma of fried eggs hits your nose.

Hungry, hungry, mainly because we have been practicing for a whole morning, and everyone is hungry, so it smells particularly good.

"Wow, Ningci smells so good, look at our results! Tiantian and I caught a few big fish in a few strokes. The water quality of the stream over there is very good, there are a lot of fish, and they are stupid. Just slap them and they will be stunned in a minute!"

Uzumaki Naruto held a big crucian carp in one hand, and ran over here happily with Tiantian.

"Then Rudo, you are really hungry! Eat everything... Ahem, nothing~~~"

Hinata Ningci smiled mischievously and asked Uzumaki Naruto and Tiantian to deal with the fish.

Tiantian waved his hands and danced wildly, even blowing gusts of wind: "Oh, I... I haven't killed a fish yet, I'm not very good-"

Tiantian is not a green tea, he really has never killed a fish.

Uzumaki Naruto patted his chest and said proudly: "Leave it to me! I used to kill fish for food! In the village, sometimes when I didn't have enough food, I would go to the mountain forest stream to grill fish! It's delicious even without any seasoning!"

Although he hadn't caught fish and grilled them in the mountains for a year, Uzumaki Naruto didn't give up his craft.

He took out the kunai very skillfully, and the sharp blade that had been polished to a shine reflected the fascinating light.

In a few seconds, he gutted the two big crucian carps that were still bouncing and struggling, discarded the useless internal organs and fish bubbles, scraped off the scales, and only left the fresh and delicious fish body parts for normal use.

On the other side, Hyuga Neji had already taken out a large bowl of fried eggs for later use. He heated the oil in a pan again and put in the steamed rice in advance - it should be refrigerated for half a day in advance. Break up the condensed part of the rice, wait for the right oil temperature, pour the rice into the pan, and start flipping the pan and stir-frying vigorously!

Hyuga Neji, who had watched the chic flipping movements of the fried rice owner at the night market stall countless times, easily replicated the flipping movements based on his memories and his control over the body.

Flipping the pan is the external manifestation of the symbol of the Celestial Empire's cooking skills. Hyuga Neji, with a calm face, showed these natives of the ninja world what the flipping technique of the Celestial Empire is.


The big iron pot with two huge earrings was seen dancing violently left and right under the control of Hyuga Neji. Under the power of inertia, the rice in the pot was flipped into the air, and then fell one by one, forming a beautiful arc.

At the same time, every time the whole portion of rice is overturned, all the seasonings and sauces added during the process will automatically cover the rice that was not covered just now. With the help of the spoon, the whole process is very beautiful and eye-catching, and full of strange beauty.

"Sguoyi! Hongdu Nisiguoyi! So awesome!" This move knocked out the boys and girls who were only a few years old. Since they were born, when have they seen a chef in the human world cook like this?

It's simply amazing!

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