The old man was very happy.

So Fujiwara Daiki said with a smile: "My name is Fujiwara Daiki, I am 31 years old this year, I like sweets, especially the red bean dumplings in the commercial street, they are very delicious. What I hate is spicy dumplings, I think dumplings sprinkled with seaweed and chili are not authentic dumplings. Welcome people of insight to criticize me in a friendly way. My dream is to be like the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Teach powerful ninjas like the three ninjas of Konoha!"


The goal I set for myself is quite high!

Yes, after all, my class is the top class among the three classes, and I must not let go of those old teachers who are taking advantage of the situation and have no vitality.

Neiji Kusaka looked at the bright chakra number on the head of his class teacher Fujiwara on the podium.

55002 points!

According to the basic division that Neiji Hyuga has observed for so many years, it is clear that the approximate strength division of ninjas can be known.

Chakra exceeds 2,000 points, which means that a genin meets the standard.

At this time, this genin can only release a few simple ninjutsu, or D or E level.

Chakra exceeds 20,000 points, which means that a chunin meets the standard.

Of course, a chunin who only meets the standard in terms of chakra amount, after systematic learning and supplementing the ability to command a team in mathematics, physics and chemistry, can assume the responsibility of the captain of the genin team and lead the rookie genin to undertake tasks.

Chakra points exceed 70,000 points, which means a top ninja, and the jonin of Konoha Village can reach this level.

If at this level, you can control multiple chakra ninjutsu, as well as some chakra nature changes or form changes, you can become a powerful jonin.

This cheap head teacher of my class doesn't seem to be a sham.

His strength is considered to be relatively strong in the level of Chunin, and he may even be an elite Chunin.


In this class of Hyuga Neji, there are obviously no naughty kids like Uzumaki Naruto and Inuzuka Kiba in the next class.

So everyone heard that their head teacher will be with them for the next six years, and his dream is to train three powerful apprentices with Kage-level strength like the great Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

So they all expressed their surprise in a proper way.

Red bean dumplings?

Speaking of which, Hyuga Neji hasn't eaten them many times.

But the taste is really unforgettable.

In this deformed ninja world, even the food is extremely deformed.

The food looks ordinary and not expensive, but it makes people feel particularly delicious.

"My name is Sarutobi Jiro! I come from the great Sarutobi clan. What I like most is practicing the fire escape ninjutsu passed down by my family. What I hate most is that I am too weak and bring shame to my family. My dream is to become a strong man like the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the clan leader!"

An ordinary-looking classmate stood up and spoke first.

Of course, he was not allowed to speak first because he was a member of the Sarutobi clan.

It was just because he was sitting in the first seat.

Hyuga Neji smiled.

That's right, it was Hyuga Neji who smiled.

Of course, the head teacher Fujiwara Oki on the podium also showed admiration in his eyes. This dream is very bright, great and upright.

"A very good dream. Okay, please invite the next student."

A child with a lollipop in his mouth and snot in his nose stood up and said embarrassedly.

"My name is Katsuragi. My... my favorite thing is to eat the village's Ichiraku Ramen, the most luxurious version."

"What I hate most is eating instant noodles, I think because I think instant noodles are not very healthy. My dream is to become a great Hokage like the Sandaime Hokage!"

A standard supporting role speech, after saying so much, looking at the appearance of the classmates who stood up, Hyuga Neji couldn't even remember what he looked like.

And, hey, another one who became a Hokage.

If the dream is to become a Hokage, why do you want to become the Sandaime Hokage?

Wouldn't it be good for you to become the Shodaime Hokage?

Obviously the Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama, is stronger.

The following development is more in line with the original work.

The Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen has ruled Konoha Village for decades and has come to power twice.

He has made the position of Hokage a part of his life.

The influence is spread throughout the entire Konoha Village.

Everyone was affected by it silently.

So basically, the boys and girls who stood up, except for the things they liked and hated, basically 90% of them dreamed of becoming Hokage without exception!

Soon it was the turn of Hyuga Neji who sat in the last row.

Of course, Hyuga Neji sat in the last row by the window.

This is the position of the protagonist in the anime.

The protagonists of 45 out of 50 Japanese anime sit in this position.

This is the chosen position!

The whole plane is blessed by the luck, so Hyuga Neji is the right person.

Looking at his handsome face, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, with a long, soft and pure black hair, wearing a luxurious black and white robe, he is like a handsome young man who traveled through time from ancient times.

A bandage made of ordinary material was tied casually on his forehead.

Fujiwara Daiki felt a little chill in his heart.

This is...

He knew that under this ordinary bandage was the fate of every Hyuga branch family - the caged bird curse seal.

Once, Fujiwara Daiki had the honor of becoming friends with a Hyuga clan ninja who had been his partner in a mission.

When communicating with his companions, he had seen this curse seal.

The pattern was pale green, with a mysterious and uncomfortable feeling.

In Fujiwara Daiki's ninja career, almost all the Hyuga branches he met had very extreme personalities in their childhood.

Even the rebellious Uchiha clan was somewhat incomparable.

Only after adulthood. They succumbed to fate and became like normal people.

In his class, there was this Hyuga clan genius. To be frank, this was the star student who was specially asked to take care of by the Hyuga clan leader, Hyuga Hiashi, and the principal of the ninja school, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

For this little genius of the Hyuga branch family, the first step is to show him infinite care and love and cultivate a bond.

Let him not be full of pessimism about life, dare not resist fate, and thus enter an extreme mental state.

"My name is Hyuga Neji. My favorite thing is the same as that of Katsuragi classmate just now, tasting the latest Ichiraku ramen. The thing I hate the most,... well, I haven't thought of it yet. As for my dream, I will study hard, make progress every day, support and shoulder the revival and development of the next generation of Konoha Village, and contribute to the will of fire!"

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