"Girls are really weird."

Naruto shook his head in confusion. He liked Sakura so much before, but Sakura ignored him.

Now that I keep my distance, she still cares about me?

However, Naruto soon put these interpersonal relationships behind him. He still needs to focus on strength.

Even with the attribute panel, he can't be lazy!

In this world, only hard work will not lie.

"Frost Release·Wind Prison Technique!"

"Frost Release·Wind Blow Ten Consecutive Cuts!"

"Combined Ninjutsu·Frost Blade Wind Prison!"

Naruto separated a Frost Release Shadow Clone, and the two looked at each other, and then performed Ninjutsu on the open space in front of them one after another.

On the open space in front of them, a frost-covered wind wall first appeared. The rapidly rotating wind wall carried cold frost, making the surrounding temperature seem to have returned to the severe winter.

At the same time, the shadow clone also quickly formed a seal, and several wind blades with frost cut wantonly in the wind prison.

With Naruto's vast amount of chakra, as long as the enemy cannot break through the wind prison technique, even if the wind blade is blocked, it is easy to freeze to death in the wind prison.

During this process, Naruto can also use the wind blowing to constantly prevent the enemy from saving themselves, and even directly kill the enemy with the wind blowing.

Pah pah pah...

Just then, a burst of light applause came from the woods beside.

Naruto looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a young man in a kimono wearing a Konoha forehead protector clapping his hands and walking over. The man was handsome, and his white eyes made it impossible to see through his mind.

"It's a really good combination of ninjutsu. If the opponent can't escape underground by earth escape, it's really hard to deal with this trick."

Hinata Jing looked at Naruto's alert appearance and didn't care, just smiled at Naruto.

"Hey! How can you just peek at others practicing ninjutsu!"

Naruto didn't flinch when he saw the person coming, but shouted very dissatisfiedly.

Actually, he had no way to stop the other party from peeping at his ninjutsu training. First, the other party had the Byakugan, and he couldn't hide from anyone he wanted to see.

Second, this was the tenth training ground, a public training ground where every Konoha ninja could come in to practice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to peek, I just happened to see it. I'm Hyuga Jing, the person in charge of the Eastern Cordon."

Hyuga Jing briefly introduced himself, but did not mention his identity as the head of the Hyuga branch family.

"You are Uzumaki Naruto, right? Recently, I often hear residents of the base mention a new little ninja, so I came to see."

"It turned out to be Lord Hyuga Jing."

Naruto bowed slightly to show respect. The Hyuga family was famous for being rigid and polite. Since he was the boss of the Eastern Cordon, he couldn't be too casual in front of him.

"You can be more casual. This is not the Hyuga family, and the base doesn't have too many rigid rules of etiquette."

Hyuga Jing shook his head. This is the bad thing about the ninja profession. Everyone is so cautious and hard to see through.

Even the seemingly carefree kid in front of him was like this.

"I wonder what Lord Hyuga Jing wants to talk to me about?"

Naruto nodded, then asked curiously. He didn't believe that the Eastern Chief Officer just wanted to see him.

"It's nothing big. It's just that after you move into the Eastern Base, you are considered a member of our Eastern Base. In the future, if there is an emergency, you will also be under the command of the Eastern Base.

In addition, you have just graduated not long ago, so we came to see your potential. If you are worth cultivating, our Eastern Base will give you some help as a benefit for the base ninja."

Investing in young talented ninjas is a common practice in every department. Although Konoha has many Genin these days, talents are still very scarce.

A talent with the potential to be a Jonin will definitely be scrambled by various departments.

Therefore, what Hyuga Jing said is not wrong, not to mention that he knows Naruto's identity as a Jinchūriki. Let alone Jonin, he will have no problem becoming a Kage when he grows up.


Naruto touched his head with some discomfort.

His current situation is completely different from that in the central area.

He was hated by everyone in the central area, but he became popular in the eastern stronghold. Even the stronghold boss came to give him benefits.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be able to use the rare bloodline limit of Frost Release. This proves that you have the potential to be a special jonin at least. Even the move you just made would be a pity for a special jonin with lower strength.

And I heard from the residents that you have a good character. Next, I will focus on training you and give full play to your potential, so that your potential as a special jonin can be improved to that of an elite jonin."

Hinata Jing smiled and nodded, and then made a solemn promise.

"Then what do I need to pay?"

Naruto blinked.The eyes were not confused by the immediate interests. Whether it was the history of the world of the otaku or the law of energy conservation, they all told us that there must be gains and losses.

Society is simple, but people are complicated. Naruto still has some wariness of the high-ranking and thoughtful Hyuga Jing in front of him.

"I need you to stand on our side in the east, and after you become powerful, you need to kill three enemies between the strength of the jonin and the jonin for me."

Hyuga Jing lowered his eyes, making it difficult for people to see through his thoughts.

"Don't worry, these enemies can be killed and will not have any impact on you."

"...Okay, I agree."

Naruto thought about it for a while, and soon nodded and agreed.

Kakashi is actually not a teacher suitable for him. Now that he has the resources of the entire eastern base tilted, it is very important to him.

If he compares himself to a water cup.

His current practice is more like mastering his existing abilities, and these abilities come from the attribute panel.

Just like filling a water cup with water, the water cup will be filled up easily, which is not what he wants.

What he wants is to turn his 'cup' into 'rivers, lakes and seas'!

The four cordons can basically be said to be the last line of defense of Konoha, and the ninjas here are very strong.

There is always a teacher suitable for him, so his foundation will also be enhanced.

Just like what Hyuga Jing said just now, without the right person to guide him, he can at most be a special jonin, and with these investments, he can reach the elite jonin or even 'shadow'

Coupled with the blessing of the attribute panel, his strength will definitely surpass the shadow!

"Very good, in the future, the wind escape jonin, the Hyuga family jonin and the ninja monks in the base will take time to come and guide you. At the same time, you can also receive the ninja tools and medicines of the chunin quota in the base every month."

Hyuga Jing nodded with satisfaction, talked to Naruto for a few more words, and turned away on the grounds of being busy with official business.

"Big brother is so generous, I have never been so rich!"

Wind escape ninja guides ninjutsu and ninjutsu battles, Hyuga family ninja guides me in physical battles, and even mysterious ninja monks guide me!

Not to mention the monthly support for ninja tools and medicines. You should know that Naruto is reluctant to use ninja tools at all, because ninja tools are too expensive. The money he earns from a mission may not be as valuable as the shuriken thrown in the mission!

In other words, he basically doesn't need to fight in C and D-level missions, and he is a ninja with a lot of chakra. Otherwise, he would probably consider going to Sister Nishikawa to cry poor.

As for various medicines, the price is not low. Even if there is Sakura, a medical ninja in the team, Naruto has to prepare some various wound medicines and antidotes. As for the soldier pills and other secret medicines that can make people burst into Jedi counterattacks, he dare not look at the price.

Therefore, for a large number of Konoha Genin, it is normal to take out loans to complete missions. In the illusion, Uzumaki Kushina told "herself" to be careful with borrowing money, which actually indirectly illustrates the miserable situation of ninjas.

That is, after becoming a Chunin, when the conditions for receiving fixed supplies are met, the situation will improve.

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