"Sure enough."

Looking at the three fireballs rising at the same time from behind, Qingming's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but say: "There are really detonating tags!"

After saying that, he saw more spider puppets jumping towards him.

Qingming didn't dare to resist, and quickly retreated.

Boom boom boom~

Several explosions sounded in succession.

In a cloud of smoke, Qingming ran out, followed by dozens of spider puppets of different sizes.

At this time, Qingming wanted to learn the "Wind Style·Big Breakthrough" immediately, and give the opponent such a blow to blow away those spider puppets.

Unfortunately, since he got this ninjutsu, he has not practiced it.

It's not that he doesn't want to practice, but now he has not fully mastered the form and nature changes of fire attribute chakra. Rashly developing wind attribute will only get half the result with twice the effort.

Even with the help of the proficiency panel, forcibly learning this ninjutsu and the process of mastering it will consume more unnecessary chakra.

This is completely not worth the loss, so he has not practiced it.

However, after this time, Qingming plans to allocate more chakra to the "Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique" to master the changes in the form and nature of fire attribute chakra as soon as possible.

After that, he can start to develop wind attribute chakra.

At that time, he will not be too passive when encountering the current situation again.

Thinking of this in his heart, Qingming jumped and dodged the sneak attack of several spider puppets again.

Boom boom boom~

The familiar explosion sounded again, but still did not cause any harm to Qingming.

Not only that, as time went by, Qingming gradually discovered the shortcomings of these spider puppets.

Among them, the most fatal one is that they cannot be separated too much. Qingming estimated that this is the disadvantage of the opponent's trick to control so many puppets.

That's right, it's a trick.

Qingming has seen that the opponent is not directly controlling so many puppets, but through indirect control, from point to surface, to complete the control of all puppets.

This results in most of the puppets can only follow the puppets that serve as the center.

In this way, it is impossible to form an effective encirclement of Qingming.

Qingming was not afraid of the pursuit and self-destruction alone.

Anyway, the number of these puppets was limited. Once they were used up, it would be his chance to counterattack.

In order to speed up this process, Qingming would occasionally use the "Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique" while dodging.

This technique was slightly less powerful when facing giant puppets, but it was more than enough to deal with these small spiders with "simple" manufacturing processes.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique~"

Hundreds of fist-sized fireballs were controlled by Qingming and smashed into the group of spider puppets.

Unfortunately, the spider puppets were too small and flexible, so most of the fireballs missed in the end, and only about ten hit the target.

However, it was enough.

Accompanied by a series of explosions, all the puppets were scrapped.

In this way, Qingming continued to reduce the number of spider puppets.

A few minutes later, there was no spider puppet left in the field.

Qianye walked out from behind the tree with a gloomy face, looked at Qingming, and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

But at this moment, Qingming's expression suddenly changed, and he flashed in front of him in an instant, and the short sword in his hand slashed out diagonally, pointing directly at the opponent's neck.

Qianye did not expect Qingming to attack without saying a word, so he quickly raised the kunai in his hand to block.


The kunai and the short sword collided, making a crisp sound.

Qingming continued to exert force, forcing Qianye to retreat voluntarily.

Qingming was unyielding, and used the "Konoha Style Sword Technique" and "Uchiha Style Sword Technique" successively, and combined with the Sharingan that was fully activated, it only took a dozen breaths of effort to leave a deep scar on the opponent's body.

And with the appearance of this wound, Qianye's figure suddenly collapsed, turned into a ball of chakra smoke, and dissipated.

Obviously, this is just a shadow clone.

Seeing this scene, Qingming's face was a little ugly, but he didn't show any surprise.

There was no other reason. The moment the other party appeared, Qingming keenly observed that there was something wrong with the amount of chakra in the other party's body.

Although the Sharingan cannot directly see the chakra meridians and acupoints in the ninja's body like the Byakugan, the amount of chakra can still be roughly seen.

Therefore, Qingming saw at a glance that the other party's chakra was much less than expected.

You know, because of the existence of the "Chakra Absorption Technique", Qingming is very concerned about the amount of enemy chakra.

Obviously, not long ago, when he last saw the other party, his chakra was still quite a lot.

As a result, when he dealt with the last few spider puppets, the other party's chakra suddenly decreased by almost half.

In this case, the other party either performed some powerful ninjutsu or performed the shadow clone technique to divide the chakra equally.

For the former, Qingming neither saw a big movement nor felt the fatal danger, so he directly ruled it out.

Then the latter is left.

That's why he took action without saying a word, in order to confirm his guess as soon as possible.

If the guess was wrong, then he would take down the opponent. If the guess was correct, then he would have to hurry up and search for the opponent's true body.

As it turned out, his guess was correct.

So, the next step was to find the opponent's true body.

Qingming had spent so much effort, and he didn't want the opponent to run away.

With a thought, Qingming began to recall the whole process of the battle just now, analyzing when and where the opponent used the shadow clone to escape.

After a few breaths, Qingming came to a big tree, not the tree where Qianye's shadow clone had just hidden, but another tree not far away.

Qingming remembered that the last time the opponent left his sight, it was here.

After a careful inspection, he really found some traces.

After determining the direction in which the opponent left, Qingming chased after him without any hesitation.

In a flash, more than half an hour passed.

Finally, Qingming blocked Qianye in a forest.

"You are really haunting!"

Qianye looked at Qingming who appeared in front of him again, his face was quite ugly.

Although he knew that Qingming had discovered his little tricks when he merged the memory of the shadow clone, he also knew that the opponent would definitely chase him.

But he really didn't expect Qingming to come so quickly, even though he was already very careful.

It can only be said that he still underestimated the insight of the Sharingan.

Once the direction is determined, with Qingming's experience and the help of the Sharingan, the opponent will not be able to escape his pursuit.

Qingming didn't want to waste time talking to the opponent. The battle had dragged on for long enough, and he didn't want to waste time.

So, with a 'flash body technique', he came directly in front of the opponent.

The battle started instantly!

As a puppeteer, Qianye's main means are focused on controlling puppets, and without puppets, it is like a tiger without claws and teeth.

Such a tiger can scare people, but it can't hurt people.

Therefore, Qingming took down the opponent without much effort.

Looking at Qianye who fainted on the ground, Qingming thought for a while and performed the 'chakra absorption technique' to absorb all the chakra in the opponent's body.

Then, after carefully dealing with the traces around, he carried the opponent and rushed to the underground space.

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