Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 80 Imaginary Enemy

"Second round, Uchiha Qingming wins!"

Hearing the examiner's words, Qingming put down the kunai in his hand, took two steps back, and turned to walk towards the stairs after a little distance.

During this period, without saying a word, two words stood out--cold.

This is not that Qingming pretended, but this attitude can well keep those who want to get close to him out.

In this way, he can do his own thing with peace of mind.

When Qingming walked into the stairs, the people in the field seemed to react, whispering to each other.

Even if Qingming didn't listen carefully, he heard some words of emotion such as "How can he be so powerful" and "This is too fast".

Indeed, this battle ended too quickly.

From the confrontation between the two to Gao Cang Zhengtai's surrender, it was less than two minutes, and the official battle time was only more than ten seconds.

This is really incredible for these candidates whose cognition is still at the stage of Genin to Chunin.

But for those senior ninjas who were watching the battle, the situation was clearer.

This battle seemed to last very short, and Qingming won very easily, but what was shown was the comprehensive crushing of combat experience and skills.

In this way, coupled with the skillful use of the Sharingan, it is not surprising that the battle can be ended in an instant.

Despite this, some senior ninjas were still shocked by Qingming's strength.

Among them was Uchiha Haruto.

At this time, he realized that he and some senior members of the clan had focused too much attention on Uchiha Shisui in the past period of time, but ignored the genius Uchiha Qingming.

Admittedly, Uchiha Qingming's potential may not be as good as Uchiha Shisui, but it is definitely better than most Uchiha ninjas.

'It seems that after this time, the elders have to pay more attention to this Uchiha Qingming. '

Uchiha Haruto thought so in his heart.


At the same time, the third fight has begun.

This time, two female candidates came up. Qingming knew one of them. It was Aoki Hongzi, who was kicked away by him before, from Nara Chengping's team.

The opponent's strength may not be worth mentioning in front of him, but compared with the current opponent, there are still some remarkable points.

At least, in terms of physical skills, her ability is slightly stronger than her opponent.

And in the end, she relied on this point to narrowly beat the opponent.

"The third game, Aoki Hongzi, wins!"

The examiner's voice sounded at the right time.

"Hongzi, well done!"

On the corridor on the second floor, Sato Masaru's congratulations followed.

After the two left the stage, the examiner immediately drew out the candidates for the fourth match.

In this way, time passed little by little, and the matches were carried out one after another.

It was not until the penultimate game that Uchiha Shisui's name was called.

And his opponent was Nara Chengping, who had dealt with Qingming before.

Coming to the field, looking at Uchiha Shisui with two magatama Sharingan in front of him, Nara Narihei felt speechless.

What sin did he commit? He just met Uchiha Qingming in the second exam, and now he met Uchiha Shisui again.

Although he couldn't avoid meeting these two if he wanted to compete for a good ranking, but.

'Why is it the first round? '

This left him no chance to prepare. The smart brains of the Nara clan had to rely on intelligence to play a role.

Otherwise, if you are in the dark, no matter how smart your brain is, it will be useless.

Just like now, facing Uchiha Shisui, he didn't know any other information except that the other party had a pair of Sharingan like Uchiha Qingming.

Oh, by the way, the other party also carried a sword on his back, and might be better at swordsmanship.

But what's the use of just knowing these? Combat experience, combat skills, shooting habits, etc., all of these are unknown, how can he win?

‘Well, we can only take it one step at a time’

Nara Shihei was feeling melancholy, and the battle had already begun.

On the corridor on the second floor.

Qingming watched their battle with a slight flicker in his eyes.

Nara Shihei, not to mention, relied on his brain to fight. Although he didn’t know much about Uchiha Shisui, he had a strong ability to adapt to changes.

Relying on the family-inherited ‘shadow secret technique’ and his good close combat skills, he was not at a disadvantage for a while.

Unfortunately, that was all.

When Uchiha Shisui got serious, Nara Shihei would probably not be able to withstand it.

That’s right, Qingming had already seen that from the beginning of the battle to now, Uchiha Shisui had not used his full strength at all.

At least, he did not use the Sharingan illusion and ninjutsu, and he used swordsmanship to fight the enemy throughout the whole process.

This is not to say that Uchiha Shisui was deliberately letting him go. The other party did this just to test the limit of Nara Shihei’s ability.

Once this is confirmed, defeating the opponent will only take a moment.

Just like he dealt with Takakura Shota not long ago.

The difference is that Takakura Shota's strength can be seen at a glance, and there is no need to test it.

But Nara Narihira can't do that, and he must test it.

If you rush forward without caring about anything, you may end up losing more than you gain.

Fortunately, Uchiha Shisui is still cautious.

However, Qingming estimated that the opponent is about to launch a real attack.

As for the reason

It's very simple. Nara Narihira's strength has been basically figured out. If we continue, it will not only be a waste of time, but also there may be variables.

After all, the brains of the Nara clan ninjas are relatively good. If they are given some time, they may really find a way to win.

So, it is better to fight quickly.

As expected, the development of things is almost the same as Qingming expected. Not long after, Uchiha Shisui showed his true strength.

Sharingan illusion and ninjutsu came out together.

In a flash, Nara Narihira was forced into a desperate situation. In the end, Uchiha Shisui put a sword against his throat and had no choice but to admit defeat.

Qingming saw this scene and murmured: "Uchiha style swordsmanship, the level is about the level of entering level 3."

That's right, Uchiha Shisui used the 'Uchiha style swordsmanship' inherited by the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, from his battle with Nara Narihei, Qingming has deduced his level - lv3, which is one level lower than his 'Uchiha Style Swordsmanship'.

And he also has the 'Konoha Style Swordsmanship' with a higher proficiency.

The two work together, and there is absolutely no problem in beating Uchiha Shisui in close combat.

As for long-range attacks, Qingming recalled the fire escape ninjutsu that the other party had just performed. If this is his real level, then there is no problem.

The only thing worth being vigilant about is what the opponent's illusion level is. With the same double magatama Sharingan, is there any gap between them?

This is not to say that Qingming must regard Uchiha Shisui as an imaginary enemy, but after watching this round of fighting, he believes that only the two of them can make it to the end.

So, a fight is inevitable.

And when Qingming was observing Uchiha Shisui, the other party also looked over as if he had sensed something. The two of them met in the air and saw the fighting spirit in them.

After eight or nine months of traveling through this world, he has been practicing hard.

Now, he finally met a person of his generation who he remembered and had a name and a surname, and he could fight with him legitimately.

Even Qingming couldn't help but compare himself with him.

Not for anything else, just to prove that his efforts were not in vain.

It was for this reason that Qingming had such a strong desire to fight.

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