Another hour later.

The examiner for the second exam finally arrived.

Suddenly, the place fell silent.

Qing Ming also woke up from practice.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Tanigawa Maki, and I am your next examiner."

In front of everyone, the Konoha jounin said this.

After saying that, he pointed to the forest of death behind him and said: "I believe you already know that your second exam will be held here. Next, I will introduce this place to you."

Afterwards, he briefly described the situation in the Death Forest.

After listening to his narration, everyone present involuntarily took a breath.

Without him, in the other party's opinion, it would be too dangerous.

Before everyone could recover, Tanichuan Maki took out a stack of 'consent forms' from his arms and said to himself: "In view of the danger of the exam, all candidates must sign the 'consent form' to protect their own lives. Responsible."

With that said, he handed the 'Consent Form' in his hand to a genin at the front and motioned for him to pass it on.

After everyone got the 'consent form', Tanigawa Maki saw some people's expressions of embarrassment, and suddenly changed the subject and said: "Of course, if you are scared, you don't have to sign it."

However, before everyone could be happy, he continued: "However, in that case, it will be regarded as a waiver, and there will be no need to participate in the next exam."

After everyone heard this, they immediately lost interest.

They come here just to take the exam. If they can't take the exam, then why are they here?

Qing Ming took the 'consent form' and glanced at it roughly.

The above are some words such as "I voluntarily participate in this Chunin Exam", "Any accidents will be borne by myself", etc., which are not much different from the pre-exam commitment letter in the previous life. .

Qing Ming did not hesitate, and after scanning his eyes, he signed his name.

Ten minutes later, all sixty people in the field signed the 'agreement form' one after another, and no one gave up because of the danger.

After all the 'consent forms' were collected, Tanigawa Maki nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Next, I will formally introduce to you the rules of the second exam."

As he spoke, he took out two scrolls, one with "Heaven" written on it and the other with "Earth" written on it, and showed them to everyone.

"What is this?" someone asked.

"The Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth."

Tanigawa Maki did not show off, and immediately gave the answer, and then continued: "Next, you will fight around them."

"Around them?"

Some people looked at the scroll in Tanichuan Maki's hand and expressed doubts.


Tanichuan Maki replied, then put away the scroll and said: "There are sixty of you in total, each of you will get a scroll, thirty of them will get the 'Book of Heaven', and the other thirty will get the 'Book of Earth'" '.

The conditions for passing the exam are: as long as any team holds the two scrolls of the 'Book of Heaven' and the 'Book of Earth' and reaches the central tower, they will pass. "

Before Tanigawa Maki finished speaking, someone immediately interrupted: "Teacher, some of our teams have more people, some have less people, and what's worse, there is only one person in the team. Isn't this unfair?"


Tanigawa Maki looked solemn and said coldly: "When you go to the battlefield, will the enemy treat you fairly?"

"Yes, will the enemy be fair?"

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but recall their experiences on the battlefield, and they suddenly stopped talking.

At this time, Tanigawa Maki said again: "What's more, if you feel that there are few people, you can choose to form an alliance. Anyway, there are plenty of scrolls. Just grab more."

After hearing this, many people's eyes lit up, especially those who were alone, and they had already begun to look for alliance partners.

Only Qing Ming remained unmoved.

One is that he is confident that even if he is alone, he can get the scroll he wants. The other is that this alliance is not very strong.

With fewer people, they may not be able to defeat those teams that work well together.

If there are too many people, it is possible for them to start fighting among themselves first.

Therefore, Qing Ming is not very optimistic about this model.

But it is undeniable that having one scroll per person instead of one per team does greatly increase the chance of passing the level.

‘It seems that the difficulty of this Chunin Exam has indeed dropped a bit. ’

Qing Ming thought this in his heart.

Later, Tanigawa Maki talked about the failure again.

The first is that the teams that do not arrive at the central tower within the exam time limit, that is, within five days, are eliminated.

The second is the elimination of the team due to attrition or loss of the ability to continue fighting.

In addition, he finally emphasized that no one was allowed to peek at the contents of the scroll before arriving at the central tower.

As for the consequences of peeking.

He didn't say anything, and no one asked.

But Qing Ming knew that there was a 'hypnotic spell' sealed on it. Once opened, he would be tricked and fall asleep until the end of the exam.

‘I don’t know if my Sharingan can hold it? How about giving it a try? ’

This idea suddenly appeared in Qing Ming's mind, but he quickly suppressed it. It was better not to do this kind of death-seeking thing.

Everything is ready and the second exam officially begins.

The sixty people in the field were divided into thirty-two teams. They entered through an iron gate and began a five-day survival test.


As soon as he stepped into the forest of death, Qing Ming felt inexplicably depressed.

He also knew the source of this feeling, that is, the surrounding environment was too dim.

At this time, although it was close to dusk, the sun had not set yet, and it was still bright outside.

And here, there were branches and green leaves above the head, and except for sporadic light, the sun could not be seen at all.

Coupled with the damp and cold environment, and the roar of beasts from time to time in the distance, it naturally gave people an extremely depressing feeling.

Fortunately, Qingming was accustomed to surviving in a harsh environment, so he quickly dispelled this negative emotion.

After identifying the direction a little, Qingming suddenly opened the Sharingan, and then ran towards the nearest entrance at a very fast speed.

Perhaps because he was on the outskirts of the forest, he did not encounter any danger on the way.

In just a few minutes, Qingming came to the nearest entrance.

After a careful inspection, Qingming was lucky to find traces of someone passing through not long ago.

The Death Forest is almost circular, with a diameter of 20 kilometers, so the circumference is 60 kilometers.

There are forty-four entrances on this sixty-kilometer-long wire fence, and they only have thirty-two teams in total.

Therefore, before arriving, Qingming didn't know if anyone had entered this entrance.

Now it seems that his luck seems to be good, just encountering that 70% probability.

With the powerful insight of the Sharingan, Qingming quickly determined the number of people in this team and the direction of travel - three people, northwest direction.

Qingming did not hesitate at all, and immediately followed the trail left by the other party and chased after them.

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