Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 70 Preparing to return to the village

Retracting his thoughts, Qingming looked at other skills.

The first is the two new skills - illusion·Sharingan and Uchiha style swordsmanship.

The former is what he learned from the scroll when he was studying the skills of using Sharingan. Rather than being an illusion, it is more like an advanced hypnotic ability of Sharingan.

According to the scroll, if this illusion is practiced to perfection, it can even be done without seals, and the target can be pulled into the illusion with just a glance.

And this illusion scene can also be constructed by the caster independently, whether it is frontal combat or interrogation of intelligence, it is very useful.

Therefore, Qingming spent some effort to liver it to level 1 (150/200).

At this time, he can perform this technique in less than half a second.

However, the effect is much worse, which is only slightly stronger than the hypnotic ability of Sharingan itself.

Basically, as long as you have a certain understanding of illusions, know how to remove them, or have a stronger mental strength, you can break free.

But at the same time, he can also spend more time preparing, so as to build a more realistic illusion scene to enhance the illusion effect.

At this time, it is not easy to break free.

In other words, there are two ways to use the 'Illusion·Sharingan'. The former is simple and fast, but the effect is poor, and the latter is complex and slow, but the effect is good.

Qingming can use it according to the situation.

However, Qingming estimates that he will not be able to use the second method of casting in a short time.

There is no other way. With this time, he might as well cast the 'Magic·Sharingan'!

This effect is much stronger than the lv1 'Illusion·Sharingan'.

On the contrary, the first method of use can interfere with the enemy in battle, and with the 'Uchiha Style Swordsmanship', it can completely achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Speaking of the 'Uchiha Style Swordsmanship', Qingming glanced at the panel.

Perhaps because he has the foundation of the 'Konoha Style Swordsmanship', he made very fast progress when practicing the 'Uchiha Style Swordsmanship'.

In just two months, his level has reached lv3 (510/1000), almost catching up with the level of "Konoha Style Swordsmanship" two months ago.

This speed seems to be similar to when he was learning "Konoha Style Swordsmanship" a few months ago?

But don't forget

In these two months, he was not only practicing "Uchiha Style Swordsmanship".

A large part of the rest of his time and energy was spent on the in-depth study of "Konoha Style Swordsmanship" and "Ninja Tool Throwing".

And being able to use less time and energy to brush up to a similar level of proficiency can naturally be considered fast.

In addition, it is also because of his hard work.

Now, his "Konoha Style Swordsmanship" has been upgraded from lv3 (615/1000) two months ago to lv4 (315/2000) now.

Now, if he and Ohara Hideji have a close fight again, Qingming is sure that he will not lose.

As for why he did not defeat the opponent, it is very simple. He is not lacking in skills, but his combat experience is far inferior to the opponent.

And close combat is very dependent on combat experience, so Qingming can only guarantee that he will not be defeated.

However, when he upgrades the "Uchiha Style Sword Art" to lv4, Qingming will be sure to defeat the opponent in close combat.

As for long-range

physical attacks, with "Ninja Tool Throwing", even two months ago, he was not afraid of the opponent.

Moreover, after two months of practice, his proficiency in "Ninja Tool Throwing" has increased a little, from lv4 (50/2000) to lv4 (350/2000).

In this way, Qingming is even less afraid.

In terms of ninjutsu,

he only knows fire escape ninjutsu, and the most proficient "Fire escape·Phoenix Fire Technique" has only been upgraded from lv3 (226/1000) to lv3 (612/1000), and still has not broken through to lv4, reaching the level of qualitative change.

As a jonin, Ohara Hideji knows at least two types of ninjutsu. When they are combined, the effect is far beyond the reach of his mere fire ninjutsu.

In addition, the opponent must know some auxiliary ninjutsu such as the 'Shadow Clone Technique'.

In this way, he is even less of an opponent.

Perhaps only with illusion can he compete with the opponent with his Sharingan, but if he wants to overpower the opponent, it is estimated that his Sharingan must be upgraded to double magatama.

With this thought, Qingming quickly glanced at the other skills that did not change much, then closed the panel and began to test the effect of the Lv5 'Reflection Heart Technique'.

After skillfully forming the hand seal, Qingming released the 'Reflection Heart Technique' on himself.

He found the difference when he performed it.

In the past, although his brain would produce special chakra due to the stimulation of this technique, the amount was very small.

Now it is different. Qingming only feels that the special chakra is like a trickle, continuous, and may not be much per unit time, but it can't withstand the long duration.

Therefore, when all the chakras flow into the eyes, the effect will be more obvious.

Qingming has a feeling that after about two times, the evolution of his Sharingan can be improved a little.

Surprised, Qingming hurriedly started the second spell.

Two minutes later, Qingming opened his eyes again, opened the panel and took a look. As expected, the evolution of the Sharingan increased a little.

And it only takes 340 chakras to perform the "Reflection Heart Technique" twice, which is almost catching up with the 300 chakras required to open the Sharingan.

If the training plan remains unchanged and the previous chakra allocation plan is maintained, he will be able to gain thirteen points of Sharingan evolution every day in the future.

In this way, it will only take a little over twenty days for his Sharingan evolution to increase from (715/1000) to (1000/1000).

This is much faster than expected.

‘As expected, it is Lv5 that requires two thousand points of proficiency to advance. The effect is great! ’

Qingming thought of the five thousand points of proficiency required to advance to Lv6, and his scalp suddenly tingled. He felt that he could not complete it in a short time.


‘How effective is the Lv6 ‘Reflection Heart Technique’? ’

Qingming licked his lips involuntarily.

After a long time, he retracted his gaze and closed the panel.

Then, he calculated a little bit, and it seemed that twenty days later would be the time for the Chunin Exam.

But it didn’t matter.

With his current strength, the Chunin Exam was not difficult for him at all.

Therefore, it is not important whether the Sharingan evolves at that time.

Therefore, Qingming only paid a little attention to it, and then ignored it and started a new round of training.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

That afternoon, Qingming returned to the base camp after completing the last patrol mission.

According to the instructions from the superiors, he will return to the village with some Genin tomorrow to prepare for the Chunin exam in half a month.

That night.

In the tent.

Qingming packed up his luggage, completed his routine training, and opened the panel before going to bed.

It can be seen that after a week of hard training, the evolution of his Sharingan has reached (807/1000), which is one step closer to evolving into a double magatama.

In addition, there are also the ‘Magic·Jaghang Jutsu’ and the ‘Illusion·Sharingan’, which are also on the verge of promotion.

The former was upgraded from lv2 (371/500) to lv2 (412/500), while the latter was upgraded from lv1 (150/200) to lv1 (191/200).

It is these visible and tangible improvements that allow Qingming to maintain his current ascetic life.

Otherwise, even if one is determined, if one cannot see the rewards after hard work, one will inevitably become lazy.

He is different. As long as the proficiency panel is still there, he will never relax.

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