Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 65: The Art of Insect Fusion


Hearing the slight cracking sound, Qingming did not hesitate at all, and immediately took out a kunai from the ninja bag, tied a detonating talisman on it, and threw it over.

However, before the kunai got close, the unknown thing seemed to sense the danger, and with a "bang", it broke through the queen bee's abdomen and flew into the sky at a very fast speed.


The detonating talisman exploded, but failed to cause any damage to it.

With the excellent insight brought by the Sharingan, Qingming saw the appearance of the unknown thing, which was Akagi.

However, the other party looked more like a bee than a human, and it was a bee standing up.

Its eyes were bulging, its body was hunched, its limbs were strangely twisted, and a pair of transparent wings on its shoulder blades were shaking slightly.

If the other party had not still had some human appearance, Qingming would have thought it was Queen Bee No. 2.

It was at this time that Qingming finally understood why he had thought that Akagi looked a bit like a bee.

Obviously, the secret technique that the other party used last had a significant side effect, and it might shift people towards the direction of bees.

In addition, the other party's irritable and easily angered personality should also be related to this.

Otherwise, as a special jonin, even if he had an irreconcilable hatred with the Aburame clan, he should not have become so unwise under Qingming's ridicule.

In fact, it was indeed the case.

The "insect fusion technique" had a significant flaw since it was created.

Although performing this technique will allow people to gain some of the abilities of the queen bee, it will also subtly transform people's bodies and make people keep getting closer to bees.

This is not only reflected in the appearance, but also affects people's minds. The longer the fusion time, the greater the impact.

Therefore, even in the Shenhe clan, the "insect fusion technique" is a taboo, and it must not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

But it must be said that the effect of this technique is still very good.

Just like now, the red bee flew into the sky with the help of its wings, and Qingming had no good way to target it.

In addition, the life-threatening injury on its body was also healed.

The combination of the two almost gave the red bee a second life and gave him a chance to turn defeat into victory.

However, Qingming stared at the red bee with a dim gaze, feeling that the other party's state was a little wrong, and it seemed to have lost some vitality.

Qingming's feeling was not wrong.

This is another shortcoming of the "insect fusion technique", that is, the weaker the mental will of the caster, the greater the influence of the queen bee after the fusion.

Originally, before the technique was cast, the red bee had been seriously injured, and its mental will almost fell to the bottom.

Then, after the fusion, the influence was naturally the greatest.

Now, this body is not so much dominated by the red bee as it is dominated by the queen bee.

It is estimated that even if Qingming is killed, the queen bee will not cancel the "insect fusion technique".

In this way, as time goes by, it can step by step become a new queen bee, and completely occupy this body.

This is also the reason why Akagi had been unable to make up his mind to perform the ‘insect fusion technique’ for a long time.

You can tell from his appearance that he had performed this technique many times in the past.

Then, he must be well aware of the risks involved and the consequences of performing the ‘insect fusion technique’ in that state.

Unfortunately, he had to take a gamble due to the situation.

Now it seems that he lost the gamble.

But this is undoubtedly good news for Qingming.

Compared to dealing with a person, it is easier to target the queen bee. Even if the other party has mastered part of Akagi’s memory, it is impossible to perfectly inherit the other party’s combat experience.

In this way, he may not have to spend much effort to solve it.

With this thought, Qingming glanced at the swarm of bees around him and took the lead in attacking.

Swish~ Swish~ Swish~

Several shurikens flew out and attacked ‘Akagi’ directly.

With the lv4 ‘ninja tool throwing’ and the powerful insight of the Sharingan, the shurikens thrown by Qingming are very threatening.

Of course, this is mainly because ‘Akabee’ did not get the queen bee’s iron-hard shell.

Otherwise, let alone a few shurikens, even if there were dozens of shurikens, it would not be able to break the opponent’s defense.

In that case, no matter how accurate his shooting was, it would not be of much use.

Fortunately, this situation did not occur.

‘Akabee’ sensed the danger and immediately flapped his wings, moving half a meter sideways, easily avoiding Qingming’s attack.

Seeing this, Qingming’s mouth twitched slightly, knowing that it would not work to kill the opponent by throwing ninja tools, so there was only one way left.

Swish, swish, swish~

The dense bee needles shot over, interrupting Qingming’s thinking, forcing him to dodge.

Fortunately, there were enough trees in the forest, and Qingming had the help of the Sharingan, otherwise such a dense attack would really not be something that ordinary people could avoid.

‘Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique~’

Qingming is not someone who just takes a beating without fighting back. After dodging a round of needle rain, he saw the opportunity and immediately launched a counterattack.

The blessing from the Sharingan made his ninjutsu more accurate.

Suddenly, the bees in the air fell like rain.

‘Akabee’ was not to be outdone and immediately controlled the swarm of bees to fight back.

The two sides fought back and forth, and the fight was very lively, which attracted the attention of many people.

Fortunately, the battle line was long enough and there was a swarm of bees to block it, so Qingming’s Sharingan was not exposed.

Everyone only saw a large group of bees flying around a jungle crazily, and they didn’t know what was going on.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, when the number of bee colonies dropped to two-thirds, Qingming found an opportunity.

Looking at the ‘Red Bee’ on the top of the tree in front, Qingming’s eyes flickered slightly. In the following defensive counterattack, he accidentally stepped on a pool of sticky honey.

Seeing this, the ‘Red Bee’s’ eyes lit up, and he quickly controlled more bees to shoot out their tail stingers, and at the same time opened his mouth to spit out more honey, trying to completely wrap Qingming.

At the critical moment, Qingming performed the ‘Substitute Technique’, leaving only a wooden stake in the original place.

Seeing this, a trace of imperceptible disappointment appeared on the ugly face of the ‘Red Bee’.

Then, he looked around for Qingming’s trace.

At this moment, a call came from the big tree next to him: "Hey, look here!"

The ‘Red Bee’ did not have the original owner’s vigilance, and instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, and then saw a pair of scarlet blood-red Sharingan.

‘Magic·Jail Hang Technique~’

That’s right, Qingming was waiting for the opportunity to perform this technique at close range.

‘Red Bee’ had been flying in the sky, and he had no chance to get close. After planning for a long time, he finally created such an opportunity.

First, he pretended to make a mistake to let ‘Red Bee’ relax, then used the ‘Substitute Technique’ to divert the opponent’s attention and took the opportunity to get close.

Finally, he performed the ‘Magic·Jail Hang Technique’ to make the final decision.

Looking at the ‘Red Bee’ in free fall, Qingming jumped out, swung a short sword in the air, and instantly cut the opponent’s throat.

Even so, Qingming was still not at ease, and threw another kunai, piercing the opponent’s heart.

Feeling the opponent’s breath rapidly fading, Qingming breathed a sigh of relief.

As he expected, it didn’t take much effort to deal with the ‘Red Bee’ led by the queen bee as long as he found a good opportunity.

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