Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 4: Throwing Ninja Tools

That night.

In the room.

Qingming finished refining chakra again, and his eyes were full of fatigue when he opened them.

Despite this, he still forced himself to use the chakra he had just recovered to perform the clone technique, one of the three body techniques.

Unlike before, his movements were obviously much more skilled now, and the time for the seal was able to be kept within five seconds.

This was the school's assessment standard.

But this did not mean that he had learned this technique.

If it was just the seal, he could easily meet this requirement.

But it was useless.

The most important thing about performing ninjutsu is not the seal, but the simultaneous mobilization and transformation of chakra in the process.

The seal itself is to assist in guiding this change.

If the ninja is skilled enough, he can completely simplify the process, thereby reducing the number of seals, or the effect of one-handed seal.

Of course, these have little to do with Qingming for the time being.

Up to now, he has not even started the clone technique.

Don't think about running before you learn to walk.


A cloud of chakra smoke dispersed, and a distorted figure appeared beside him. Looking at its appearance, it was somewhat similar to Qingming.

Qingming glanced at the other person expressionlessly, and then lifted the clone technique.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Qingming mobilized chakra again and began to make seals.

Five seconds later, another cloud of chakra smoke dispersed, and a phantom resembling Qingming appeared again, still so distorted.

In this way, Qingming performed the clone technique five times in succession, and stopped practicing after using up all the chakra in his body.

Taking a deep breath, Qingming summoned the panel.

[Name: Uchiha Qingming

Age: 10 years old

Physique: 5

Spirit: 7

Chakra: 11 (131)

Bloodline: Sharingan·Unawakened (51/100)

Skills: Chakra Refining Technique: lv0 (8/100)

Clone Technique: lv0 (46/100)

Basic Physical Technique: lv0 (35/100)]

Tonight, he refined chakra for four hours, and the upper limit of chakra in his body increased by 4 points, from 127 to 131.

During this period, he recovered a total of 200 chakra points.

Each time he casts the clone technique, he needs to consume about 20 points of chakra.

Tonight, he practiced the clone technique ten times.

Thanks to the memories and experience left by his predecessor, he will gain two to three points of proficiency every time he casts the clone technique.

Just like tonight, he gained 27 points of proficiency.

In this way, plus the previous 19 points, it is 46 points, and the progress is more than halfway to the entry level.

In addition, his "Chakra Refining Technique" also received the gift of his predecessor, and the proficiency increased by two points more than previously expected, a total of six points.

In this way, as long as he persists for four hours a day, he can reach the entry level in about half a month.

By then, the effect will inevitably increase, and his embarrassing situation of lacking chakra will also be alleviated.

After that, the improvement speed of various skills will also increase accordingly.

From this, it is not difficult to think that as time goes by, the speed of his strength improvement will inevitably become faster and faster.

As for now

Let's take it slowly!

Maybe he can squeeze his body, practice a few more hours a day, and get the "Chakra Refining Technique" into the entry level in advance, so as to speed up the progress.

But what's the use?

If his guess is true, it won't be long before he graduates. In such a short time, how much can he improve his strength?

Genin? Chunin? It can't be Jonin!

Moreover, even if he was a jonin, how much effect could he have in such a battle that swept the entire ninja world?

It might be difficult to change a local battle.

Why did he do such a thankless thing?

What's more, he was still an outsider. If he rashly improved his strength, he would only put himself under the spotlight, and he might be caught by others.

In this case, it would be better to follow the procedures!

Shaking his head, Qingming no longer thought about it, turned and walked out of the room, returned to the bedroom, lay on the bed, looked at the bright moon outside the window, and soon fell asleep.


The next day.


It was still the playground.

However, today Sugimu Yiteng did not let them fight each other, but asked them to practice throwing kunai and shuriken.

Just like fighting, these two skills are also the main means of combat for genin. With the addition of the three-body technique, a qualified battlefield cannon fodder is formed.

As for other ninjutsu?

Forget it!

Take Uchiha Qingming as an example. His qualifications are indeed ordinary, but that is compared with his classmates who come from ninja clans. If he is placed among civilians, his qualifications are already good.

If he hadn't traveled through time, he wouldn't have much chakra in his body after graduation, at most enough to perform the three-body technique a few times.

If he is like this, you can imagine what the civilian students are like.

In this way, learning other ninjutsu is a complete waste of time.

So, it's not that the school is unwilling to teach more, but that it's unnecessary.

Most students with potential have family inheritance, so they don't need to be taught by the school. Students without inheritance but with potential will be assigned to some strong jonins and taught by them.

In this way, the school naturally doesn't need to teach more.

Moreover, this group of people will most likely graduate early, and their strength will definitely be worse than in previous years, so there is no need to teach them.


A kunai flew out and hit the target five meters away.

Seeing this, Qingming breathed a sigh of relief.

If he didn't hit the target again, he really didn't know what to do.

Since he started practicing, Shanmu Yiteng has been looking at him frequently, and the same was true when he fought with Morimukizhe yesterday.

Qingming knew that his performance in the past two days was quite different from the past, and he had already thought of a trick to fool him.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even ask, as if he didn't care about him as a student at all.

This made Qingming wonder whether he should be happy or sad.


With a thought, Qingming opened the proficiency panel.

[Name: Uchiha Qingming

Age: 10 years old

Constitution: 5

Spirit: 7

Chakra: 44 (131)

Bloodline: Sharingan·Unawakened (51/100)

Skills: Chakra Refining Technique: lv0 (8/100)

Duplicate Technique: lv0 (46/100)

Basic Physical Technique: lv0 (35/100)

Ninja Tool Throwing: lv0 (1/100)]

Without any surprise, as this kunai hit the target, a new skill appeared on his panel—Ninja Tool Throwing: lv0 (1/100)!

Following the feel just now, Qingming threw another kunai.

A thud was heard, and the kunai barely hit the target.

Then, on the panel, the proficiency of ‘Ninja Tool Throwing’ became lv0 (2/100)!

Looking at the newly added proficiency, Qingming’s eyes lit up. If he guessed correctly, this skill might become his first entry-level skill.

As for the reason, it is very simple. Practicing ‘ninja tool throwing’ does not require chakra consumption. As long as he has not reached the level of his predecessor, he can quickly accumulate proficiency and get started.


Qingming glanced at the cedar tree in the distance and thought to himself: “Will the other party see any clues?”

Thinking like this, Qingming picked up the kunai and shuriken he had thrown, came to the ten-meter target, and began to practice seriously.

Even with the experience just now, he still missed the target many times.

This undoubtedly slowed down the time for him to accumulate proficiency, but it was worth it.

There is no other reason. When his predecessor practiced the ten-meter target, he would miss the target from time to time. Although he missed the target more often now, it was not as conspicuous as the five-meter target.

As long as he is given a little time, he can brush up his proficiency, and then he will not have to worry about being exposed.

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