Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 389 Meeting (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

The next day.

Early in the morning.

When the first ray of sunlight shone into the house through the cracks in the window, Qingming opened his eyes.

With a thought, he opened the proficiency panel, looked at the proficiency of the "Reflection Heart Technique" and "Palm Fairy Technique" on it, and nodded with satisfaction.

After a night of hard work, he finally made up for the progress of the "Reflection Heart Technique" yesterday.

Not only that, he also performed the "Palm Fairy Technique" to strengthen his body. Although he did not make up for all the progress, it finally brought him one step closer to transformation.

As for the consumed chakra.

If you only practice these two skills, the chakra recovered naturally by the body and the chakra recovered by running the "Chakra Refining Technique" is enough.

Therefore, until now, the chakra in his body is still close to the full value.

"Not bad!"

Muttering, Qingming closed the proficiency panel.

Then, he looked at the window and muttered, "It's almost time. I should leave too."

The order Kurosawa Naruki gave him was to get to the Black Stone Base before eight o'clock this morning.

And now, it's just after seven o'clock. If he uses 'Wind Style: Wind Wings', he can get there in less than forty minutes.

Qingming never likes to wait for people.

Similarly, he won't let people wait.

'So, let's not be so extreme. Let's go now! '

With this thought, Qingming packed up his equipment, confirmed that he had brought everything he should bring, and left the room.

He didn't say hello to Uchiha Tiehuo.

Last night, after the 100-man brigade sent by Kurosawa Naruki to support arrived, the other party came again.

What should be said, he had said it at that time.

So, there is no need to waste words now.

When he came to the open area, Qingming looked at the sky, without any hesitation, he immediately raised his hand to seal and performed the ninjutsu - Wind Style: Wind Wings!

The next moment, a pair of light blue chakra wings appeared behind him. Qingming moved his mind and controlled them to flap.

Then, he flew into the sky.

About a hundred meters from the ground.

Qingming identified the direction and flew straight over.

Someone in the base saw Qingming's figure and quickly warned his companions: "Look, there are people in the sky!"

However, the Konoha ninja who was traveling with him heard the words, looked up and smiled and said: "Heiya, don't be nervous, that's our captain."

"You just came and don't know, our captain has mastered a flying ninjutsu."

"Captain? Ghost Sword Qingming?"

Inuzuka Heiya said in surprise.

"Yes, I tell you, the night before last."

Next, the Konoha ninja described what Qingming did that night in a vivid way.

How did the name come from?

That's how the name came from!

In the sky, Qingming vaguely saw two people, but after glancing at them, he ignored them.

He flapped his wings, and his speed instantly reached the maximum, flying towards the direction of the Black Stone Stronghold at a speed of 30 meters per second.


More than half an hour later.

Qingming arrived at the Black Stone Stronghold without any trouble.

The patrolling Konoha ninja was obviously stunned when he saw him falling from the sky.

Obviously, in just one day, the news that he mastered the flying ninjutsu was not enough to spread, and now it is estimated that only Kurosawa Chengshu and other Konoha high-level officials know about it.

Of course, if possible, he actually wanted to hide this ability.

Unfortunately, things did not go as he wished.

From the beginning, his ability was exposed, and the subsequent surprise attack by the Hidden Mist Village forced him to use this technique.

So, there was no need to hide it.

It just so happened that he might be able to use this technique to get a good job!

Needless to say, the scale and intensity of the Konoha organization's counterattack this time will definitely not be small, and in such a battlefield, even if he is strong, he must be careful.

If we can undertake some tasks that are not so dangerous, we can minimize the probability of accidents.

However, this requires contacting the senior leaders of the clan.

Otherwise, it may be difficult to achieve.

In addition, the things entrusted to the clan should have a result.

With this thought, Qingming found Uchiha Yashiro after completing the registration.

That's right, the other party also came here to support.

Moreover, it is not in an ordinary capacity.

For such an important battle, each family in Konoha Village will appoint a clan member to coordinate.

In this way, on the one hand, it is to safeguard the interests of the family, so as to prevent the death of clan members inexplicably, and on the other hand, it is to better manage the ninjas of the family and cooperate with the actions of the village.

The Uchiha clan is no exception.

And this time, the person in charge of the Uchiha clan is Uchiha Yashiro, which has been clearly stated in the news received yesterday.

Therefore, Qingming does not need to ask around, and it is easy to find the other party.



Outside a door.

Qingming tapped his fingers.

"Come in!"

Uchiha Yashiro's voice came from inside the house.

Although he had not met him many times, Qingming could still recognize his voice.

Then, he opened the door and walked in.

However, as soon as he walked in, he saw an unexpected figure.


That's right, this person was none other than Uchiha Shisui.

Seeing him come in, Uchiha Shisui also said: "Qingming, you are here."


Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded, and then said: "You have also been recruited?"


Uchiha Shisui also nodded in agreement.

Because Uchiha Yashiro was in front, the two of them didn't exchange much greetings.

Qing Ming looked at the figure behind the table and said, "Uncle Clan!"


Uchiha Yashiro nodded, looked him up and down a few times, and then said with a smile: "Qingming, yes, you are very good!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Uchiha Shisui and said: "Just in time, you two are here, so I will tell you everything you need to pay attention to at once to save trouble.

Hearing this, Qingming and Uchiha Shisui said at the same time: "Please tell me."

"Well, that's it."

After that, Uchiha Yashiro didn't talk nonsense and directly started to talk about some things that needed to be paid attention to during the mission.

It didn't have a long speech, it only took a few minutes to finish talking about these general precautions.

It was only then that his expression became serious.

He looked at Qingming and Uchiha Shisui, and finally said: "You must also know the danger of this mission."


Qingming and Uchiha Shisui nodded at the same time.

Kirigakure Village spent so much effort to capture four strongholds. Naturally, they cannot return them easily, so they will definitely fight to the death.

Therefore, the danger of this mission is self-evident.

Qingming could figure it out, and so could Uchiha Shisui, so they both nodded seriously.

Seeing them like this, Yashiro Uchiha was very pleased.

After a moment of silence, he finally said: "You two are the future of the family and the foundation for the family to go further. You must not lose it here."

"So, for this counterattack, I will try my best to arrange some relatively safe tasks for you. You must save your lives."

Hearing this, Uchiha Shisui frowned slightly, seeming to have some objections to Uchiha Yashiro's words, but he was a smart man after all and did not object in person.

As for Qing Ming, it is naturally even more impossible to object.

In other words, this is exactly what he wants.

Thanks to ‘book friend 20240912182356389’ for the 100 starting coins!

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