Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 383 The overall situation is important


The long sword cut through the air, brushing against Mei Terumi's shoulder.

The wind chakra wrapped on it directly tore her clothes, leaving a shallow scar on her shoulder.


A light huh came from the white mist.

The next moment, the long sword changed its downward trend and cut across Mei Terumi's neck.

The fierce murderous intent came, and Terumi didn't think about it, and rolled over to avoid the attack.

It must be said that this move seems indecent, but it is very practical.

Qingming's sword missed again.

That's right, it was Qingming who launched the two attacks.

He used the water vapor generated by the encounter between the fire dragon and the water dragon to cover up and secretly performed the "Water Style·Mist Hidden Technique", which directly blocked everyone's vision.

Then, he directly released the "Wind Style·Wind Wings", aimed at Mei Terumi, and launched an attack.

In the past period of time, he has been constantly using the advantage of the air to fly a kite, and now he suddenly close combat, and really caught the opponent off guard.

Unfortunately, the opponent reacted quickly, and he attacked twice in a row, but she dodged them.

However, Qingming did not give up.

A flash of green light appeared, and the "Instant Sword Technique" was performed.

In an instant, he came to the right side of Terumi Mei's body.

The next moment, the long sword swung out and chopped at her neck again.

Sensing the danger, Terumi Mei's face changed slightly, and she immediately raised the kunai in her hand and blocked it to the side of her body.


A little spark appeared in the mist.

The long sword and kunai collided with each other, making a crisp metal collision sound.

A strong force came from the kunai, and Terumi Mei's feet were unstable, and the whole person slid backwards.

Qingming held the knife with both hands and pressed the opponent to slide for a distance.

Then, he put away the knife and chopped again.

Terumi Mei almost instinctively ducked and avoided the attack again.

The long knife passed over the opponent's head, and a few strands of reddish-brown hair fell.

Qingming put away the knife and chopped again, and Terumi Mei blocked again.

For a while, the sound of "ding ding dang dang" rang continuously in the field.

Because she lost the initiative, facing Qingming's attack, Terumi Mei could only block and dodge.

However, Qingming's attack was like a storm, not only continuous, but also extremely fast.

At first, Terumi Mei could keep up.

However, the more she resisted, the more difficult it was.

After a while, she had several more scars on her body.

Although it was not too serious, it was foreseeable that if she continued like this, she would die in Qingming's hands sooner or later.

Realizing this, Terumi Mei naturally wanted to get rid of this predicament.

However, Qingming did not give her any chance at all.

At this moment, Qingming's figure was like a ghost, wandering around the opponent, and every move and every style was aimed at her vital points.

If there was any flaw, he might catch it and kill her.

Therefore, Terumi Mei didn't dare to act rashly.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~

The battle continued!

Just when Terumi Mei was about to give up, several subtle sounds of breaking through the air came.


Qingming's heart moved, his footsteps paused slightly, and the long sword in his hand that was about to swing out suddenly changed direction.

Then, he heard a few "ding ding" sounds, and all the incoming kunai were blocked by him.

Qingming looked in the direction where the kunai came from, and through the mist, he could vaguely see several figures.

In addition, through the chakra diffused in the white mist, he also felt that the surrounding Mist Ninjas were gathering here.

"Yes, such a long time has passed, even with the white mist blocking them, they should have found this place." Qingming said in his heart.

Then, he looked at Terumi Mei who had taken the opportunity to distance herself, shook his head secretly, and muttered: "What a pity!"

After saying that, he sheathed his sword, formed a seal again, and performed the ninjutsu - Wind Style: Wings of Wind!

The next moment, a pair of light blue chakra wings spread out behind him.

Then, with a light flap, he flew high into the sky.

As for Terumi Mei.

He had to give up for the time being.

Indeed, he wanted to kill the other party just now, but his strength was good. Although he was caught off guard by him and was passive everywhere, he still persisted.

In this way, he didn't need to risk being besieged and entangled with him.

Compared with the other party, the entire battle situation is more important.

He can take advantage of the time when the other party will make peace and rush to other battlefields to relieve the pressure on the Konoha ninjas there.

This time, the strength of the two sides is almost one to three.

In addition, the sneak attack of the Hidden Mist Village was successful, which caught them off guard. If he didn't help them, they couldn't defend at all.

Therefore, we should still put the overall situation first.


Qingming flapped his wings behind him.

In the blink of an eye, he flew out of the coverage of the "Water Style: Mist Hidden Technique".

Then, he swept his eyes and locked onto a battlefield not far away.

There, dozens of Konoha ninjas were facing the siege of more than a hundred Mist Hidden Ninjas.

"Very good, this is it."

With a thought, Qingming controlled the chakra wings behind him to flap, and he quickly arrived above this battlefield.

The next moment, he took out several shurikens, and the three-magatama Sharingan was fully activated, locking onto the figures of several Mist Hidden Ninjas.


The shuriken in his palm flew out and attacked these people directly.

However, because he had attacked from the air before, these people were wary of the sky.

Therefore, even with the cover of night, someone still found his trace.

"Be careful!"

Immediately, someone warned.

Hearing this, everyone looked up at the sky, and then they saw Qingming throwing shuriken.

Then, the few people targeted by Qingming immediately dodged.

However, despite this, half of them were hit.

A few muffled groans came out of their mouths, making their movements stagnate.

Seeing this, Qingming immediately raised his seal, and almost in an instant, he performed the ninjutsu - Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!

A fist-sized fireball was spit out by him, and then it quickly grew larger, and finally turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of five or six meters, which hit the few people.

Feeling the rolling heat waves from above, looking at this scene that looked like a meteorite falling from the sky, the hearts of several people were in chaos, and they hurriedly wanted to dodge.

Unfortunately, they were just injured by the shuriken and reacted a little too slowly. Even if they tried their best, they could only avoid the frontal impact of the fireball.

However, this was useless.

Because the moment the fireball landed, it exploded with a "bang".

At this time, let alone the few people who were closer, even the few people who ran away in advance were also hit hard.

Bang bang bang~

The people on the periphery fell to the ground and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

However, they did not dare to stay at all. They did not even bother to wipe the blood from the corners of their mouths and ran straight to the periphery.

The next moment, the surging flames attacked and engulfed the place where they had just fallen.

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