Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 379: War breaks out again

Late night.

The moon was high in the sky.

On the side of the Eagle's Beak Cliff facing the sea, four Konoha ninjas were chatting casually.

Suddenly, one of them seemed to see something, pointed to the sea in the distance, and said anxiously: "Captain, look, what is that?"

Upon hearing this, the captain of the four-man team immediately looked in the direction he pointed.

On the vast ocean, several black spots were approaching rapidly.

He widened his eyes and carefully identified them.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "Send a signal quickly, it's an enemy attack!"

However, no one responded to him.

A faint smell of blood penetrated into the tip of his nose.

Sensing something unusual, he instinctively looked back.

At some point, two ninjas wearing black robes and masks appeared behind him.

And his three teammates had already been killed.

"Mist Hidden Anbu?"

Looking at the four curved lines on the masks of the other two, which looked like flowing water and clouds, Ikeda Tsuyoshi was surprised and said.

As he spoke, he was about to retreat.

However, it was too late.


The sound of a sharp blade piercing flesh was heard.

A Kirigakure Anbu thrust the kunai in his hand into Ikeda Tsuyoshi's heart.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Ikeda Tsuyoshi's mouth.

He endured the pain and wanted to warn.

However, before he could make a sound, another kunai came and cut his throat directly, leaving him without a word.

At this point, all four members of Ikeda Tsuyoshi's team were killed, and they did not send out any signal until they died.

After doing this, the two Kirigakure Anbu looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Then, they ignored the bodies of the four people on the ground and ran straight to the deeper part of the Eagle's Beak Cliff, which was close to the base.

After walking about a few dozen meters, two figures suddenly jumped out from behind the huge rock next to them.

They were also wearing black robes and masks, and they were also two Kirigakure Anbu.

Seeing the two, smelling the faint smell of blood on them, the Kirigakure Anbu who killed Ikeda Tsuyoshi said, "How is it?"

His voice was hoarse, and through the mask, it seemed even more dull.

Hearing this, a person who just appeared replied, "Everything went well, and the secret sentry has been dealt with by us."

The sentries arranged by Konoha here are naturally not just the four people in the open.

In fact, in addition to Ikeda Tsuyoshi and others, there is also a team in the dark, responsible for monitoring every move around.

In the past, the configuration of two teams, one in the light and one in the dark, was enough for them to send out a warning signal even if someone attacked them by surprise.

However, in tonight's operation, Kirigakure was determined to win, and directly sent out the Anbu elites, whose strength was much greater than that of the two teams, and they had no time to react.

In addition, Kirigakure has been relatively quiet these days, and several Konoha ninjas unconsciously relaxed their vigilance.

In this way, the superposition of these two factors has led to the current result.

After confirming that the light and dark sentries had been dealt with, the Kirigakure Anbu team did not go deeper, but hid their bodies and quietly waited for the arrival of the main force.

Their mission was to ensure that Konoha would not find the traces of the main force in the first place. Now that the mission has been completed, they will naturally not do anything extra.

It must be said that their approach was correct.

Indeed, they easily dealt with Ikeda Tsuyoshi and others, but this does not mean that they can move freely here.

Because the closer they are to the stronghold, the tighter the defense of Konoha will be. If they dare to move forward, it will not take long for their whereabouts to be exposed.

By then, Konoha will naturally notice it.

Unfortunately, these people are the elite of the Kirigakure Anbu, with rich mission experience, and they did not do anything extra.

As a result, Konoha knew nothing about the arrival of the Kirigakure Village.

And this is destined to catch Konoha off guard.


In the room.

Qingming was snoring.

At a certain moment, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded.

The next moment, Qingming's eyes opened, and the three-magatama Sharingan opened instantly.

He grabbed the scabbard next to him and jumped up from the bed.


A violent explosion sounded in his ears.

Qingming could tell that it was the explosion of the detonating talisman.

Then, there was a noisy shout and fierce fighting.

"Mist Hidden?"

Qingming murmured.

The next moment, a figure appeared outside the house.

Qingming let go of his perception and immediately found a large number of strange breaths.

He jumped a few times and came to the highest point of the stronghold, and then saw densely packed Mist Hidden Ninjas outside the stronghold.

This number has exceeded any previous time, about five or six hundred.

Looking at the outer patrol team retreating step by step, Qingming did not hesitate, and quickly completed the seal with both hands, and performed the ninjutsu-Wind Style·Wind Wings!

The next moment, his feet left the ground and flew towards the battlefield.

Passing the two sides fighting each other in front, Qingming went straight to the back of the Kirigakure troops.

Looking at the Kirigakure ninjas who were still gathering, he formed seals with his hands and instantly performed the ninjutsu - Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!

A fist-sized fireball came out of his mouth, then quickly grew larger, and finally turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of four or five meters, smashing into the Kirigakure troops.

Feeling the rolling heat waves coming from above, a Kirigakure Genin looked up.

The next moment, his expression was dull, and he couldn't help but murmured: "What is this?"


A huge fireball fell to the ground and exploded, instantly turning the surrounding ground into a sea of ​​fire, engulfing dozens of Kirigakure Ninjas.

The next moment, painful wails sounded, and those Kirigakure Ninjas struggled in the flames, looking like evil spirits.

This purgatory-like scene immediately shocked the surrounding Kirigakure Ninjas.

However, Qingming didn't care how they reacted.

Now, there was only one thing he had to do, and that was to delay the attack of the Kirigakure Village as much as possible.

Only in this way could he buy enough time for the Konoha Ninjas in the stronghold to organize a defense.

Otherwise, the entire stronghold would be at risk of being lost.

Qingming turned around, and toward the crowded area below, he formed a seal again and performed the ninjutsu - Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!

A flame gushed out of his mouth, turned into a fire dragon, and rushed straight into the crowd.

The next moment, the wailing sounded again.

Qingming ignored this, and with a flap of chakra wings behind him, he had already arrived at another place.

‘Fire escape: Dragon Fire Technique~’

Another fire dragon rushed into the crowd.

Qingming didn’t care about the outcome of the battle. After performing the ninjutsu, he flew to other places and continued to perform ninjutsu to attack.

In this way, he shot and moved to another place, never staying in one place, and the Mist Ninja couldn’t do anything to him for a while.

And he disturbed the rest of the Mist Ninja, and the pace of advancement was affected.

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