Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 377 Flight and Arrangement

Qingming raised his hands, made seals in a methodical manner, mobilized the chakra in his body, and performed the ninjutsu - Wind Style: Wings of Wind!

The next moment, a pair of light blue wings appeared behind him.

Compared with the initial stage, after being promoted to level 1 and entering the door, his chakra wings have undergone many changes.

Among them, the most obvious is the length.

It has changed directly from the original almost two meters to less than one and a half meters now, which looks much smaller.

However, although its length has shortened, the effect is much stronger.

With a thought, a stream of wind style chakra sprayed out from the wings.

Then, Qingming's feet left the sea surface, and the whole person floated up.

Chakra continued to spray, and his figure became higher and higher.

Soon, he was far away from the sea surface and came to the sky.

Looking at the Eagle's Beak Cliff that was shrinking in the distance below, Qingming instinctively had a palpitation. This is the normal reaction of creatures living on land suddenly coming to the sky, commonly known as acrophobia!

Although Qingming has been practicing "Wind Style·Wind Wings" for a while, he has never been to such a high place. It is really the first time for a young lady to get on a sedan chair.

"Inhale~~~ Exhale~~~"

Take a deep breath and then slowly exhale. Qingming overcomes the fear in his heart and no longer pays attention to the bottom. With a thought, he controls the chakra wings behind him and flaps them gently.

The next moment, his figure flies forward.

That's right, when his "Wind Style·Wind Wings" is promoted to level 1, he can already fly.

This is the flying speed.

Qingming tried for a while and estimated a result, which is about ten meters per second, that is, thirty-six kilometers per hour.

This speed

is the level of electric cars in the previous life.

In this life, it is not as fast as the running speed of most ninjas.

In addition, there is the consumption of chakra. The consumption of chakra when performing "Wind Style·Wind Wings" is quite intense.

Even Qingming feels a little painful.

Of course, it is not without advantages.

At the very least, when performing the "Wind Style: Wind Wings" to fly, you basically don't have to pay attention to the terrain below.

And if you go in a straight line, it will undoubtedly save a lot of time.

In this way, plus it is only level 1 now, it can be continuously improved as the level increases, it can be said that the future is promising!

Retracting his thoughts, Qingming looked at the sky, the sun had already set, and night was about to fall.

So, he didn't stay any longer and flew straight to the direction of the Eagle's Beak Cliff.

However, as soon as he approached, several Konoha ninjas rushed out from behind the bunker, took out kunai, looked up at him, and shouted: "Who is it?"

Hearing this, Qingming looked in the direction of the voice, opened his Sharingan, and found that it was a few sentinels of the stronghold.

He was a little happy that he had just successfully developed the flying ninjutsu, but he forgot that this side has always been the focus of surveillance of the stronghold.

He flew over so swaggeringly, and he would naturally be noticed.

‘Maybe I should learn a ninjutsu to hide my body’

A thought came to Qingming’s mind, but he quickly suppressed it.

Now is not the time to think about these things. In order to avoid causing greater misunderstandings, Qingming flapped his wings and flew down.


After he landed, several people saw his appearance and spoke in surprise.

“Yes, it’s me.”

Qingming nodded, responded, and then said the secret code at the first time.

Here, it is naturally impossible to identify the identity by appearance.

After all, whether it is ‘transformation technique’ or some other ninjutsu, the appearance of the ninja can be changed.

So, things like secret codes are very common.

It was only after Qingming said the secret code that these people were completely relieved.

And then, someone asked curiously: “Captain, did you succeed?”

While speaking, the man looked at the chakra wings behind him that had not yet dissipated.

Hearing this, Qingming glanced at the other party and found that he was a young ninja from the Uchiha clan, and he immediately understood.

Only people of the same clan would ask this question.

After all, no matter in which world, training is a relatively private matter, especially for ninjas who regard intelligence as life.

Although his previous attempt to develop flying ninjutsu was not kept secret, many people in the base knew about it.

However, they would not ask casually.

Only people who belong to the same clan and have a close relationship with him would ask rashly like this.

Perhaps because he was happy in his heart, Qingming was not unhappy. He nodded lightly and walked away.

And looking at his back as he left, Uchiha Heguang said with envy: "When can I be like the captain!"

Hearing this, several people around sneered and said: "Heguang, don't dream, the captain is a real genius, don't think about it."

"Yes, Heguang, although you and the captain belong to the same Uchiha clan, I don't think you can catch up with the captain." Someone echoed.

Hearing this, Uchiha Heguang's face flushed red, and the young man's unyielding nature was aroused. He stiffened his neck and said, "Just wait, sooner or later I will surpass the captain and prove it to you!"


Hearing this, everyone laughed, obviously not thinking he could do it.

Qingming didn't know about the discussion of several people. After answering Uchiha Heguang's question, he dispersed his chakra wings and went straight back to his residence.


In the room.

Qingming washed up, got some food, and after filling his stomach, he began to think about the next path.

Now that his flying ninjutsu has been successfully developed, he only needs to work hard, and it is time to make plans for the future.

After thinking for a long time, Qingming made arrangements.

First, according to the previous plan, he studied the secret technique of telepathy and strengthened the information communication ability between the main body and the shadow clone.

Secondly, he prepared for the development of the "shadow sword technique" and studied the "shuriken shadow clone technique" on the basis of the "shadow clone technique".

Finally, and most importantly, he contacted the clan and asked them to send some books and scrolls about developing earth attribute chakra.

That's right, he is ready to develop the fourth chakra attribute.

The successful development of "Wind Style·Wind Wings" made him feel that his mastery of wind attribute chakra has risen to a new level again.

Moreover, it is difficult to make great progress in a short period of time.

So, after thinking about it, he is ready to develop the fourth chakra attribute.

As for why he chose the earth attribute instead of the thunder attribute?

The reason is very simple, that is, he lacks defense.

Although his "physique" attribute is very high now, and his physical strength exceeds that of ordinary ninjas by a large margin, he is still a mortal after all. If he is injured, he will still bleed and die.

Therefore, in order to make up for this defect, he plans to learn one or two defensive ninjutsu.

Compared with lightning escape, earth escape is undoubtedly better at this. At the beginning, Kakuzu's "earth escape·earth spear" left a deep impression on him.

Unfortunately, he had not yet developed the earth attribute chakra at that time, so he could not copy it.

However, he believed that with the thousand-year heritage of the Uchiha clan, it should not be a problem to find one or two similar ninjutsu.

Of course, there are also ninjutsu such as "lightning escape chakra mode" in lightning escape, which is good at defense, but more lightning escape ninjutsu is still known for its strong offensiveness.

So, don't embarrass the Uchiha clan.

As for whether the Uchiha clan will agree

It's a joke. He is now the signboard of the Uchiha clan. How could the other party not agree?

With this thought in mind, Qingming took out a pen and paper and began to write a letter.

The operation went well, update on recovery!

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