Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 363 Perfection

An hour later.

It was getting dark.

Qingming and the others returned to the Eagle Cliff.

After that, they waited for about half an hour, and all the patrol teams returned to the base.

Then, Qingming began to listen to their reports.

According to their reports, Qingming knew that it was not only their team that did not encounter the Kirigakure ninjas today, but other teams also did not encounter them.

"Did Kirigakure give up reconnaissance?"

Qingming was puzzled, so he called a Konoha ninja and asked him to contact Kurosawa Chengshu to see what was going on over there.

The Konoha ninja heard Qingming's order, without any hesitation, and immediately bit his thumb, performed the "Summoning Technique", and summoned an eagle-like summoning beast.

Watching it fly into the sky, Qingming waited quietly.

About half an hour later, he received a reply that there were still Kirigakure ninjas in other directions today, and Kirigakure did not give up reconnaissance.

Something must be wrong when things are out of the ordinary. The Eagle Cliff stronghold is the weakest point in the entire northern defense line. Even if the Kirigakure knew that he was in charge, they would not even investigate it.

As one of the five major ninja villages, the Kirigakure has its own pride and cannot be frightened by him alone.

‘There must be a trick’

Thinking of this, Qingming directly ordered: “Everyone pay attention tonight, don’t let your guard down, and double the number of night duty personnel.”

Everyone’s face changed slightly when they heard it, but they still responded: “Yes, Captain!”


Seeing that they all listened, Qingming nodded, and then said: “Okay, you all go down and make arrangements!”

“Yes, Captain!”

Everyone responded again, and then hurried away.

Looking at their backs, Qingming fell into deep thought. He didn’t know whether the Kirigakure would launch a surprise attack, but it was always better to be prepared.

However, it turned out that he seemed to have thought too much.

Nothing happened last night.


The next day.

Early morning.

Qingming did not stay in the base, but followed the team again to perform patrol tasks.

However, like yesterday, he still did not choose to follow the team, but left a shadow clone as a tool for communication.

As for himself, he found another place and continued his daily practice.


The sun rises and sets.

In a blink of an eye, another day has passed.

At the end of this day, they still found nothing.

Similarly, other teams did not see a single ghost.

On the contrary, more and more Mist Ninjas were found near other bases on the defense line.

This unusual situation made everyone anxious.

Qingming once again issued an order to strengthen defense at night, and then

Then, he returned to his room and practiced.

As the saying goes, when the enemy comes, the general will stop him, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it.

Since I can't guess the intention of the Hidden Mist Village, I won't guess it. In this world where great power belongs to oneself, strength is the root of everything.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is futile.

Therefore, instead of worrying about gains and losses and guessing the other party's plan, it is better to seize the time to practice and use every minute and every second to improve himself.

In this way, no matter what conspiracy the other party has, he can have a better chance of winning.

And his calmness also infected the other people in the base. One by one, they were no longer as uneasy as before, and everyone was trying their best to do their own things.

That night, nothing happened again.


The third day.

Early morning.

After Qingming had breakfast, he left the base again with Uchiha Tiehuo and his party.

After reaching the reef beach, Uchiha Tiehuo said: "Qingming, are you going to practice again?"


Qingming nodded, raised his hands, formed the "Ren" seal, and performed the "Shadow Clone Technique", splitting out nine shadow clones.

After leaving a shadow clone as usual, he took the other eight shadow clones out of the boat and ran towards the reef beach.

Looking at his back, Uchiha Tiehuo shook his head, and then ordered his subordinates to control the boat and sail to the patrol area.


In a flash, time came to the afternoon.

Qingming once again released the "Shadow Clone Technique" and digested the experience and memory of the eight shadow clones in the past hour.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and muttered: "Finally, it's perfect!"

That's right, after nearly a week of practice, his "Wind Style·Wind Blade" finally rose from lv6 (8100/10000) to lv7 (0/0) of perfection.

At this time, Qingming only felt that his understanding of this ninjutsu was unprecedentedly profound, and his control over the wind style chakra also rose to a higher level.

He raised his hands, completed the seal in an instant, and performed this technique.

The next moment, a nearly ten-meter-long transparent wind blade appeared, then flew out rapidly, sank into the reef, and cut a smooth incision on it.

It can be seen that compared with lv6, the attack speed and attack strength of the 'Wind Style: Wind Blade' that has been promoted to lv7 (0/0) have been greatly improved.

However, the concealment has been reduced a lot because of the increase in the size of the wind blade.

However, the only martial arts in the world that cannot be broken is speed. As long as the flying speed of the wind blade is fast enough, it will be useless even if the enemy notices it.

Because when you want to dodge, you've already been hit.

Moreover, it's not that he has no way to increase his concealment.

As long as he appropriately reduces the input of chakra and shortens the length of the wind blade, he can naturally increase its concealment.

With this thought, Qingming withdrew his hands with satisfaction.

Then, he began to think about which skill to allocate the saved chakra after the perfection of 'Wind Style·Wind Blade'.

In the past period of time, Qingming allocated 24,000 points of chakra to 'Wind Style·Wind Blade' every day.

So much chakra, allocated to any skill, can greatly increase its growth rate, must be considered carefully.

First, 'Palm Immortal Technique' and 'Reflection Heart Technique' can be ruled out.

These two skills need to be performed by the main body personally, and are very time-consuming. He no longer has extra time to practice.

Secondly, 'Water Style·Water Array Wall', 'Water Style·Water Dragon Bullet Technique', 'Rasengan', 'Phantom Sword Technique', 'Instant Sword Technique', etc., these can all be ruled out.

Because their growth rate is already good, and there is no urgent need to improve, there is no need to increase investment.

In this way, after thinking about it, the only way is to allocate these chakras to the "Wind Style·Rasenshuriken".

As his first S-level forbidden technique, it not only bears the heavy responsibility of his bottom box, but also is related to the development of flying ninjutsu in the future.

Therefore, there is no skill more suitable than it.

However, in this way, the chakra allocated to it every day will reach a terrifying 58,000 points, which is 22,000 points more than the 36,000 points of the "Palm Immortal Technique" that has been invested the most.

With so much chakra, when practicing in the future, it must not be thrown all to one shadow clone, I am afraid that I have to divide it and practice at the same time.

Just when Qingming was thinking about this, a memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

Qingming's heart moved and quickly browsed.

After a moment, his expression changed slightly, and he suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction where Uchiha Tiehuo and others left.

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