Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 358 Huge Improvement


A cloud of chakra smoke dispersed.

Nine figures appeared in the field. They had exactly the same appearance as Qing Ming, and they were all his shadow clones.

In this way, including Qing Ming's body, there are ten Qing Ming in the field.

Ignoring the envious Uchiha Tiehuo, Qingming directly assigned training tasks to eight of the shadow clones.

'Wind Release: Wind Blade', 'Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken', 'Water Release: Water Formation Wall', 'Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu', 'Water Release: Kirigakure no Jutsu', 'Water Release: Water Formation Wall' There are eight skills: "The Art of Shark Bullet", "Rasengan", and "The Art of Extracting Small Trouble", and each person can practice exactly one.

After they all left, Qingming pointed at the last shadow clone and said to Uchiha Tiehuo: "If you want to compete next, just practice with him."

Hearing this, Uchiha Tiehuo glanced at the shadow clone and said helplessly: "Okay!"

Qing Ming could hear the slight reluctance in his words.

Fortunately, the opponent still had some self-awareness and did not force him to spar with him.

If that were the case, Qing Ming would directly blast it away.

After all, although the relationship between the two is not bad, it is not good enough for Qing Ming to give up his training plan and practice with him exclusively.

Just now, he personally went out to fight with him, which already gave him enough face.

As for using shadow clones to fight in the future, did you get an advantage?

Indeed, in this process, his 'phantom sword technique' and 'instant sword technique' can be improved at a faster rate.

But similarly, the opponent will also accumulate combat experience in the process.

It can be said that this is a win-win choice, no one owes anything to anyone.

Therefore, Qing Ming was not embarrassed at all about using his shadow clone to fight him.

What's more, just this shadow clone has more than 8,000 points of chakra in his body, so Uchiha Iron Fire may not be his opponent.

In this way, there is not much difference between fighting with him.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind. Qing Ming stopped thinking about it and waved his hands directly: "Okay, you two can find a place to compete!"

Hearing this, the shadow clone left first, and Uchiha Tiehuo greeted him before following the shadow clone.

Looking at the disappearing figures of the two people, Qing Ming shook his head and went straight to an open space. After finding a place to sit down, he began to use the 'Palm Immortal Technique' to strengthen his body.

After more than half a month of strengthening, he can already feel the existence of the critical point of transformation. Now it is time to accumulate strength and move in that direction.

A ball of Yang Escape Chakra entered his body, and Qing Ming closed his eyes.


In a flash, nearly two weeks have passed.

This evening.

inside the room.

When Qing Ming once again used the 'Palm Immortal Technique' to strengthen his body, he could already clearly feel that there was no way he could enter his body.

An invisible shackles seemed to limit his growth, preventing him from continuing to improve himself.

After a while, Qing Ming opened his eyes and muttered: "It's almost time."

With this thought, Qingming skillfully opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and then activated the pupil technique residing in his right eye - Human Control, to bless his body.

Immediately, a satisfying feeling came to his mind, making Qing Ming want to indulge in it.

But soon, he came back to his senses, quickly concentrated, formed seals with his hands, and performed the Ninjutsu - Palm Senjutsu.

A strong Yang Escape chakra entered his body and quickly entered every part of his body along his chakra meridians.

Qing Ming quickly activated the power of 'Human Control' and guided this chakra to strengthen his body.

The next moment, the invisible shackles that had previously been blocking him from continuing to evolve suddenly shattered.

Immediately, Qing Ming felt that an invisible restraint was broken, and his body felt a sense of relaxation from the inside out.

Qing Ming wasted no time, immediately gathered his mind and began to guide his body to transform into a more perfect direction.

One minute, two minutes

Ten minutes, twenty minutes.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

The transformation was finally completed. Qing Ming opened his eyes and felt comfortable all over, as if he had been soaking in a hot spring for more than half an hour.

Qing Ming stood up, moved his body, and quickly threw a few punches, causing a gust of wind.

Qing Ming felt that his strength had increased and his speed had become faster.

The other thing is the speed of nerve reaction. Now even without turning on the Sharingan, he can clearly see the vibrating wings of flying mosquitoes in the house.

Not only that, Qing Ming flipped his palm and took out a kunai from the ninja bag on his waist, and then with a "stab" sound, he made a cut on his left arm.

Scarlet blood flowed out, Qing Ming frowned slightly, holding back the pain, and just looked at the wound on his arm quietly.

One second, two seconds

One minute, two minutes

When his 'Physique' attribute was raised from 14 points to 15 points, he had done a similar test.

For the same wound, it took seven or eight minutes for the wound to heal initially without any external force.

And now.

In less than five minutes, it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Qing Ming had a smile on his face.

Although this self-healing speed is not as good as Senju Hashirama's 'Muji Healing', there is no doubt that he has taken another step towards this goal.

Qingming believed that as long as his "physique" attribute continued to improve, sooner or later, his self-healing ability would catch up with the other party, or even surpass it.


Qingming opened the proficiency panel with a thought.

The next moment, the familiar light blue light screen appeared.

[Name: Uchiha Qingming

Age: 12 years old

Physique: 17→18

Spirit: 19

Chakra: 65200 (75572→88052)

Bloodline: Sharingan·Mangekyo (5903/50000)→(8783/50000)

Skills: Chakra Refining Technique: lv5 (1583/5000)→lv5 (1973/5000)

Wind Style·Wind Blade: lv6 (4725/10000)→lv6 (8100/10000)

Wind Style·Rasenshuriken: lv4 (1566/2000) →lv5 (2326/5000)

Water Style: Water Array Wall: lv5 (334/5000) → lv5 (3850/5000)

Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique: lv5 (101/5000) → lv5 (3600/5000)

Water Style: Mist Hiding Technique: lv1 (51/200) → lv4 (1651/2000)

Water Style: Big Shark Bullet Technique: lv1 (1/200) → lv4 (701/2000)

Shadow Clone Technique: lv4 (785/2000) → lv4 (1535/2000)

Chakra Absorption Technique: lv5 (4350/5000)

Rasengan: lv6 (4865/10000) → lv6 (8170/10000)

Palm Immortal Technique: lv8 (6954/50000) → lv8 (14154/50000)

Chakra Scalpel: lv5 (2200/5000)

Microscopic Extraction Technique: lv1 (1/200) → lv4 (101/2000)

Heart Reflection Technique: lv8 (1345/50000) → lv8 (7105/50000)

Phantom Sword Technique: lv6 ( 1200/10000) → lv6 (4550/10000)

Instant Swordsmanship: lv5 (540/5000) → lv5 (4590/5000)

Chakra Control: lv5 (2780/5000) → lv5 (3230/5000)

Perfect Skills: 】

Qingming looked at the 18 points of physique on the proficiency panel and said inwardly: "Sure enough!"

As his body transformed again, his 'physique' attribute increased a little bit without any surprise, from 17 points to 18 points, just a little worse than the 19 points of 'spiritual' attribute.

At this time, his spirit and body were unprecedentedly balanced.

As a result, his gains from the improvement of the 'physique' attribute this time far exceeded the past.

First of all, the theoretical chakra limit was directly increased by 50,000 points, from the original 190,000 points to the current 240,000 points.

And now, he has only tapped 88,052 points.

Therefore, it can be predicted that he will not have to worry about the problem of exhausting his potential for a long time.

The second is the chakra recovery speed.

Qingming felt it carefully and roughly estimated that his body can now recover about 146,000 chakra points every day, which is 30,000 points higher than a month ago.

Thinking back to the last time, his "physique" attribute increased from 16 points to 17 points, which only increased by 20,000 points, but this time it increased by 30,000 points, which shows how much the improvement is.

There is also the operation time of the "Chakra Refining Technique", which has been directly increased by two hours this time, from the original thirteen hours a day to the current fifteen hours.

In this way, his daily chakra recovery speed can increase by another four thousand points, and counting the 30,000 points increased by natural recovery, that is 34,000 points.

Qingming will naturally not waste so many newly added chakras.

His eyes swept across the various skills on the panel. If possible, he would definitely want to use these chakras on the "Palm Immortal Technique" and "Reflection Heart Technique".

Unfortunately, these two skills are time-consuming to perform, and the chakra allocated to them has almost reached its limit.

No matter how much more, he has no time to use.

So, after thinking about it, Qingming decided to divide the chakra into two parts, 14,000 points of which are used for the practice of "Wind Style·Wind Blade", and the other 20,000 points are used for "Wind Style·Rasenshuriken".

In this way, the chakra allocated to "Wind Style·Wind Blade" and "Wind Style·Rasenshuriken" will be increased from 10,000 points and 140,000 points to 24,000 points and 34,000 points respectively.

And these chakras can allow them to gain 280 points and 220 points of proficiency every day respectively.

Now, his "Wind Style·Wind Blade" is lv6 (8100/10000), and his "Wind Style·Rasenshuriken" is lv5 (2326/5000).

According to this progress, the former can be promoted to level 7 in about a week, and then in a few days, the ‘Wind Style Rasenshuriken’ can also be promoted.

By then, he can start to develop flying ninjutsu.

That’s right, the reason why Qingming invested the 34,000 newly added chakras in these two skills is to meet the conditions for developing flying ninjutsu as soon as possible.

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