Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 345: First Fight

“Finally here!”

Seeing the figure on the distant waves, unlike Qingming’s surprise, Xuefeng breathed a sigh of relief.

As early as when he set out, the superior who issued the task to him told him that if he could not defeat Qingming, he must stretch the battlefield as far as possible.

Before, he didn’t understand what it meant, but now he finally understood that there was a backup plan, but he was just worried about being blocked by Qingming.


Even if Qingming rushed over immediately, it would be impossible to stop such an attack.

In this way, the two passenger ships of Konoha would definitely not be saved.

In this way, the troops attacking Konoha’s northern defense line would not have to worry about being surrounded for the time being.

As Xuefeng thought about this in his heart, he saw Qingming turned his head again and looked at him coldly.

Seeing this, Xuefeng’s face froze slightly, and then he endured the pain in his chest and arms, and stepped hard on the ice with his right foot.


The next moment, the ice layer broke, and a big hole appeared. Xuefeng fell directly into the sea along the ice hole, and then his breath quickly dissipated.


Qingming flashed to the front of the ice cave, and looking at Xuefeng who disappeared without a trace, he immediately knew that he could not kill the other party today.

Perhaps he could wait for him to come out by staying nearby.

But the key question is, can he stay here?

Qingming looked back at the waves that were about to submerge the entire battlefield.

The answer is obvious, isn't it?

A flash of green light passed by, and the "Instant Sword Technique" was performed. Qingming turned into a residual image and ran straight to the main battlefield.

No, to be more precise, it ran towards the Kirigakure Anbu.

Passing through the panicked crowd, Qingming stepped on the waves, rushed up, and quickly approached the Kirigakure Anbu.

However, the other party still did not stop casting the spell when he saw him coming.

In the end, the huge waves submerged the entire battlefield.

Because the ninjas had been warned in advance, they all ran away, but the ships that stayed in place, whether it was the two passenger ships of Konoha or the warship of Kirigakure, were all submerged.

If that were all, it would be fine. At most, we could fish it out and clean up the accumulated water inside, and then we could continue to use it.

But the problem is that there is a rotating force in the wave. After the boat was submerged, it was quickly attracted by the force and was soon torn to pieces by the water flow.

From this, we can see that the other party made such a big show, and the main purpose was not to kill the Konoha ninja, but to destroy their boats.

In order to solve the problem once and for all, they also destroyed the warships of the Hidden Mist Village.

And this undoubtedly cut off the retreat of the Mist Ninja in the field.

After all, without the boat, Qingming and others would definitely not rush to the battlefield in the first time, so the most likely thing to do is to cause trouble for the Mist Ninja in the field.

And the Mist Ninja, who also lost the boat, had no way to escape and could only be forced to fight.

In this way, it is very likely to turn into a deadly battle in the end.

However, with Qingming's strength, if it was a deadly battle, the Mist Ninja would definitely suffer in the end.

In other words, the Kirigakure Anbu that suddenly appeared almost tacitly sacrificed its own people in order to complete the mission.

Such a style of behavior and such a spectacular ninjutsu made Qingming think of a person.

"The tailless beast, is it you?"

Qingming looked at the Kirigakure Anbu who was close at hand and thought in his heart.

Yes, the person Qingming was thinking of was the elite jonin of the Kirigakure Village, Hoshigaki Kisame, who was known as the 'tailless beast'.

This is how he does things. In order to complete the mission, he can do whatever it takes.

At the same time, because of the huge chakra, the ninjutsu he performed was usually exaggerated, which was very suitable for the situation of the person in front of him.

However, even if the opponent was Hoshigaki Kisame, it would not make him hesitate.


A flash of knife light flashed.

Qingming swung the long knife in his hand, aiming directly at the opponent's neck.

Until this time, this person finally had a little reaction.

He saw him duck and narrowly avoided Qingming's attack.

Then, without waiting for Qingming to swing his sword again, he kicked him in the abdomen.

Seeing this, Qingming immediately jumped back and avoided the opponent's kick.

The next moment, a flash of green light passed by, and Qingming, who had just retreated, performed the "Instant Sword Technique" and came to his side again.

The long sword in his hand was swung again.


The crisp sound of metal collision sounded.

I saw that this Kirigakure Anbu took off the long sword behind him at some point, blocked him in front of him, and blocked his long sword.

Through the hole in the mask, Qingming could see that the other party had a pair of golden pupils.

However, in those pupils, there was no emotion at all, only full of indifference, as if nothing in the outside world could affect his emotions.

This state almost made Qingming think that he had seen a ninja from the Root Organization again, and completely regarded himself as a task tool.

However, if the other party was really Hoshigaki Kisame, it would be almost the same.

He is also a person who can do anything for the mission. To some extent, he is no different from the mission tool of the Root Organization.

However, the ninjas of the Root Organization became mission tools through curse seals and brainwashing, plus "self-annihilation" training.

Hoshigaki Kisame is a real ninja. He relied on his own will to forcibly suppress his emotions and made himself an emotionless mission tool.

It is self-evident which one is better.


A harsh friction sound sounded.

Sparks fly.

Qingming and the Kirigakure Anbu in front of him used force at the same time, their swords and swords rubbed against each other, and they were locked in a stalemate.

Suddenly, Qing Ming's pupils shrank slightly and he used the 'Illusion: Sharingan'.

In front of him, Kirigakure Anbu, who had been looking at him just now, immediately closed his eyes. At the same time, he retracted his sword, kicked his feet into the water, and quickly retreated backwards.

Losing the power to fight, Qing Ming thrust the long knife forward and split open the opponent's mask instantly.

Then, he saw a face that looked exactly like a shark.

If not Kisame Kisaki, who else could it be?

"Dried persimmon Kisame?"

Qing Ming suddenly spoke up.

Hearing this, Kisame Kisaki, who had just stabilized his figure in front of him, was obviously startled. This was a normal reaction when his name was suddenly called by a stranger.

However, this can be very deadly in combat.

Taking advantage of the opponent's daze, Qing Ming stepped forward and stabbed out the long knife in his hand. The blade shone with cold light and had a sharp aura, and it went straight into the opponent's heart.

Kisame Kisaki was indeed an elite jounin, and his reaction was very quick. Almost the moment Qingming set off, he realized that he had been tricked.

It was too late to block at this moment. At the critical moment, he took half a step back, then raised his arm slightly and blocked Qing Ming's knife with his flesh and blood.


The tip of the knife sank into the opponent's arm and got stuck on the bone.

A look of pain flashed across Mikigaki Kisame's face, then he quickly suppressed it, then jumped back, and was several meters away from Qingming in an instant.

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