
In the conference room.

Qingming sat at the table with his eyes slightly closed. He seemed to be resting, but in fact, his ears had already perked up, listening carefully to the conversations of the people around him.

However, what disappointed him was that these people did not know more detailed information.

Just as Qingming shook his head secretly, an Uchiha jonin walked into the conference room.

The person who came was none other than the commander-in-chief of the base, Uchiha Kazuo.

He was still as vigorous and resolute as before, without any nonsense. After coming in, he sat directly in the first seat and began to describe the current situation.

Generally speaking, it was similar to what the Konoha Chunin said, but there were more details.

And it was these details that made Qingming confirm that the Hidden Mist Village was definitely not a small fight this time.

He could see this, and the border command naturally could see it.

Therefore, Nara Qiguang did not dare to withdraw ninjas from the central and southern defense lines on a large scale, for fear of being tricked by the Hidden Mist Village.

However, the northern defense line could not be left unguarded.

So, the pressure came to them. The headquarters asked them to immediately transfer some people to surround the assault force of the Hidden Mist Village from the rear.

Upon hearing this order, a special jonin of the Nara clan immediately said: "Transfer people from us? What if the enemy's goal is this?"

Everyone was stunned at first, and then they all showed thoughtful expressions.

Indeed, since the headquarters is worried that the central and southern defense lines will be diverted, then by the same token, they may also be the enemy's target.

In fact, to a certain extent, their position is more important.

"Nara jonin is right. The enemy's ultimate goal may be our base. Don't forget what happened half a month ago. This matter still needs to be considered in the long run."

After a moment of silence, a jonin said so.

Hearing this, another person also echoed: "Indeed, this is possible."

"Indeed, we have to guard against it!"


With someone starting, everyone began to express their opinions.

Soon, the conference room became noisy.


Suddenly, a loud shout rang out.

Uchiha Kazuo glanced at everyone, and under his gaze, everyone shut up.

Until then, Uchiha Kazuo said: "The headquarters has also taken your concerns into consideration, so this time we only let us dispatch 100 people for support, and the rest of the troops are on full alert to guard against the surprise attack of the Hidden Mist Village."

"100 people?"

A Konoha jonin hesitated and said: "Is it enough?"

"According to the intelligence sent by the headquarters, there are 400 to 500 Mist ninjas attacking the northern defense line. Can this number of people block their retreat?"


Hearing this, Uchiha Kazuo coughed lightly and looked at Qingming and said: "Quality is more important than quantity. Qingming, the headquarters specifically asked you to lead the team this time. Is there a problem?"

Hearing Uchiha Kazuo's words, before Qingming answered, someone took the lead and said: "If Qingming jonin leads the team, there should be no problem."

"Yes, everyone has seen the combat power of Qingming jonin. It is not a problem to complete such a task." Another person echoed.

Hearing this, Qingming glanced at the two people, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Although he didn't mind carrying out such a mission, it didn't mean that he liked being roasted on the fire.

These two people sang the same tune, making it seem like he would be sorry for everyone if he didn't accept this mission.

He didn't know whether these two guys were simply fanning the flames or were instructed by someone behind the scenes, but they definitely had no good intentions.

Looking at other people, they basically looked like they had nothing to do with it and were indifferent.

This made Qingming truly realize that the world he came to was a real world, everyone had their own ideas, and the world did not revolve around one person.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, Qingming put his mood in order, looked at Uchiha Kazuo, and said: "I can lead the team, but I need a few people to assist me."


Uchiha Kazuo said.

Seeing this, Qingming was not polite and directly named four senior ninjas, including the two who sang the same tune just now.


Seeing that Qingming wanted to go with them, the two men quickly stood up and were about to speak.

However, they just said two words when they were interrupted by Uchiha Kazuo.

Then he heard him say to Qingming: "No problem, the four of them will go with you."

Uchiha Kazuo naturally saw that the two men were targeting Qingming, but he didn't care much.

In his opinion, Uchiha's geniuses must go through wind and rain, and geniuses who grow up in a greenhouse are not real geniuses.

That's why he didn't stop the two men when they spoke just now.

But in the same way, if Qingming chose to fight back, he wouldn't give them face. After all, Qingming is a ninja of the Uchiha clan, how can he be bullied at will?

So, according to Qingming's wishes, they were arranged into the support team.

After the matter was settled, Qingming no longer wasted time. After receiving the task scroll, he said goodbye and left.

The departure time was set in half an hour, and he planned to go back and bring everything he might need.

Although there was no evidence, his intuition told Qingming that this trip would not be too simple.


In a flash, time came to half an hour later.

Go to the south side of the base.

Dock area.

Qingming and a hundred other ninjas boarded two passenger ships, and then hurried to the border of the Land of Fire, the northern defense line, under the shining starlight.

And soon after he left, a shark swam out of the sea.

Then, a figure emerged from the shark's mouth.

He was wearing a black robe and a mask on his head. There were four stripes on the mask that looked like water and mist, which was the symbol of the Hidden Mist Village.

Obviously, this man was an Anbu ninja from the Hidden Mist Village.

He looked at the direction where Qingming left, took a scroll from his arms, quickly wrote a few lines of secret text, and then formed seals with his hands, summoning another smaller shark.

Then, he stuffed the scroll in his hand into the shark's mouth, patted its head, and let it go.

After that, the Hidden Mist Anbu observed for a while before diving back into the mouth of the original shark.

Then, the shark jumped up, then plunged down fiercely, splashing waves, and finally disappeared into the sea.

At this time, Qingming didn't know that his group's tracks had been spotted by someone with ulterior motives.

However, even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

Because in his opinion, the possibility of an accident on their trip was as high as 90%.

Let alone the troubles that the two "companions" on the boat might cause, whether they had problems or were instructed by someone behind the scenes, the Kirigakure Village itself would not allow them to reach their destination easily.

Because whether Kirigakure Village's attack on the northern defense line was a feint or a real attack, the four or five hundred people were real.

Once they reached their destination, what awaited them was a front and back trap.

At that time, the four or five hundred people were at risk of being wiped out.

And once all these people died, even if Kirigakure Village had some plan and succeeded in the end, it would not necessarily make up for the loss.

Therefore, they would never allow them to reach their destination smoothly.

At that time, a blockade would be inevitable.

Of course, there was another possibility, that is, the other party let them go and then ran away in advance.

In this way, there would be no loss.

Maybe the headquarters hopes this will happen!

Unfortunately, Qingming thinks this is not a big possibility.

However, the specific situation will depend on the development of subsequent events.

Thanks to the book friend ‘It’s a good book’ for the 500 starting coins reward!

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