With the convenience of the Sharingan, Qingming saw the entanglement in Terumi Mei's eyes at a glance, but he didn't care about it.

At this time, he had returned to the sea surface and was at the same height as the other party.

Without any hesitation, he rushed forward quickly, and while running, he formed seals with both hands and instantly performed the ninjutsu - Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique!

The next moment, a ball of fire that looked like a balsam flower seed flew out of his mouth, like a meteor, hitting Terumi Mei.

Not only that, in order to enhance the lethality of this technique, he also took the opportunity to throw several shurikens, making them sandwiched in the fireballs and attacking Terumi Mei.

The fireballs were flying, the shurikens were hidden, and it seemed that Terumi Mei was about to hit her, but she was blocked by a water wall that suddenly rose.

It turned out that at the moment he took action, Terumi Mei reacted and retreated quickly.

At the same time, she quickly formed seals with both hands, and finally, before the fireball approached, she performed the ninjutsu - Water Style: Water Array Wall!

This time, not only blocked the ninjutsu as a magic attack, but also blocked the shuriken sandwiched in it as a physical attack.

Qingming didn't care too much about this, because he performed this technique to contain the opponent and get a chance to get close.

And now, his goal has been achieved.


The long sword is unsheathed.

Qingming came in front of Terumi Mei and swung a sword again. The blade flashed coldly, reflecting Terumi Mei's eyes slightly wandering.

"Not good!"

Suddenly, Terumi Mei reacted and quickly gathered her mind, no longer paying attention to Qingming's long sword, and only dodged and blocked by feeling.

For a while, the two of them entangled together again.

Seeing that the situation was about to fall into a passive situation again, Terumi Mei gritted her teeth and suddenly distanced herself from Qingming at the cost of her left arm being injured.

The next moment, she completed the seal at the fastest speed in her life and performed the bloodline ninjutsu - Dissolution Style: Dissolution of Monsters!


A large amount of pungent sticky liquid sprayed towards Qingming's face.

Qingming did not dare to resist, and quickly dodged to the side to avoid being corroded and melted.

'Instant Sword Technique~'

Almost the next moment he dodged the attack, he mobilized the wind chakra, performed this sword technique, and quickly approached Terumi Mei.

However, Terumi Mei was not a pushover either. She flipped her hands and took out several kunai from nowhere, like a fairy scattering flowers, shooting at his vital points.

Seeing this scene, Qingming's Sharingan turned rapidly, and instantly determined the flight direction and trajectory of all the kunai.

Then, a green light flashed on his body, and he performed the 'Instant Sword Technique' in succession to avoid these attacks.

However, he avoided the opponent's attack, but this also gave Mei Terumi time to increase the distance between the two again.

Then, without saying a word, she used the "Dissolution Escape·Dissolution Technique" on Qingming.

Qingming still did not dare to resist and could only dodge.

So, the battle became a game of flying a kite and being flown a kite.


Time passed by minute by minute.

Gradually, Mei Terumi could not bear it anymore.

Compared with Qingming who mostly used "swordsmanship" to fight the enemy, occasionally supplemented by ninjutsu and illusion, Mei Terumi basically used ninjutsu to fight in order to play to his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

In this way, the chakra consumption of both sides was not at the same level.

In addition, the pressure on both sides was different, and the result was imaginable.


Mei Terumi stood on the sea with injuries all over her body, breathing heavily, looking at Qingming in the distance, her eyes full of unwillingness.

It can be seen that Qingming at this time has not changed much compared to the beginning, except that his clothes are a little damaged, and there is no injury on his body.

This is not to say that he is not injured, but the injuries have been healed by the improved "palm fairy technique" he performed in the battle.

With one rising and the other falling, the images of the two people form a sharp contrast.

At the same time, this also reflects the gap between the two people's states.

And this is also the reason why Terumi Mei is unwilling.

However, no matter how unwilling she is, she can only do this.

If she was a little entangled before, then now she doesn't have to be embarrassed, because she can't retreat.

Terumi Mei glanced at the periphery of the battlefield. More than ten minutes have passed. The advantage she had taken advantage of Qingming's body not appearing before has disappeared.

If this continues, not only will she die here, but others will also be unable to escape the fate of death.

With this thought, Terumi Mei immediately made up her mind, and retreated to the periphery of the battlefield, near Qing, and made a retreat gesture to him.

At this time, although Qing's condition was still very bad, the wound on his chest had been treated urgently and the bleeding had stopped temporarily, and his combat power had recovered a little.

He saw Terumi Mei's gesture, and without any hesitation, he immediately took out a whistle and blew it.

In an instant, the piercing whistle sounded in the field.

Originally, all the Mist Ninjas were paying attention to this side, and now they heard the order to retreat, so they naturally responded at the first time.

Seeing their retreat, Uchiha Tiehuo and Kanda Yinghe immediately came to Qingming and asked, "Captain, do you want to chase?"

Hearing this, Qingming looked at the direction where Terumi Mei and others were running, which was the direction where the Mist Hidden Warship left, and it was also the direction of their Konoha's forward base in the Land of Waves.

Obviously, Terumi Mei and others were planning to meet up with the Mist Hidden Army.

Yes, in the vast ocean, they had nowhere else to go except to join the main force. Only the four warships could allow them to return safely.

And it just so happened that their mission was to launch a surprise attack from the rear of Kirigakure.


This plan was basically unlikely to work, but they still had to go to the main battlefield.

In this way, they could pursue along the way.

However, before that, Qingming looked around the battlefield. At this time, there were only 21 surviving Konoha ninjas, and all of them were injured.

In this case, it was naturally impossible to pursue directly.

In this state, even if they caught up, they might not be able to stop the other party. If they encountered the enemy's support troops again, the trouble would be even greater.

So, after some thinking, Qingming decided to rest for a while before leading the team to pursue.

When he made this decision, both Uchiha Tiehuo and Kanda Yinghe breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

Obviously, they didn't want to chase like this.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Qingming ordered: "You should immediately count the losses of each team, and check the injuries of everyone. If they are too serious, you can send them to me first."

"Yes, Captain!"

Uchiha Tiehuo and Kanda Yinghe responded and left.

Looking at their backs, Qingming didn't think much about it. He came to the reef sentry tower in a few moments.

Afterwards, regardless of the blood and corpses on the ground, he found a relatively clean place and began to close his eyes and rest.

The continuous journey and fighting had exhausted him, and he had to rest as soon as possible.

And this was one of the reasons why he didn't rashly lead people to pursue.

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