Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 321 Fierce Fight

‘Instant Sword Technique~’

As soon as the thought came to her mind, the wind escape chakra condensed, and a ray of green light emerged, covering her whole body.

The next moment, Qingming's speed increased dramatically, and the whole person turned into a residual shadow, rushing straight towards Terumi Mei.

“This move again…”

On the periphery of the battlefield, Qing's heart jumped, fearing that Terumi Mei would not be able to react in time and Qingming would seize the opportunity.

Fortunately, Terumi Mei reacted quickly and made a defensive move in an instant.


A flash of knife light passed by.

Terumi Mei felt that Qingming's knife-swinging action in front of her suddenly became sluggish.

After a moment, the whole person seemed to be divided into two time periods, each swinging a knife.

Suddenly, Terumi Mei felt her scalp tingling.

Normally, Qingming can only attack once at a time point.

But now, there are two Qingmings attacking at the same time, so there is only one possibility, her senses are affected.

As for whether it is a shadow clone...

Terumi Mei still has this judgment.

Without any hesitation, this time, Mei Terumi did not take the blow head-on, but dodged and retreated to the back.

Qingming frowned slightly after the sword missed, and then gathered chakra at the bottom of his feet.

With a "bang", the sea surface exploded, and a large amount of sea water spread out in all directions, and Qingming's speed increased again.

"Damn kid!"

Seeing Qingming was relentless and rushed towards him again, Mei Terumi cursed inwardly and quickly raised the kunai in his hand to block.


A crisp metal collision sound rang out, and the long sword and kunai were retracted as soon as they touched. Qingming turned his wrist and changed the long sword from vertical chopping to horizontal slashing.

Mei Terumi reacted quickly, leaned back, and avoided Qingming's attack by a hair's breadth.

Seeing this, Qingming's eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his left hand, completed the seal in an instant, and performed the ninjutsu - Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!

A fist-sized fireball came out of his mouth, then it grew rapidly and finally hit Mei Terumi.


The fireball hit Mei Terumi and exploded.


A scream rang out.

However, Qingming ignored it and immediately turned his head to look at the sea in front of him.


The sea surface suddenly exploded, and a water dragon broke through the waves and rushed straight into the air.

Then, it lowered its head, as if it had found its target, and rushed straight towards him.

If he was hit, with the size and impact of this water dragon, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Without any hesitation, Qingming used a "flash body technique" and retreated directly to the back.


The water dragon hit the sea surface, like a meteorite falling from the sky, smashing a big hole.

Then, several meters high waves appeared, carrying a huge impact force, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

Qingming didn't want to be affected, so he could only retreat again.

After a few breaths, everything returned to calm.

Qingming looked forward and saw Mei Terumi emerging from the sea and standing on the sea again.

Obviously, his ‘Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique’ just now failed to hurt the other party.

The other party’s scream before was just to confuse him.


Suddenly, Qingming’s eyes lit up and he noticed that Mei Terumi’s clothes were incomplete and the skin inside was a little charred.

Obviously, his attack just now did not completely hurt the other party.

It’s just that the speed of her evasion was too fast, so she was not seriously injured.

In fact, it was true!

Just now, when the fireball was approaching, Mei Terumi performed the ‘Water Style: Water Substitute Technique’.

Although she avoided the subsequent attack, she was also slightly injured.

However, she was also decisive. She actually performed the Substitute Technique in that situation and took the opportunity to escape into the water, getting a chance to counterattack.

Just now, although her "Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique" did not hurt him, it successfully forced him back.

At this time, the two of them pulled away, and Terumi Mei could also play to her strengths.

Yes, her physical skills are not bad, but compared to ninjutsu, it seems to be more ordinary.

With two bloodline limits, she is best at ninjutsu.

Just like now, before Qingming gets close, she formed seals with both hands and performed ninjutsu - Boiling Style: Skillful Mist Technique!

The so-called boiling style is actually the fusion of water attribute and earth attribute chakra, which allows ninjas to master the boiling technique of chakra.

However, the same boiling style, in the hands of different people, the state of performance is also different.

For example, the Five-tailed Jinchuriki Han of the Hidden Rock Village mainly uses the steam after the boiling of chakra to enhance his own strength and speed.

And the Terumi Mei in front of him is even more terrifying.

She can adjust the acidity in the high-temperature steam at will, and then evaporate and corrode other things.

For example, the skeleton of Susanoo.

Therefore, after seeing the large amount of hot white mist coming towards him, Qingming retreated without any hesitation.

Not only that, he also formed seals with both hands and performed the ninjutsu - Wind Style - Great Breakthrough!

In an instant, a strong wind blew, and a large amount of seawater was swept by the wind style released by Qingming and rushed towards the acid mist in front.

As soon as they came into contact, the two sides merged into one, the seawater began to reduce the acidity in the white mist, and the strong wind ensured that they would not float over.

However, in this way, the fish in the sea were in trouble.

Originally, they had already hidden in the depths of the sea, but they were almost killed in the acid mist by Qingming.

After a few breaths, the attack stopped, and Qingming was still standing in the distance intact.

Seeing that the attack did not work, Mei Terumi was not discouraged.

She aimed at Qingming's position, and before he could make any move, she formed a seal again and performed the ninjutsu - Water Style·Water Formation Pillar!

As soon as she opened her mouth, a large amount of water style chakra was condensed, and then formed a water ball, which hit Qingming in front of her.

Feeling the huge amount of chakra in it, Qingming wisely chose to temporarily avoid the edge.


The water ball hit the sea surface and instantly turned into a huge amount of sea water, which quickly spread to the surroundings.

This technique has the level of extinguishing Uchiha Madara's "Fire Style·Great Fire Extinction" on land, let alone the ocean home court!

Almost instantly, a huge wave of more than ten meters was formed, hitting Qingming directly.

Seeing this, Qingming retreated again and again, but the speed of the huge wave was too fast, and it came to him in almost the blink of an eye.

Seeing that he was about to be caught in it, at the critical moment, Qingming jumped up, borrowed several forces in succession, and came to the top of the waves.

Arriving at a height of more than ten meters, Qingming looked down.

The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw Mei Terumi facing him, opening her mouth and spitting out a large piece of sticky liquid.

"Is this... Dissolution?"

In an instant, Qingming recognized this technique.

The so-called Dissolution is the second blood limit of Mei Terumi, which is a fusion of earth attribute and water attribute chakra.

Not only is it extremely sticky, it is difficult to remove after sticking, and it is also extremely corrosive.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult to deal with.

And Mei Terumi also grasped the timing of performing this technique very well, just before he showed his head.

At this moment, Qingming felt extremely dangerous.

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