Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 32 The First Battle

"Everyone, form a defensive formation!"

A sharp shout came from the front of the team.

Upon hearing this, the Chunin in the team immediately took action, organizing the Genin around them to defend according to the principle of proximity.

And those special Jonin also began to act according to their own areas of expertise.

Those who are good at fighting immediately rushed out of the team to support the ninjas responsible for reconnaissance.

And those who are good at perception sat down on the spot and began to perform ninjutsu to explore the surrounding situation to prevent surprise attacks.

The others also had their own work.

Everything was so efficient, as if they had rehearsed dozens or hundreds of times, and everyone could find their own position.

Only the new Genin like Qingming knew nothing and could only act according to the instructions of the Chunin around them, like puppets.

This feeling was terrible, just like his own fate was in the hands of others, and there was no sense of security.

Despite this, Qingming still did not act rashly.

This scene now was not something that a mere Genin could stand out.

In the past three weeks, because of the crowds and the rush, he didn't have much time to improve his proficiency. He compressed his rest time as much as possible and squeezed out three or four hours of practice every day.

Therefore, the chakra that can be used is only about 1,500 points.

In order not to attract attention, he used all the chakra to practice the "Reflection of the Heart Technique", which increased his proficiency from lv3 (683/1000) to lv3 (875/1000).

The total increase of 192 points of proficiency also increased his Sharingan proficiency by 19 points, becoming (69/1000).

Although the increase is small, no matter how small the mosquito leg is, it is still meat, Qingming did not despise it.

In addition, there is the "Chakra Refining Technique".

After three or four hours of practice every day, plus the full-strength practice for three days before departure, his proficiency has increased from lv3 (346/1000) to lv3 (454/1000).

Affected by this, his chakra limit increased by 864 points, and now reached 4074 points.

At this point, he felt the limit of his body again.

Qingming estimated that when his chakra limit increased to about 5,000 points, it should be stagnant.

However, this was much better than he expected.


Just when Qingming was wandering in the sky, a huge explosion suddenly came from the side of the cliff, followed by the sound of metal clashing.

Qingming looked up and saw several ninjas wearing Iwagakure jonin uniforms fighting with Konoha jonin, and beside them, there were dozens of Iwagakure chunin.

‘Sharingan! ’

Seeing that no one around was paying attention to him, Qingming quietly opened his Sharingan.

In an instant, everything in front of him became clear.

In the sight, the Iwagakure chunin took advantage of the Konoha jonin being entangled, quickly completed the seal, and then slapped the rock wall together.

Seeing this, Qingming seemed to have thought of something, secretly said that it was not good, and quickly closed the Sharingan, pulled the two companions around him, and jumped back.

Suddenly being pulled like this, Ryosuke and Mizutani Shizuko both staggered on the spot.

However, out of trust in their companions, they did not struggle.

And the next moment they retreated, a sound of rock cracking came from the side cliff.

Then, countless pieces of large and small rubble fell from the sky, like a meteorite rain, and hit the area where Qingming was.

Suddenly, there was a chaos below.

Although ninjas are not ordinary people, their defense is not much stronger than that of ordinary people. If they are hit by such falling rocks, even if they don’t die, they will be seriously injured.

So everyone is trying their best to dodge.

After a few breaths, the dust settled.

The drizzle hit the face, leaving mud marks.

"Qingming, thanks to you!"

On the side, Ryosuke looked at the mess in the field and said sincerely.

The falling rocks just now may not be a big deal for Chunin, but for Genin like them, especially the new Genin, it is a bit dangerous.

Now, there are more than a dozen Genin lying in the rubble around.

'I don't know if they are dead or alive? '

However, Qingming and others have no time to care about the life and death of these people for the time being, because their troubles are coming.

They saw that nearly a hundred Rock Ninjas appeared in front and behind the canyon, and surrounded them from both sides.

If we only look at the number, they still have an absolute advantage, but if we look at the quality, it is a bit worse.

The Rock Ninjas are obviously well prepared this time. There is no Genin in the team at all, and they are all elites above Chunin.

And what about them?

The team of nearly 400 people, Genin accounts for more than half, and many of them are newbies like Qingming who have just graduated not long ago.

It can be said that this battle is extremely dangerous.

‘Now I just hope that the front-line headquarters can react as soon as possible, otherwise.’

Qingming glanced at the two jonin who were still fighting on the rock walls on both sides, took a deep breath, and whispered: “Don’t be too far away from me later.”

Hearing this, Ryosuke and Mizutani Shizuko’s nervous beating hearts calmed down a little.

Qingming still wanted to take care of these two companions within his ability.

After all, they have been together for nearly four months, and Qingming didn’t want them to die like this.

Of course, if things can’t be done, he won’t force it.

Anyway, he had the corresponding psychological preparation as early as the beginning of the team.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the field was quiet. Everyone was ready for battle.

Finally, just when the two sides were about to make contact, someone in the crowd shouted "Kill".

In an instant, the entire battlefield was noisy, with roars, wailing, weapons colliding, and ninjutsu bombardment.

That "Kill" was like turning on a switch, making the entire battlefield chaotic.

Although Qingming and others were close to the center of the team, they were attacked by falling rocks and their formation was relatively scattered, so they were directly targeted.

I saw that more than 30 Iwagakure Chunin directly used earth escape and quickly approached here from underground.

Looking at their appearance, it was obvious that they wanted to split the center into two parts, thereby expanding the scope of the battle between the two sides and causing the greatest damage to the Konoha ninja.

Qingming carefully felt the position of one of them, quietly took out a kunai, and threw the kunai in his hand when he jumped out of the ground.


A scream came.

Just as the Rock Ninja emerged from the ground, a kunai accurately hit his eye socket.

Blood slid down his cheek, and the opponent wanted to see who attacked him, but the next moment, another kunai attacked and nailed into his heart.

After this fatal blow, the Rock Ninja closed his eyes unwillingly.

The process of Qingming killing this Rock Ninja seemed simple, but it was not.

First, he needed to have an accurate grasp of the opponent's position, only in this way could he shoot the kunai in the first time.

Secondly, the accuracy of kunai throwing is very high, otherwise it cannot achieve the effect of killing with one blow. If the opponent has room to fight back, it will be difficult to kill.

Finally, you must have a strong psychological quality and not be disturbed by external things.

Just like now, another Rock Ninja has already fought with Ryosuke. If he chose to stop the opponent just now, he would definitely not be able to kill the Rock Ninja in front of him with one blow.

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