Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

During this week, Qing Ming gradually became familiar with the entire forward base, and then began to lead the team to perform tasks in the nearby waters.

Originally, he thought he would encounter the Mist Ninja again soon.

After all, the situation here is not very good, otherwise they would not have sent people from the Rain Country battlefield to support them.

But what Qing Ming didn't expect was that he hadn't seen even a shadow of a Mist Ninja for several days, as if all the Mist Ninjas had shrunk.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is really possible.

This time, due to Danzo's tip-off, their support team was ambushed. Although the losses were heavy, the mist ninja's losses were also considerable.

Having lost so many elite ninjas, even Kirigakure Village felt sad for a while.

In particular, the deaths of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Black Hoe Leiya and Loquat Juzo, left a vacancy in their high-end combat power.

In this way, it is understandable to shrink temporarily.

As for this situation, Qing Ming is also happy to see it happen.


"Close the team!"

The country of waves.

Southeast sea area.

On a small boat, Qing Ming glanced at the sunset on the horizon and said directly.

Hearing this, several Konoha ninjas responded and began to control the boat towards the base.

Approaching the coast, Qing Ming jumped out of the boat, chakra suddenly gathered at the soles of his feet, and finally stood steadily on the sea.

Qing Ming looked back at a young Uchiha ninja in the team who was about fourteen or fifteen years old and had a mole on his eyebrows, and said: "Iron Fire, I'll leave the task to you."

"Leave it to me again?"

Uchiha Tiehuo's tone was slightly helpless.

Hearing this, Qing Ming laughed and said, "Sorry to trouble you!"

After saying that, he turned around and rushed towards a vague reef in the distance.

Seeing this, Uchiha Tiehuo quickly shouted from behind: "Then don't forget the challenge in three days!"

Qing Ming kept walking, turned her back to him, raised her right hand and waved it to show that she heard it.

"Captain is going to practice again. He is really working hard!"

On the boat, a Konoha ninja looked at Qing Ming's back and murmured.


Another Konoha ninja heard what he said and echoed: "The patrol mission is hard enough. The captain has to practice after completing the mission every day. I don't know how he can survive?"

"It's more than that."

At this time, the third Konoha ninja interjected: "Didn't you notice? The captain was also practicing some kind of ninjutsu while performing the mission."

"Nonsense! Of course we saw it."

One of the Konoha ninja who had spoken before responded unceremoniously.

Then, he sighed and said: "Hey! That's why I said the captain is a pervert. I can't persist in such high-intensity training anyway."

"Haha~ Of course you can't!"

Uchiha Tiehuo heard their conversation and said with a slightly proud tone: "That is one of the two great geniuses of our Uchiha clan. How can ordinary people compare with him?"

Speaking of Uchiha Iron Fire, he was initially unconvinced by Qing Ming, the captain who came down from the air, but after being dealt with by Qing Ming, he immediately became submissive.

Later, after several fights, he gradually evolved into his crazy fan.

Qing Ming didn't care much about this, but took advantage of this opportunity to leave all trivial matters in the team to the other party.

Of course, he must pay some price for this, which is the challenge the other party just mentioned.

However, it is said to be a challenge, but it is actually just asking him to guide the other party's practice.

The frequency is not too high, about once every three or four days. It didn't take much effort, so Qing Ming took advantage of the situation and agreed.


On the offshore rocks.

After Qing Ming arrived here, he sensed the surroundings and found nothing unusual.

So, he crossed his hands to form the 'ren' seal and performed the 'Shadow Clone Technique'.

Bang bang bang~

With a burst of chakra smoke dissipating, six shadow clones appeared in the field.

Without Qing Ming's instructions, they each ran in one direction, and then began to practice several skills according to the plan.

However, his 'sword skills' are now perfect and there is no need for further practice.

Therefore, Qing Ming asked the shadow clone who originally practiced 'swordsmanship' to start practicing 'phantom swordsmanship'.

Unlike the 'Instant Sword Technique', practicing 'Illusion Sword Technique' does not require specially prepared weapons that can transmit chakra.

The main test is the coordination of 'Sharingan Genjutsu' and 'Sword Technique', and this is also practiced.

However, precisely for this reason, practicing 'phantom sword technique' requires more chakra than simply practicing 'sword technique'.

For this reason, Qing Ming had no choice but to separate part of the chakra he retained daily for the practice of this skill.

Fortunately, it does not consume too much chakra. With his current chakra of more than 60,000 points, it is enough to sustain him for a long time.

In other words, as long as you take a half-day break and use the chakra recovered during this period to replenish yourself, you can solve this problem very well.

Normally, the chakra he consumes outside of practicing skills is replenished in this way.

Although this will slow down his progress to a certain extent, in general, it is still acceptable.

In addition, this also allows him to have some rest time.

Combining work and rest is the way to go!

Qingming would not be tense all the time.


In a flash, time came to night.

The task of the shadow clone has been completed. After Qingming digested all the training experience and memories, he returned to the forward base.

Walking into the courtyard under the moonlight, Qingming suddenly paused, and his Sharingan opened instantly, looking at the corner of the courtyard.


Suddenly, a cat's cry came.

Qingming's heart moved, and he walked over, and immediately saw a big cat with pure black fur licking its paws there.

Seeing Qingming coming, the big cat did not leave in fear, but raised its head and looked at Qingming.

Its eyes did not have the ignorance of ordinary cats, but only the wisdom of human eyes.

Its eyes stayed on Qingming's Sharingan for a moment, and then it said: "Uchiha Qingming?"

Yes, the other party spoke.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary cat, but a ninja cat.

Hearing the other party's question, Qingming nodded and said, "It's me!"

After getting a positive answer, Black Cat breathed a sigh of relief and said with a slightly complaining tone: "Where have you been? Why did you come back now? I have been waiting for a long time."

"What's the matter?"

Qingming ignored the other party's complaints and went straight to the point.

Hearing this, Black Cat spit out a note and said, "The person you are looking for has been found. Grandma asked me to give this to you."

"Grandma Cat."

Qingming murmured, and instantly thought of the matter of asking Elder Huoxuan before leaving.

Now it seems that the leader of the Artisan Country has been found, and the Kusanagi sword that he has been thinking about should also be available.

Thinking of this, Qingming picked up the note and saw that it was indeed an address.

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