Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 297 Confirmation

After controlling Aburame Ryoma, Qingming did not rush to kill him, but instead lifted his mask.

Although he has never seen Aburame Ryoma and does not know his true appearance, the iconic purple mark at the corner of his mouth still proves his identity.

Qingming didn't waste any time. He immediately formed seals with his hands, used all his strength to use the 'Genjutsu: Sharingan', and began to guide Aburame Ryoma to show his memories.

It has to be said that Aburame Ryoma's will is really tenacious and his mental power is very strong, but all of this still has little effect under his Mangekyou Sharingan.

Soon, the other party's memory was displayed in front of him.

Unfortunately, using the 'Genjutsu Sharingan' to read memories is a trick after all. There are curse seals in many places in the opponent's memory, making it impossible to read them.

Among them, the most typical one is the ‘seal that eliminates the root cause of tongue troubles’.

Under the blockade of this curse seal, many things about Danzo in his mind could not only not be spoken out, but also could not be viewed.

In addition, there are many secret missions at the root, which are also sealed, and the relevant memories cannot be read.

In the end, Qingming could only get some fragmented memories, such as the specific location of Gen's headquarters base in Konoha, the structure inside, and so on.

Maybe these things will be of some use to him later, but for now

Qing Ming shook his head and threw them into the memory corner.

Now, he wants to know, what is going on with this mission?

As soon as the thought came to mind, Qing Ming continued to guide the other party to show the relevant memories.

Perhaps because this mission was not over yet and the other party's relevant memories had not been sealed, he quickly obtained some information.

Just as he guessed, the person who had been spying on him in the past few days was indeed the root ninja, or to be more precise, the other party.

Through memory, Qing Ming knew that the other party was monitoring his actions through a reconnaissance ninjutsu called 'Secret Technique: Destruction Bug'.

It must be said that he is one of the most outstanding intruders in the history of the root organization.

Originally, the detection range of this technique was only a few hundred meters, but after improvements, it can actually be monitored from a distance of two to three kilometers.

No wonder neither his Sharingan nor the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan in the team could detect it!

It's strange to be able to find it from such a long distance!

In addition, they also got the general route of their trip from Orochimaru, and arranged bugs for the spell along the way in advance.

In this way, it is even more hidden.

Unfortunately, this ninjutsu needs to be performed in conjunction with the parasite, otherwise he would be able to master a powerful reconnaissance ninjutsu.

Shaking his head, Qing Ming continued to read the other party's memory.

Soon, a look of anger appeared on his face.

From the other party's memory, Qingming finally determined that this mission was the order given by Danzo.

If that's all, that's it.

The key is that the other party had planned to take action months ago.

Unfortunately, the offensive at Iwagakure was too fierce and the situation on the front line was unstable. Orochimaru rejected his proposal, which caused the plan to be delayed.

Fortunately it was postponed, otherwise he wouldn't have activated the Mangekyo Sharingan at that time!

It would be really difficult to deal with tonight's Mist Ninja lineup.

Silently, Qingming made another note for Danzo in the notebook.

In addition, what he didn't expect was that Orochimaru had a hand in this matter.

However, thinking about it, not to mention that the other party has not left the root organization yet, and is still nominally Danzo's subordinate, and needs to obey the other party's orders on some things.

He alone is the commander-in-chief of Konoha on the battlefield in the Land of Rain. Without his cooperation, it would be impossible to mobilize the two well-known Jonin, namely him and Uchiha Shisui.

Therefore, it is normal for the other party to participate.

In this regard, Qing Ming of course chose to write a note to the other party.

However, this ambush in Kirigakure Village had little to do with the other party.


Qing Ming opened his eyes and murmured.

According to Aburame Ryoma's memory, their course of action was passed to Kirigakure Village through a root ninja code-named 'No Face'.

As for who the faceless person is?

Aburame Ryoma didn't know much either. She only knew that the other party was a member of the Root Organization who broke into a dark room in Kirigakure Village, and his status seemed to be quite high.

Qing meditated for a while and felt that this information was of little use, so he stopped paying attention to it.

At this point, he had read through the useful parts of Aburame Ryoma's memory.

For others, let alone his half-hearted ability to read minds, even if the chief of the mountain clan, who is proficient in the secret arts of the mind, comes, it will take a lot of effort.

Qing Ming naturally gave up.

With this thought, Qing Ming formed a seal with his hands and performed the 'Chakra Absorption Technique'.

The next moment, a large amount of chakra flowed out of his body, transformed into his chakra through the meridians of his palms, and was replenished into his body.


Outside, Aburame Ryoma seemed to feel a bit of pain and groaned unconsciously.

However, even so, he was not free from the illusion.

The power of the perfect state of 'Genjutsu Sharingan' blessed by the Mangekyo Sharingan is evident when he exerts it with all his strength.

Almost twenty seconds later, the chakra in Aburame Ryoma's body was drained by him, and he also drained a lot of her mental and physical energy.

Being so squeezed in a short period of time, the other party's body could not bear it, and he lost his life on the spot. He died quietly.


Qingming let go, and the body of Aburame Ryoma fell heavily to the ground.

Then, Qingming quickly completed the seal and performed the "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique", burning the opponent's body into charcoal.

Not only him, but also the bodies of several other Root Ninjas, as well as the bodies of Kuroki Raiga and Biwa Juzo, were all handled by him in this way.

Qingming was about to leave, and suddenly seemed to remember something. He stared at the Sharingan and looked around, and saw many parasitic bugs flying.

That's right, after Aburame Ryoma died, these bugs are still alive.

Although the Aburame clan and the parasitic bugs signed a contract, they are equal. They use their own chakra to feed these bugs, and these bugs fight for them.

Therefore, the death of one party will not have much impact on the other party.

Of course, if no one comes to collect these bugs for a period of time, they will also die due to lack of chakra supply.

However, Qingming didn't want to take this risk. What if the ninjas of the Aburame clan could get some information from these parasitic bugs?

So, just in case, he decided to kill all these bugs.

Without the control of the ninjas, these bugs that gathered together because of instinct were really easy to deal with. After just a few "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique", all the parasitic bugs that could be seen in the field were cleared by him.

Finally, Qingming looked at the silent battlefield and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he left without looking back.

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