Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 277 Departure and Notice

After a brief exchange with Uchiha Shisui, Qingming returned to the crowd.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, the team was assembled.

Qing Ming glanced at the crowd. There were seventy people in total. They were a standard ninja brigade with a captain and a deputy captain.

It has four squads, each with seventeen people and a squad leader, and four squads or combat teams.

Qingming and Uchiha Shisui are the captains of the first and second squads. Each of them is in charge of four squads, with a total of sixteen people.

Of course, not every detachment leader is a real jounin. The captains of the third and fourth detachments are just special jounin.

In addition, the squad leaders of two of the four squads in each unit are special jounin.

In this way, including the captain and deputy captain at the Jonin level, for a total team of seventy people, there are only four real Jonin, ten special Jonin, and the remaining fifty-six are all Chuunin.

From here alone, it can be seen that Konoha's high-end combat power is somewhat insufficient.

Logically speaking, for such an elite team, the team captains should all be real jonins, and the squad leaders and squad leaders should all be special jonins.

But the fact is that only half of the four squad leaders and 16 squad leaders met the requirements.

However, the current configuration is quite amazing compared to ordinary troops.

After all, in a team of seventy people, there are fourteen jounin alone, and there are no genin, which is simply unimaginable in ordinary troops.

However, it is precisely this kind of configuration that has the meaning of support. Otherwise, if we send a bunch of genin there, what is the difference between sending food?

Just when Qing Ming was thinking wildly, the captain had completed the mission statement and arranged the positions and responsibilities of each team in the upcoming trip.

Qingming's strongest first detachment took the lead, Uchiha Shisui's second detachment was behind, and the weaker third and fourth detachments were in the middle.

Qing Ming had no objection to this arrangement.

Rather than passively accepting, he still likes to hold the initiative in his hands, so taking the lead suits him just fine.

Everything is ready and the team sets off.

Following Qing Ming's order, his four teams were once again divided into a "one-two-one" formation and began to explore the way forward.

Next, they would first return to the Country of Fire, and then move along the northern border of the Country of Fire, eventually spanning less than half of the Country of Fire and heading to the southeastern coast.

During this trip, the time spent in the Land of Fire was relatively safe, while the other two periods were not so good.

If Danzo wants to cause trouble, he will have a very good opportunity outside the Land of Fire or before arriving on the battlefield.

Of course, the opponent might also wait for him to arrive at the Kirigakure battlefield before taking action.

In short, there are various possibilities, and he must deal with them carefully.


In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Qing Ming and others traveled lightly and traveled for more than ten hours every day. Today they finally left the Kingdom of Rain and entered the Kingdom of Fire.

During this period, Qing Ming was still worried about being attacked, but things went smoothly beyond expectations, and she encountered no trouble along the way.

However, it was this calmness that gave Qing Ming a sense of urgency that a storm was coming.

However, when he thought about his own strength, he relaxed again.

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten.

With his current strength, as long as he is careful and doesn't capsize in the gutter, he doesn't have to worry about Danzo's secret hand.

"Okay, that's it for today!"

Seeing that time was almost up, Qing Ming directly ordered the team to stop.

Soon, three detachments from the rear also arrived.

Instead of lighting a fire to make food, everyone took out the military food pills one by one, stuffed them into their mouths, replenished their chakra and physical strength, and then started to rest.

However, Qing Ming did not rest immediately. He dodged a few times and came to the branch of a big tree, sitting cross-legged.

After feeling the chakra in his body and confirming that it was still very abundant, he began to practice the 'Reflecting Heart Technique'.

If the 'Palm Immortal Technique' can be performed while on the road, then the 'Reflecting Heart Technique' can only be performed while stopping.

As for the reason

It's very simple. The process of this technique taking effect will stimulate the Sharingan, which requires him to constantly adapt. During this period, his vision will be affected to a certain extent.

Therefore, I can only stop and perform.

Time passes minute by minute.

Soon, it was late at night.

Qing Ming finally stopped practicing and began to seize the time to rest.

Qingming has been like this every day for the past two days. During the day, he rushes to perform the 'Palm Senjutsu' to strengthen his body, and at night he rests and practices the 'Yingxin no Jutsu' to promote the evolution of the Sharingan.

It can be said that not a minute or a second of time was wasted.

The only pity is that during the mission, he couldn't use the 'Shadow Clone Technique' to practice other skills. This resulted in nearly 40,000 points of chakra that he had no place to use every day.

This made Qing Ming feel distressed.

Fortunately, this situation will not last long. After arriving at the Kirigakure battlefield, you can resume your previous practice arrangements.

A night of silence.


the next day.

early morning.

Everyone washed up casually, took a few more soldiers' food pills, and then started on the road.

According to the plan, they would spend the next four days traveling through half of the Fire Country, and finally reach their destination on the fifth day.

That is, the southeast coast.

Originally, he thought that the journey within the Fire Country would be safer.

However, only half a day passed before Qing Ming noticed something was wrong.


Qing Ming fiercely raised his right arm, signaling for everyone to stop.

Then, he opened his Sharingan and glanced around.

However, nothing was found.

When the dozen or so Konoha ninjas behind him saw his movements, they also became vigilant and scanned the surroundings, but found no problems either.

After a while, a special jounin from the Hyuga clan came forward and asked, "Captain, do you have any questions?"

"There's something spying."

Qing Mingyan replied concisely and concisely.

Yes, just now, he suddenly felt something peeping at him, but after opening his Sharingan, he found nothing.

Withdrawing his gaze, Qingming looked at the special Jōnin of the Hyuga clan who asked the question, and said: "Feihua, use your Byakugan to scan around to see if there are any enemies or other things hiding."

Hearing this, Hinata Feihua didn't have any nonsense. She immediately concentrated her attention, opened her white eyes, and scanned the surroundings carefully.

However, after a while, she withdrew her gaze, shook her head at Qing Ming, and said, "Captain, I've looked around, and there's no one there."

"What about the other stuff?"

Qing Ming asked unwillingly.

"There's nothing special except some normal flora and fauna."

Hinata Feika continued to shake her head.

However, Qing Ming did not believe that it was his illusion just now. He could only say that the enemy was hidden too deeply.

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