Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 275 Redistribution

With the decision made, Qing Ming naturally no longer wasted time. He raised his hands, formed the "ren" seal, and instantly performed the shadow clone technique.

Bang bang bang~

With a burst of chakra smoke exploding, five figures appeared in front of him.

Qing Ming looked at two of them and ordered them to practice 'Wind Release: Wind Blade' and 'Rasengan'.

Although he now has the 'Wind Release: Rasen Shuriken', the 'Rasengan' as the basis cannot be left behind.

In addition, the current level of his 'Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken' is still too low and not fully completed, making it difficult to be effective in actual combat.

Therefore, as the only means of strong attack, ‘Wind Escape·Wind Blade’ cannot be left behind.

In fact, as long as his "Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken" completion degree does not reach 100% in one day and he has the ability to attack from the body, then he cannot relax in practicing "Wind Release: Wind Blade".

As for the level of 'Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken', now that you can attack from a distance, should you continue to use 'Wind Release: Wind Blade'?

Qing Ming estimated that by then, his 'Wind Release: Wind Blade' would have been perfected long ago, and there would be no need to consider this issue at all.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind. Qing Ming sent the two shadow clones away, and then looked at the third person.

Without Qing Ming's instructions, the shadow clone took the initiative and said: "Then I should be practicing 'Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken', right?"


Qing Ming nodded.

"All right!"

The shadow clone shrugged and walked aside.

There is no doubt that practicing the 'Wind Release Spiral Shuriken' is undoubtedly the most demanding, but as a part of Qing Ming, he has no complaints.

As for the remaining two people, they were prepared by Qing Ming for practicing 'Water Release: Water Formation Wall' and 'Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique'.

The former has already made a breakthrough from zero to one. All he needs to do next is to continue to accumulate experience and turn it into panel proficiency through his hands at regular intervals.

As for the latter, the other party needs to explore it on their own.

Qing Ming didn't have high requirements for him. He only needed to succeed once before noon.

After arranging the training tasks for the five shadow clones, he also found a place and began to practice the 'Palm Immortal Technique' to strengthen his body.

However, after reducing the frequency of use of 'Human Control' in this process, his practice efficiency inevitably dropped a lot.

Even though more than twenty days have passed, his body still shows no signs of transformation.

Qing Ming felt it carefully and estimated that it would take at least half a month for his body to reach the critical point of transformation.

It took a little over a month in total. To be honest, this speed is not slow anymore.

After all, it took a month to raise the 'Physique' from 13 points to 14 points. Now it has been raised from 15 points to 16 points. Naturally, it cannot be shorter than this.

If he hadn't occasionally used 'Human Control' to guide him, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been so 'fast'.

Gathering his mind, Qing Ming stopped thinking too much and began to concentrate on practicing.


In a flash, several hours passed.

It's approaching noon.

After his body collapsed three times, the shadow clone responsible for practicing the 'Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique' finally succeeded.

Qing Ming opened his eyes and looked at the shadow clone not far away, and saw a water dragon slowly condensing in front of it.

Although the water dragon only lasted less than half a second before turning into a splash of water, Qing Ming still nodded with satisfaction.

Because this can be considered a success.

The lv0 stage is originally the process of getting started. It is normal to be unstable. All you need to do is complete the breakthrough from zero to one.

Taking advantage of the fact that the shadow clone had the deepest understanding now, Qing Ming directly lifted the 'shadow clone technique' and turned the other party's practice experience into his own qualifications.

After closing his eyes for a moment, Qing Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately, his hands were like butterflies piercing flowers, quickly forming seals, and finally successfully reproduced the 'Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique'.

However, it didn't last even a second before it collapsed.

But it doesn't matter, because he has completed the breakthrough from zero to one, and all he needs next is his liver.


Qing Ming flicked his wrist.

This extra long forty-four seals still made him a little uncomfortable.

Just now, it took him seven or eight seconds to complete the seal. If this was put into actual combat, it would probably be enough for the enemy to kill him several times.

However, this is caused by the inherent shortcomings of this technique.

Even Kakashi and Zabuza later took four seconds to successfully perform this technique.

Although this speed is nearly twice as fast as his, it is not very practical to be reasonable.

Four seconds, given to him, was enough for him to complete his counterattack.

Only by simplifying this technique into two or three seals like Senju Tobirama, and achieving a certain sense of "instant", can it be considered to be truly of practical significance.

Otherwise, you have to find the opportunity to perform the technique.

In Qing Ming's opinion, this kind of ninjutsu that requires waiting for opportunities to be performed is not up to standard.

Maybe his vision is too high, but it is undeniable that those ninjutsu that he has perfected can indeed achieve effects similar to 'instant'.

Because of this, Qing Ming's standards for "can be used in actual combat" are somewhat high.

Fortunately, the 'Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique' can be continuously optimized and improved in subsequent upgrades, otherwise it might really be abandoned by him.


Just keep working hard!

However, now that all the ninjutsu that was planned to be learned have been learned, it is time to redistribute the chakra.


With a thought, Qingming opened the proficiency panel.

The next moment, a light blue light screen appeared.

[Name: Uchiha Qingming

Age: 12 years old

Physique: 15

Spirit: 19

Chakra: 45500 (54964→57780)

Bloodline: Sharingan·Mangekyo (2177/50000)→(2689/50000)

Skills: Chakra Refining Technique: lv5 (939/5000)→lv5 (1027/5000)

Wind Style·Wind Blade: lv6 (1/10000) ) → lv6 (765/10000)

* Wind Style·Rasenshuriken: lv1 (35/200)

* Water Style·Water Array Wall: lv1 (84/100)

* Water Style·Water Dragon Bullet Technique: lv0 (1/100)

Shadow Clone Technique: lv4 (1/2000) → lv4 (165/2000)

Chakra Absorption Technique: lv5 (3550/5000)

Rasengan: lv6 (120 /10000)→lv6(902/10000)

Palm Immortal Technique:lv7(16610/20000)→lv7(18050/20000)

Chakra Scalpel:lv5(1200/5000)

Heart Reflection Technique:lv7(11414/20000)→lv7(12950/20000)

Sword Technique:lv6(9050/10000)→lv6( 9410/10000)

Phantom Sword Technique: lv4 (350/2000) → lv4 (701/2000)

Instant Sword Technique: lv1 (162/200)

Chakra Control: lv5 (2050/5000) → lv5 (2160/5000)

Perfect Skills: 】

Looking at the three new skills on the panel, Qingming thought for a moment and kept the 10,000 chakras invested in ‘Wind Style: Rasenshuriken’ unchanged.

As for ‘Water Style: Water Array Wall’ and ‘Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique’.

Qingming decided to extract another 3,000 chakras from ‘Wind Style: Wind Blade’ and ‘Rasengan’ and distribute them equally.

In this way, there are only 10,000 chakras left for practicing ‘Wind Style: Wind Blade’ and ‘Rasengan’.

Correspondingly, ‘Water Style: Water Array Wall’ and ‘Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique’ will receive a total of 6,000 chakras.

In this way, these two skills can gain about 35 points of proficiency each day.

Although the improvement is relatively small, Qingming will invest the extra chakra obtained after arriving at the battlefield of Mist Hidden Mountain.

Therefore, the small improvement is only temporary.

In addition, with the two diversions, the proficiency of his "Wind Style·Wind Blade" and "Rasengan" that can be obtained every day has also dropped from the previous 220 points to the current 110 points.

There is also "Wind Style·Rasenshuriken".

Because each practice consumes a lot of energy, even if 10,000 points of chakra can be allocated every day, the proficiency obtained is only about 60 points.

As for the remaining "Palm Immortal Technique" and "Reflection Heart Technique", Qingming does not intend to move, and still invests 36,000 points and 30,000 points of chakra every day.

In this way, they can gain 240 points of proficiency and 192 points of proficiency respectively.

So far, the 100,020 points of chakra that he can recover every day have been distributed. If there are no major problems in the future, this method of distribution will continue.

After completing the distribution of chakra, Qingming felt that his thoughts were much clearer, and then he stopped wasting time and started practicing again.

I have something to do today, so the update is late, so I will update twice!

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