Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 271 Transfer Order

Another day later.

In the morning.

On the hill.

Qingming was practicing as usual.

Suddenly, a figure came quickly from a distance.

Although Qingming was practicing, he did not relax his perception of the surroundings.

Therefore, he found the other party at the first time, interrupted his practice, and lifted the "Shadow Clone Technique".

Suddenly, he was the only one left in the field.

After waiting for a while, the figure came in front of him. Qingming recognized the other party and knew that he was a messenger Chunin under Omura Yuito.

Tajima Yosuke forced himself to ignore the battlefield-like environment around him, and came straight to Qingming, respectfully saying: "Qingming Jonin, the captain asked you to go back immediately."

"Let me go back."

Qingming frowned slightly when he heard this, and asked: "Do you know what it is?"

Tajima Yosuke shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Seeing this, Qingming thought: "Could it be that there is something unusual with the Rock Ninja?"

"But according to the latest intelligence yesterday, the Rock Ninja seems to have not completed the deployment, so they shouldn't launch an attack so quickly?"

"What is going on?"

Qingming was full of doubts.

Just as he was thinking, Tajima Yosuke's voice came again: "Qingming Jonin?"


Qingming came back to his senses and stopped thinking about it. He got up and packed up his equipment, and returned to Shuanghe Town with the other party.

He figured it out. Instead of making random guesses here, it would be better to go back and ask Omura Yuito directly, so as to save him from wasting brain cells.


Half an hour later.

In Shuanghe Town.

Qingming walked out of the command center with a suspicious look on his face.

From Omura Yui, he already knew that the other party was so anxious to call him back, not because there was something unusual with the Rock Ninja, but because the base camp had just sent a transfer order for him to return to the base camp immediately.

As for what to do after returning, the transfer order did not specify, but just asked him to go back as soon as possible.

This made Qingming more confused.

Inexplicably, Qingming had a bad feeling in his heart, as if someone was plotting against him in secret.

Although this was just an intuition, for some reason, Qingming always felt that this was the truth.

But no matter how much he thought about it, he did not connect this matter with the urgent call back from the base camp.

"Am I suffering from paranoia?"

Qingming laughed at himself.

But no matter what, he must be more careful next time.

Although there are not many people in the ninja world who can beat him with his current strength, just in case, he should be cautious when he should act.

Qingming did not want to capsize in the gutter.

By the way, he also wanted to know who was plotting against him behind his back.

"I hope it's not you."

Qingming muttered, and a sinister face flashed through his mind.

After returning to his residence, Qingming quickly packed up his luggage, then left Shuanghe Town and rushed to the base camp.


Time went back one day.

Base camp.

Inside the headquarters.

After finishing his official duties for today, Orochimaru rubbed his temples tiredly, drank a sip of water, and returned to his residence.

However, as soon as he lifted the curtain of the tent, his steps stopped, and a dangerous light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment, he seemed to have discovered something, and then he returned to normal.

Orochimaru walked into the tent, lowered the curtain, and sat quietly at the table.

The tent was dark, without a sound.


After a long time, Orochimaru suddenly let out a creepy laugh, and then said: "Since the old friend is here, come out!"


As Orochimaru finished speaking, a sound like insects crawling came.

No, not like, there are really a bunch of insects crawling.

Then, in the dark, in the corner of the tent, a group of insects smaller than sesame seeds crawled out.

Then, these bugs gathered together, accompanied by a wave of chakra, and turned into a figure wearing a black cloak.

Orochimaru looked at the other party, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, and directly called out his name: "Ryoma."

That's right, the person who came was none other than Danzo's right-hand man - Aburame Ryoma, and the bug just now was not an ordinary bug, but a parasitic bug of the Aburame clan.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Aburame Ryoma slightly raised his head, revealing his face under the cloak, rigid and serious.

Aburame Ryoma had no intention of greeting and reminiscing with Orochimaru, his old partner, and directly said: "Orochimaru, the situation on the Rock Ninja front has stabilized. When will you execute the order of Lord Danzo?"


A strange color flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

More than two months ago, Danzo secretly sent him a message, asking him to transfer two Uchiha clan brats to the dangerous Mist Hidden Battlefield.

However, the situation at the Iwagakure front was unstable at the time, and these two people showed good combat power and played a pivotal role in their respective defense lines.

So, for the sake of the overall situation, Orochimaru refused.

And Danzo seemed to understand the situation at the front and did not urge.

This delay lasted for nearly three months.

Originally, Orochimaru almost forgot about these two people.

Unexpectedly, Danzo mentioned them again today.

This made Orochimaru feel a little curious about the two of them - what was the situation that made Danzo so targeted?

However, the current Orochimaru has not been 'instantly killed' by Uchiha Itachi, and he is not so obsessed with the Sharingan.

So, just a little curious.

He was reluctant to fall out with Danzo over this.

So, he thought for a while and said: "I will arrange for them to go to the Kirigakure battlefield as soon as possible, as for what happens next"

Before Orochimaru could finish speaking, Aburame Ryoma interrupted coldly: "You don't need to worry about the rest of the matter."

"Hehehe~, this is the best!"

Orochimaru licked his lips and smiled.

The matter was done, Aburame Ryoma stopped lingering, and his figure turned into a group of parasites again and disappeared into the tent.

Watching the other party's leaving figure, Orochimaru sat there for a while, then got up and left the tent, returning to the headquarters.

Instead of going to the office, he went straight to the archives.

The chuunin in charge of the guard saw Orochimaru approaching and quickly greeted him.

Orochimaru responded calmly and walked into the archives room.

Soon, the mission files related to Qingming and Uchiha Shisui were placed on the table.

Orochimaru flipped through these files carefully, with a strange color flashing in his eyes from time to time.

After a while, he put down the last file.

It was clearly recorded on it that Qingming defeated the Iwagakure Jōnin with one enemy at the Xiaotani Village stronghold, and finally saved the stronghold.

"The body stops water instantly. Ghost Sword Qingming"

Orochimaru murmured these two names.

After a long time, he once again let out a strange laugh that was penetrating, and whispered to himself: "Duanzo, I wonder if you can subdue these two geniuses?"

There was a hint of excitement in his tone.

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