Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 269 A Quick Half Month

Unconsciously, the time has come to the afternoon of the next day.

Qingming and Hyuga Linghuo also arrived at the target base, which is a small town about 100 kilometers behind Fengliu Town, named Shuanghe Town.

This town is located on a plain, and there are two rivers converging outside, so it is named Shuanghe Town.

Next, they need to defend the entire front line with this small town base as the core.

Of course, it is not only them who are responsible for the defense, but also the second-line troops originally located here.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at Shuanghe Town from a distance, Qingming did not choose to go over, but said to Hyuga Linghuo: "Linghuo, take a look, is there any problem."

Although he can roughly see the situation of the town with the help of the Sharingan, and is basically sure that there is no problem there, but just in case, it is safer to let Hyuga Linghuo take a look.

After all, the Byakugan is professional in this area.

Hearing his words, Hyuga Linghuo did not waste words, nodded, raised his hand directly to concentrate, and opened the Byakugan.

In an instant, veins popped up beside his eyes, and a faint blue color appeared in the pure white pupils of Hinata Linghuo, and a black mark appeared.

This is the sign of the opening of the Byakugan.

Qingming glanced at it and then retracted his gaze.

On the side, Hinata Linghuo looked at Shuanghe Town from a distance. After a moment, he closed his Byakugan, nodded at Qingming, and said, "No problem."

Hearing this, Qingming was completely relieved and said, "Well, just send a message to the main force and say that everything is normal!"


Hinata Linghuo responded, quickly took out a pen and paper, and explained the situation here.

Then, he took out a palm-sized green bird from his arms and stuffed the information into the letter box on its leg.

Then, he threw it with both hands and let it fly away.

The messenger bird flapped its wings, circled in the air for a few circles, and after making a crisp bird cry, it flew in the direction it came from.

This is the summoned beast of a Konoha ninja in the large army. Although it has no combat power, it is very useful for transmitting information.

When it flew out of sight, Hyuga Linghuo retracted his gaze, looked at Qingming, pointed at Shuanghe Town, and said: "Qingming, are we going there?"

Hearing this, Qingming pondered for a while, and finally shook his head and said: "Forget it, let's wait for the large army to come, and then go together."

This is not that Qingming is worried about any problems in Shuanghe Town.

After his Sharingan and Hyuga Linghuo's Byakugan inspection, if there are still problems, then these two great pupil techniques will be wasted.

Qingming is mainly afraid of trouble!

Although there is no problem with their reconnaissance team's credentials to enter the town in the end, verification will take time after all.

Qingming didn't want to waste this time and energy, so he simply waited for the large army to come, and then went in together, anyway, it wouldn't take too long.

About two hours later, near dusk, accompanied by the sound of wheels rolling, the large army finally arrived.

That is, the large army is full of ninjas, and their physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, it would take at least two or three days to transport such a large amount of supplies from Fengliu Town, which is a hundred kilometers away.

And what about them?

It took only more than ten hours, which is quite fast.

When the team approached, Qingming and Hinata Linghuo appeared, and after verifying their identities, they rejoined the team.

The large force continued to move forward, and soon they were discovered by the patrol force from Shuanghe Town, and the two sides began to negotiate.

There is one advantage of joining the large force, that is, Qingming does not have to worry about miscellaneous matters, and there are corresponding personnel to come forward.

Soon, the negotiations between the two sides were completed, and Qingming and others entered Shuanghe Town in a short time.

Looking at this town, which is slightly larger than Fengliu Town, Qingming secretly said: "I don't know how long this town can be defended?"


Time flies, and the years pass by.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Since entering Shuanghe Town, the war seemed to be far away from them. For a full half month, Qingming did not receive any combat missions.

However, he knew it was just an illusion.

The reason why it was so peaceful in the past half month was that the Rock Ninja was still digesting the newly acquired territory and rebuilding the defense line.

After completing these tasks, they will inevitably be greeted by more fierce attacks.

But no matter what, he at least got a rare and stable time for cultivation.

Qingming did not waste this time. Every day, he was either practicing or on the way to practice, which seemed extremely busy.

Others were not surprised by this. At most, they sighed: No wonder he has such strength at such a young age. It turns out that it is all fought for!

Even because of his leadership, some ninjas practiced harder than before.

However, these have nothing to do with Qingming.

He still does his own things every day, meticulously implements his own practice plan, and silently improves the level of each skill.

That evening.

On a low mountain not far from Shuanghe Town.

Qingming sat cross-legged on a huge rock, performing the "Reflection Heart Technique" over and over again, pushing the Sharingan to evolve continuously.

In the forest not far behind him, four shadow clones each occupied an area, thinking and practicing "Wind Style: Wind Blade" and "Rasengan".

Unlike the quietness of the main body, the shadow clones were making a lot of noise.

From time to time, one or two wind blades would fly out, or there would be the sound of a ‘Rasengan’ exploding when it hit the target.

The nearby trees and the ground had already been riddled with holes due to the destruction of these two skills, as if they had experienced a war.

As for the noise made by the shadow clones, Qingming seemed to be completely unaware of it, and he still sat there quietly.

This perfect fusion of movement and stillness, any painter who came here would have to praise the good artistic conception, and then quickly pick up the pen to paint and record this scene.

Unfortunately, no one dared to spy within Qingming’s training range, so naturally there were no painters.


After an unknown amount of time, Qingming suddenly stopped practicing the ‘Reflection Heart Technique’ and looked back at the four shadow clones who were practicing in the forest.

With a thought, he lifted the ‘Shadow Clone Technique’.

Then, the four figures turned into four groups of chakra smoke.

Then, a large amount of practice experience and memories poured into Qingming's mind.

With a strong spirit and will, Qingming suppressed the discomfort in his mind and began to organize and absorb these experiences and memories.

As this process progressed, the proficiency behind 'Wind Style: Wind Blade' and 'Rasengan' on his panel began to grow rapidly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At a certain moment, a sense of enlightenment suddenly emerged in his mind.

Qingming carefully comprehended it and suddenly felt that his understanding of 'Wind Style: Wind Blade' had risen to a higher level.

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