Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 263 Total Annihilation

Kurokawa Ichiro stopped about ten meters away from Qing Ming. He looked at the two burning corpses behind Qing Ming with a very ugly look on his face.

He was clear about Oguri Gen Asuka's plan, and he originally thought that even if he couldn't trap Uchiha Qingming, nothing big would happen.

I never thought that my life would be lost in one fell swoop.


‘What happened to the other party’s ‘flash’ just now? Space ninjutsu? ’

Kurokawa Ichiro was extremely confused.

At the same time, his fear of Qing Ming also deepened.

The two sides did not waste any time talking. As Kurokawa Ichiro threw the kunai in his hand, the battle broke out instantly.


Ding Dang Dang~

Because two people had been killed before, Qing Ming was not under great pressure. The overall strength of the remaining four people was not as good as Kanbara Nobunaga and others.

Although he does not plan to use the Mangekyō Sharingan this time, it does not mean that these four people can sustain it for too long.

Just a few minutes later, he seized the opportunity and pierced the abdomen of one of them with his sword, severely injuring him.

For this reason, he also had an extra cut on his body.

But this injury is nothing in Qing Ming's eyes.

Even the previous injury on the chest had already healed in just a few minutes, let alone such a small wound!

Qing Ming avoided Hei Feng's powerful punch, formed a seal with his hands, and instantly performed the 'Palm Immortal Technique', injecting the condensed Yang Escape Chakra into the vicinity of the wound.

Then, he met several Iwagakure Jonin again.

As the Iwa Ninja side was downsized again, his Sharingan genjutsu became more useful, and the pressure on Kurokawa Ichiro and others increased sharply.

Time passes minute by minute.

A few minutes later, Qingming found another opportunity and cut off half of the shoulder of the last Iwagakure special jounin with a sword, greatly reducing his combat power.

At this time, the only two true jonins on the Iwa Ninja side who still maintain full combat strength are Kurokawa Ichiro and Kurofu.

No, their condition is not complete either.

Qing Ming glanced around and found that the chakra in their bodies was less than one-third of what it was at its peak.

In this state, if you compete with him, the opponent will definitely lose in the end.

After thinking about this, Qing Ming stopped being anxious and spent some time with the other party.

Of course, the reason why he is so 'laid back' is because in other battlefields, with the joining of those Konoha Jonin, he has gradually regained his disadvantage.

Although the number of Iwa ninjas in the field still held an advantage, they were already at a disadvantage in terms of morale.

Especially Qingming's side, they killed several genin one after another, which put great psychological pressure on many genin in Iwagakure.

In this case, they can only use 60 to 70% of their 100% strength at most.

In this way, coupled with the key blows of several other Konoha jounin, the stronger Iwagakure chunin did not dare to step forward to boost morale, and the state became even worse.

It is precisely because of this that Qing Ming can spend time with Kurokawa Ichiro and others so 'leisurely'.

It is true that he can use the Mangekyou Sharingan to quickly kill these two people, and then rush into the Iwa Ninja team to relieve the pressure on the Konoha ninjas.

But why would he do this?

Not to mention that using the Mangekyou Sharingan will permanently damage his eyes, just being a nanny is not his character.

Yes, he planned to let his Konoha ninjas survive the Iwa ninja's attack, but he would never take over everything and do everything himself.

The most he can do is give them hope. Whether they can survive in the end depends on their own abilities.

More people may die this way, but Qing Ming has a clear conscience.

Gathering his mind, Qingming stopped thinking and began to deal with Kurokawa Ichiro and Kurofeng "wholeheartedly", as well as another half-disabled Iwagakure Special Jounin.

This time, he rarely used other methods and mostly used 'sword skills' to fight against the enemy. Only when he had no choice, he would use ninjutsu or illusion to save the enemy.

As for the reason

Naturally, he wanted to gain proficiency in ‘swordsmanship’ from them.

Although it is a waste of time, chakra cannot be wasted in vain.

Coincidentally, his proficiency in 'swordsmanship' has exceeded lv6 (6000/10000), and is not far from the perfect state of lv7.

Now is a good opportunity to brush up on proficiency, so I won’t miss it.

Ding Dang Dang~

The battle continues.

Soon, Kurokawa Ichiro, Kurofeng and others discovered the problem, and after further observation, they understood Qingming's plan.

Well, this is using them as a whetstone.

At this time, whether it was Kurokawa Ichiro, Kurofeng, or the half-disabled Iwagakure Special Jounin, their anger was rising, and they all attacked Qingming regardless of consumption.

For a time, Qing Ming's pressure increased sharply, but because of this, his proficiency in 'swordsmanship' increased rapidly.

Even Kurokawa Ichiro and others would never realize that as long as they were putting pressure on Qing Ming and fighting with him, they were helping him improve his proficiency.

In fact, the closer it is to the limit that Qingming Swordsmanship can handle, the better the effect will be.

Feeling the murderous intent in several people, Qing Ming almost didn't laugh out loud, but in order to prevent them from seeing the clues, he still suppressed his laughter.

But the way he tried to resist with a stern face gave Kurokawa Ichiro and others hope, so they worked harder.

Time passes minute by minute.

Qing Ming's 'swordsmanship' grew rapidly under such great pressure, and his proficiency was accumulated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Despite this, it is obviously not realistic to accumulate 4,000 proficiency points in one battle.

Moreover, the burst of Kurokawa Ichiro and others also has a limit.

At a certain moment, Qingming suddenly felt the pressure on his body relieved.

Looking closely, he saw Kurokawa Ichiro and others sweating on their foreheads and panting, looking weak after the burst.

Qingming's Sharingan moved slightly and swept towards their chests.

It can be seen that their chakras have basically been less than a quarter of their peak after this round of consumption.

Look at the Iwagakure middle and lower ninjas on the battlefield in the distance.

Their morale, which had just been aroused by the burst of Kurokawa Ichiro and others, was suppressed by the Konoha jonins, and their condition became worse.

The victory is determined!

'It's time to end this battle'

Thinking this way in his heart, Qingming no longer hesitated, and his chakra burst out, and with a 'flash body technique', he rushed directly towards Kurokawa Ichiro and others.

After he burst out with all his strength, the first to suffer was the half-crippled Iwagakure special jonin.

Qingming found an opportunity to control him with a ‘genjutsu·Sharingan’, and then hit his chest with a ‘Rasengan’, and he fell to the ground seriously injured on the spot.

As for Kurokawa Ichiro and Heifeng, they also suffered a bad fate.

They were attracted by the momentum of Qingming and wanted to escape, but they could not find a chance to escape in the hands of Qingming who burst out with all his strength.

Heifeng was cut off half of his neck by Qingming’s ‘Wind Style·Wind Blade’. Although he used the earth style ninjutsu in time, he still could not block the attack of the wind blade.

Facts have proved that Kurokawa Ichiro did not deliberately set a trap for him before, and Heifeng’s earth style ninjutsu could not defend against his wind blade attack.

After killing Heifeng, Kurokawa Ichiro was alone.

After only a dozen rounds, Qingming found an opportunity.

At the moment when the two sides' eyes met, Qingming used the 'Magic·Jail Hang Technique' and instantly controlled him in place.


The short sword in his hand pierced straight out and instantly pierced the opponent's heart.

With this, Kurokawa Ichiro died.

The last meaningful thing he did was, perhaps, at the last moment of his life, to give the order to retreat to the Iwagakure junior ninjas in the field.

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